// NSObject+DTRuntime.h
// DTFoundation
// Created by Oliver Drobnik on 4/25/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Cocoanetics. All rights reserved.
Methods to dynamically modify objects at runtime
@interface NSObject (DTRuntime)
@name Blocks
Adds a block to be executed as soon as the receiver's memory is deallocated
@param block The block to execute when the receiver is being deallocated
- (void)addDeallocBlock:(void (^)())block;
Adds a new instance method to a class. All instances of this class will have this method.
The block captures `self` in the calling context. To allow access to the instance from within the block it is passed as
parameter to the block.
@param selectorName The name of the method.
@param block The block to execute for the instance method, a pointer to the instance is passed as the only parameter.
@returns `YES` if the operation was successful
+ (BOOL)addInstanceMethodWithSelectorName:(NSString *)selectorName block:(void (^)(id))block;
@name Method Swizzling
Exchanges two method implementations. After the call methods to the first selector will now go to the second one and
vice versa.
@param selector The first method
@param otherSelector The second method
+ (void)swizzleMethod:(SEL)selector withMethod:(SEL)otherSelector;
Exchanges two class method implementations. After the call methods to the first selector will now go to the second one
and vice versa.
@param selector The first method
@param otherSelector The second method
+ (void)swizzleClassMethod:(SEL)selector withMethod:(SEL)otherSelector;