- 29 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
Sylvain Berfini authored
- 26 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
Simon Morlat authored
- 25 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
- 19 Nov, 2021 - 3 commits
Peio Rigaux authored
Do not attempt anymore to run Allure test report upload script on same directory of previous launch. It was useless (since Allure retries are evaluated within a tester execution) and confusing as the test job ids don't match - Use find -path option as we search for a path and not a file/directory. Keeping -name would fait silently in case of a retry/amend - Fixed several syntax errors (escape sequences) (cherry picked from commit 9ab02124)
Sylvain Berfini authored
- 18 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
QuentinArguillere authored
IOS: when activating the audio session, redirect audio route to match the settings of the API rather than the IOS default microphone+receiver pair
- 16 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
Julien Wadel authored
Directory API : allow to set data, config and download paths from factory. Keep fallback on old computation if paths are not set by the application.
- 15 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
Julien Wadel authored
A workaround before this fix is to set prefix before path.
- 11 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
Simon Morlat authored
- 10 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
QuentinArguillere authored
- 05 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
Simon Morlat authored
- 04 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
Julien Wadel authored
Add a way to change volume on ALSA with MSFilterAudioPlaybackInterface and MSFilterAudioCaptureInterface
- 03 Nov, 2021 - 1 commit
QuentinArguillere authored
'Added push notification informations' trace now properly display the parameters in legacy format if requested
- 02 Nov, 2021 - 2 commits
Julien Wadel authored
Sylvain Berfini authored
Updated liblinphone with fix to prevent sending IMDN for IMDNs + performance optimisation when parsing multiple IMDNs at once
- 28 Oct, 2021 - 2 commits
Simon Morlat authored
Fix possible REGISTER endless loop when 200 OK from REGISTER is not received through the same connection as the REGISTER.
QuentinArguillere authored
- 27 Oct, 2021 - 2 commits
Simon Morlat authored
Workaround 500 Overlapped request from Freeswitch due to inverted ACK and reINVITE requests in a conference scenario.
DanmeiChen authored
- 26 Oct, 2021 - 2 commits
Julien Wadel authored
Sylvain Berfini authored
- 25 Oct, 2021 - 2 commits
Sylvain Berfini authored
QuentinArguillere authored
When setting push tokens in the push configuration, set a flag to regenerate the pn-prid push parameters
- 21 Oct, 2021 - 3 commits
Generated gitdescribe file on all unix platforms so the test reports upload job will get the right version
Peio Rigaux authored
-Improved comments of report history generation -Simplified creation of directories -Noted limitations -Fixed test reports history gathering when there are already some for the current branch -Unified way to get SDK version in order to avoid delta between git describe in docker container and the git describe of the machine in charge of uploads
Andrea Gianarda authored
- 20 Oct, 2021 - 2 commits
Peio Rigaux authored
- Fixes long filenames deletion issue by batch gitlab-runner - Prepares future updates as gitlab batch runner is deprecated
- 19 Oct, 2021 - 2 commits
Julien Wadel authored
MagicSearch : Add a test on peer address of room before cloning it. It may be NULL if the peer address is not valid.
Julien Wadel authored
- 18 Oct, 2021 - 4 commits
Simon Morlat authored
François Grisez authored
Simon Morlat authored
Julien Wadel authored
- 14 Oct, 2021 - 4 commits
Simon Morlat authored
Fix compilation and execution with XCode 13.
Julien Wadel authored
QuentinArguillere authored
Mickaël Turnel authored
(cherry picked from commit f162d1ef)
- 12 Oct, 2021 - 1 commit