1. 29 Jul, 2021 - 2 commits
    • Julien Wadel's avatar
      Audio : avoid returning audio card if null is set. Fix getting capture card on... · a9ed3e86
      Julien Wadel authored
      Audio : avoid returning audio card if null is set. Fix getting capture card on setting input and not playback. Allow setting NULL device (case of no cards available). Fix tests to not take account of system audio cards (maybe need to be done directly on core creation) Fix UWP tester in case of xml wasn't needed.
      * Stop audio stream when setting new device and Filter don't implement MS_AUDIO_CAPTURE_SET_INTERNAL_ID and MS_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_SET_INTERNAL_ID. This fix allow changing device on Desktop while ringback.
      * Add Audio stream stop count for tests.
      * Change audio_stream_set_<input/output>_ms_snd_card prototype to know if MS_AUDIO_CAPTURE_SET_INTERNAL_ID/MS_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_SET_INTERNAL_ID have been called in filters.
      * Add debug feedback when setting card.
    • Julien Wadel's avatar
      Remove multiple lines in debug logs on UWP. · 7a5bc3dd
      Julien Wadel authored
      Install docs only if requested (This is a workaround to having a path with too many characters on Windows where it is not needed to have docs).
      Export 2 liblinphone_tester functions to allow UWP to use them for fixing dns resolver. Fix dns resolver on UWP tester that didn't point to the right IP.
      Wasapi : Add default card only if it exists.
  2. 30 Mar, 2021 - 1 commit
  3. 16 Mar, 2021 - 1 commit
    • Julien Wadel's avatar
      Feature : Nuget and UWP · c4863f01
      Julien Wadel authored
      - Fix crash on exiting OpenGL while the mode wasn't set adn clean created window if using MS_FILTER_VIDEO_NONE after MS_FILTER_VIDEO_AUTO
      - Fix auto shutdown server, xml and log files
      - Auto end tester server when there are no more processes
      - Stop UWP tester when there are no arguments
      - Fix CI results file name
      - ortp : Windows Fix : join multicast group by binding on wild card interface first (if error)
      - reduce jobs when testing UWP
      - Set MTU receive buffer to 4000 when using L16 - On tester keep an instance of LinphoneCall while doing test on it - UWP Tetser : Fix log file on childs
      - MSMediaFoundation : Closong buffer when done, don't use a frame where the buffer size mismatch with the frame size. Add more exception managment
      - Remove stuck folders (generated protected AppPackages)
      - CI : remove binaries before building
      - Revert absolute path on writable folder as it should be passed in tester parameters (xml/log)
      - Windows tester : Propagate xml and log file to childs
      - UWP tester : pass xml file and log file to lib tester
      - Windows job : Clean processes before and after scripts
      - Reduce priority on Windows Tester processes
      - Use call command for Jenkins
      - Kill remaining uwp instances with taskkill
      Tester UWP : add missing PATH
      - start process without keep mode
      - end process and retrieve logs
      - Remove dll hard depends and use robocopy commands
      - Reduce spamming message being late on ticks (divided by 10) and Fix test crashes
      - Ensure to have a value on cmake condition
      - Fix get media configuration in case of there are no configs
      - Fix BCUnit : reduce probability to have same rand() between processes
      - Revert to 10 process in testers for Windows
      - Fix MediaFoundation : Fallback to shared access on device when it is not available for exclusive mode
      - UWP tester : USe Robocopy for copy files in VS project
      - UWP tester : Remove reg file and do changes from script. Automatize package ID permissions
      - UWP Tester : CI integration
      - Prepare for MSVC Win64, decaf still cannot be built on x64: use CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARCHITECTURE_ID instead of CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR. This a bug from cmake where it is always set to AMD64. Use general 64bits
      - Fix nuget and UWP, use more generic frameworks, prepare CI UWP tests, add UWP tester (client/server)
      - Add UWP tests with $ENABLE_WINDOWS_UWP_TESTS flag (CI)
      - Add ogl rendering inside core iteration
      - embed 3 binaries in nuget (win32, win32 for Store, UWP)
      - Add commands to linphone-daemon : videopreview, videodisplay-set, videodisplay-get. Fix doxygen wrapper Remove Qt Open GL from liblinphone,Create msqogl shared library, add an OpenGl function to get Display, create window if needed on Linux, embed a part of fonctionnalities from glx
      - Reset rpath on Mac for Qt libraries and remove Qt from default build
      - FIX : return a pointer when calling getNativeVideoWindowId or getNativePreviewVideoWindowId
      - FIX : keep the same behaviour than getNativeVideoWindowId for preview : return the result of medistreamer2 if not bufferized
      - Add ENABLE_QT_GL to do links with Qt libraries (if needed by mediastreamer2)
      - Add documentation on window_id functions
      - Add MSQOGL filter : A Qt OpenGL display filter
      - Add missing enable in linphone builder
      - Add Qt filter flag for linphone and mediastreamer2
      - Build Qt filter (MSQOGL) for desktop
      - OpenGL : Add header and getInteger function
      - Allow SDK selection for nuget
      - Use 3 frameworks for nuget (uap,win,netcore)
      - Set MSOGL as default filter for Desktops
      - Update Licences
      - Fix build on VPX, Decaf, UWP options
      - Fix memory leak in Soci
      - Rewrite bctbx_string_to_wide_string to return allocated string
      - Use unchanged libturbo-jpeg project (bc)
      - Remove upload of UWP zip as it is in nuget (CI)
      - Can build package if we have specify at least one directory to retrieve ZIP
      - Replace rm by remove_directory for cmake
      - Remove win32 novideo build for all but nightly
      - Fix Nuget program detection
      - CI : Use one generic variable to set upload folder DEPLOY_ROOT_DIRECTORY
      - CI : Remove PACKAGE_RUN_WINDOWS and use DEPLOY_RUN_WINDOWS for all packages
      - CI : Upload on Nightly Release
      - Update squashed submodules
      - Fix cast error and remove MSWinRTVideo from CI
      - Build msmfoundationcap for all Windows platforms (Desktop/UWP)
      - UWP build in CI.
      - Add Linphone assets to nuget
      - Add packager in configuration
      - Add nuget jobs on CI
      - Build csharp wrapper from cmake
      - Move zip in linphone-sdk folder
      - Check if 7Z program exists when compressing
      - Add MSWinRTVideo library in MSWinRTVideo project
      - Fix nuget generator
      - Update submodules for UWP support (SOCI, Xerces, liblinphone, MS2)
  4. 09 Feb, 2021 - 1 commit
  5. 25 Jun, 2020 - 1 commit
  6. 03 Jun, 2020 - 1 commit
  7. 01 Jun, 2020 - 1 commit
  8. 06 May, 2020 - 1 commit
  9. 16 Jan, 2020 - 1 commit
  10. 30 Oct, 2019 - 1 commit
  11. 18 Oct, 2019 - 1 commit
  12. 15 Oct, 2019 - 1 commit
  13. 14 Oct, 2019 - 1 commit
  14. 11 Oct, 2019 - 1 commit
  15. 28 Sep, 2019 - 1 commit
  16. 10 May, 2019 - 1 commit
  17. 07 Mar, 2019 - 1 commit
  18. 19 Feb, 2019 - 3 commits
  19. 15 Feb, 2019 - 6 commits
  20. 11 Feb, 2019 - 1 commit
  21. 31 Jan, 2019 - 1 commit
  22. 30 Jan, 2019 - 1 commit
  23. 19 Dec, 2018 - 1 commit
  24. 17 Dec, 2018 - 1 commit
  25. 27 Nov, 2018 - 5 commits
  26. 26 Nov, 2018 - 3 commits