- 11 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
Sylvain Berfini authored
- 10 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
Sylvain Berfini authored
Updated liblinphone to add method to get conferences info for a given address only + use conferences info as source for MagicSearch
- 09 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
Julien Wadel authored
- 06 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
Andrea Gianarda authored
Free mConferenceFactoryAddressCstr in AccountParameters destructor
- 05 Oct, 2023 - 1 commit
Andrea Gianarda authored
Make ChatMessagePrivate::setState private because the chat message state can only be set by ChatMessagePrivate::setParticipantState if has to be changed from outside of the ChatMessage object
- 04 Oct, 2023 - 3 commits
Andrea Gianarda authored
A message can only reach an IMDN controlled state when the core receives an IMDN. This avoid moving a message to NotDelivered when resending it as all participants are in NotDelivered state Upload docker images to reenable core dumps in Rocky8 tests and upgrade GCC version for Ubuntu 18.04
Simon Morlat authored
Julien Wadel authored
- 03 Oct, 2023 - 2 commits
Julien Wadel authored
Sylvain Berfini authored
- 02 Oct, 2023 - 2 commits
Simon Morlat authored
Andrea Gianarda authored
Fix error: Caught exception in MainDb::updateEvent(sqlite3_statement_backend::prepare: no such column: event_id while preparing "SELECT sip_address.value FROM sip_address WHERE event_id = :eventId AND sip_address.id = chat_message_participant.participant_sip_address_id" with :1=5.).
- 29 Sep, 2023 - 2 commits
Andrea Gianarda authored
Ghislain MARY authored
- 28 Sep, 2023 - 4 commits
Julien Wadel authored
As we use CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR for IMPORTED_LOCATION on external projects, we must pass this variable in CMAKE_ARGS or the LOCATION read from target become incoherent.
Andrea Gianarda authored
Enable tests that only enable STUN and/or ICE in account parameters
ClémenceHim authored
ClémenceHim authored
- 27 Sep, 2023 - 1 commit
Andrea Gianarda authored
- 26 Sep, 2023 - 2 commits
Andrea Gianarda authored
- SQLite doesn't allow to modify contraints of tables therefore a workaround to do so is to recreate the table from scratch. The old table is therefore cloned and the values are copied tot he newly created table. The cloning is done through the CREATE statement specifying the type of every column in order to keep it unchanged. If we were to clone and populate the table in one line using query "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS clone AS SELECT * FROM original", we might incur in a data type change. For example DATE columns are converted to NUM column in the clone table. The cloned table is populated using the INSERT statememnt and then the old table can be deleted. A new table with the desired contraints is then created and populated one line at a time or in one query. [MainDb] - Catch soci exception in the init or updateSchema function and pass them on to the calling function to be handled. - Make MainDb::isInitialized() return FALSE if the database initialization failed - In AbstractDb::connect(), catch soci exception and reset DB session if they are of type invalid_staement or constraint_violation as an attempt to reconnect to the database won't fix the issue. - After initializing the database, clean up clone tables in a separate SQL statemment to avoid the following error 'sqlite3_statement_backend::loadOne: disk I/O error while executing "<statement>"' [MainDbTester] - Verify that the database has been correctly initialized - Do not attempt to retrieve data if the database has not been correctly initialized
Andrea Gianarda authored
Conference Factory URI: Set it as Address in account parameters and core in order to easily take advantage of address comparison, parameter management and compliance with RFC3261 Conference: Allow applications to directly mute licrophone and get input device volume through the conference object. This will ensure that whatever type of confenrece is and regardless if the device is hosting or being a participant, the application will have only one interface to use and the SDK will work under the hood. Deprecated methods: Delete linphone_core_mute_mic and linphone_core_is_mic_muted Add LINPHONE_DEPRECATED to deprecated Account parameter methods Tester: Pass conference factory uri to ClientConference constructor instead of focus identity Memory leaks: Free data of list returned by linphone_friend_get_phone_numbers
- 25 Sep, 2023 - 2 commits
Andrea Gianarda authored
the remote contact address if not null when the call state is StreamRunning or Paused and the conference is in state Created or CreationPending Add "LeaksMemory" to "Core restarts as soon as chat room is created" [bctoolbox] Fix casting issue brought up by Window compilation error
Simon Morlat authored
Improve video bandwidth estimator to be more effective when video rtp packet suites are short. Refactor the code in C++ to use more efficient data structure.
- 22 Sep, 2023 - 1 commit
Sylvain Berfini authored
Updated liblinphone to fix threading issues on Android + trying to fix C# wrapper build on some systems
- 21 Sep, 2023 - 3 commits
Sylvain Berfini authored
QuentinArguillere authored
Andrea Gianarda authored
- 20 Sep, 2023 - 3 commits
Andrea Gianarda authored
Allow NULL particiant device joining time. This is required because the joining time is the time the device state switches to Present, therefore it is NULL when the device is added to the chatroom or conference
Andrea Gianarda authored
- Add table conference_info_participant_params to store participant parameters instead of putting them as a string in conference_info_participant Change participant role from Unknown to Speaker during the migration - Do not use table conference_info_organizer anymore and move its content to table conference_info_participant - Delete MainDbPrivate::selectConferenceCallEvent as unused
- 19 Sep, 2023 - 5 commits
Simon Morlat authored
Sylvain Berfini authored
johan authored
johan authored
Andrea Gianarda authored
ChatMessagePrivate::setParticipantState and ChatMessagePrivate::setState. All event regarding a chat message will now chat the state of a participant and then if neecesary the state of the chat message will follow. For IMDN controlled stats (i.e. DeliveredToUser, NotDelivered and Displayed), the state of the chat message will be deduced based on the states of all participants For non-IMDN controlled states, the state of the chat message will follow the state of the me of the chat room the message it associated with
- 18 Sep, 2023 - 5 commits
Simon Morlat authored
Julien Wadel authored
VPX: use cmake install prefix to install vpx in the right path.
QuentinArguillere authored
Swift wrapper : Fix crash when some callback parameters could be NIL and the wrapper did not handle them
Ghislain MARY authored
Sylvain Berfini authored