Project 'BC/public/linphone' was moved to 'BC/public/liblinphone'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
- 16 Mar, 2020 - 4 commits
Sylvain Berfini authored
Simon Morlat authored
Timothée Jaussoin authored
Mickaël Turnel authored
- 13 Mar, 2020 - 1 commit
Sylvain Berfini authored
- 12 Mar, 2020 - 6 commits
Mickaël Turnel authored
François Grisez authored
Peio Rigaux authored
Added small script to check if there is orphan submodule commit referenced above (prevent clone errors on older git versions, and ensures to keep a clean git tree)
François Grisez authored
Timothée Jaussoin authored
- 10 Mar, 2020 - 3 commits
François Grisez authored
Julien Wadel authored
- 09 Mar, 2020 - 3 commits
johan authored
DanmeiChen authored
- 06 Mar, 2020 - 1 commit
Peio Rigaux authored
changed the liblinphone tester runner tag to use one runner for all liblinphone testers, and specified images in each job (currently the tests will run on the shuttle linux
- 05 Mar, 2020 - 1 commit
Sylvain Berfini authored
- 04 Mar, 2020 - 1 commit
Simon Morlat authored
- 03 Mar, 2020 - 2 commits
DanmeiChen authored
- 02 Mar, 2020 - 2 commits
Simon Morlat authored
Simon Morlat authored
- 28 Feb, 2020 - 1 commit
Mickaël Turnel authored
- 27 Feb, 2020 - 2 commits
Simon Morlat authored
- 26 Feb, 2020 - 3 commits
Peio Rigaux authored
jehan authored
Sylvain Berfini authored
- 25 Feb, 2020 - 2 commits
- 24 Feb, 2020 - 2 commits
Peio Rigaux authored
DanmeiChen authored
- 21 Feb, 2020 - 3 commits
Julien Wadel authored
Peio Rigaux authored
Mickaël Turnel authored
- 20 Feb, 2020 - 3 commits
Simon Morlat authored
Sylvain Berfini authored
Peio Rigaux authored
use a unique docker runner for almost all build jobs (yocto excepted) to reduce complexity and help maintenance