cf email : I have prepared a script to modify the structure of the directories related to Allure tests reports.
Actually, the directories structure is the following :
-"root" folder aka allure_test_reports -branches (master, feature/, fix/, release/*...) -version (git describe)
The new structure, preparing the tests reports management of others testers (bellesip, mediastreamer...) and multiple platform management (macOS, Android, windows) is as follow :
-"root" folder aka allure_test_reports -branches (ex : master, feature/, fix/, release/*...) -version (git describe) -distribution/OS (ex : linux-centos7, etc.) -tester which generated the report (ex : liblinphone)
The structure of all existing tests reports directories is now changed. This merge request is needed to validate the script creating the directories structure for the new jobs to come.