media-codec-decoder.cpp 9.99 KiB
 * Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Belledonne Communications SARL.
 * This file is part of mediastreamer2.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "android_mediacodec.h"
#include "media-codec-decoder.h"
using namespace mediastreamer;
using namespace std;
namespace mediastreamer {
MediaCodecDecoder::MediaCodecDecoder(const std::string &mime): H26xDecoder(mime) {
	try {
		_impl = AMediaCodec_createDecoderByType(mime.c_str());
		if (_impl == nullptr) {
			ostringstream msg;
			msg << "could not create MediaCodec for '" << mime << "'";
			throw runtime_error(msg.str());
		_format = createFormat(mime);
		_bufAllocator = ms_yuv_buf_allocator_new();
	} catch (const runtime_error &e) {
		ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: %s. Dumping decoding context", e.what());
		if (_impl) AMediaCodec_delete(_impl);
		_impl = nullptr;
MediaCodecDecoder::~MediaCodecDecoder() {
	if (_impl) AMediaCodec_delete(_impl);
	if (_format) AMediaFormat_delete(_format);
	if (_bufAllocator) ms_yuv_buf_allocator_free(_bufAllocator);
bool MediaCodecDecoder::setParameterSets(MSQueue *parameterSets, uint64_t timestamp) {
	if (!feed(parameterSets, timestamp, true)) {
		ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: parameter sets has been refused by the decoder.");
		return false;
	_needParameters = false;
	return true;
bool MediaCodecDecoder::feed(MSQueue *encodedFrame, uint64_t timestamp) {
	bool status = false;
	if (_impl == nullptr) {
		return true;
} _psStore->extractAllPs(encodedFrame); if (_psStore->hasNewParameters()) { ms_message("MediaCodecDecoder: new paramter sets received"); _needParameters = true; _psStore->acknowlege(); } if (_needParameters && _psStore->psGatheringCompleted()) { MSQueue parameters; ms_queue_init(&parameters); _psStore->fetchAllPs(&parameters); if (!setParameterSets(&parameters, timestamp)) { ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: waiting for parameter sets."); goto clean; } } if (_needParameters) { ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: missing parameter sets"); goto clean; } if (_needKeyFrame) { if (!isKeyFrame(encodedFrame)) { ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: waiting for key frame."); goto clean; } ms_message("MediaCodecDecoder: key frame received"); _needKeyFrame = false; } if (!feed(encodedFrame, timestamp, false)) { goto clean; } _pendingFrames++; status = true; clean: ms_queue_flush(encodedFrame); return status; } MediaCodecDecoder::Status MediaCodecDecoder::fetch(mblk_t *&frame) { AMediaImage image = {0}; int dst_pix_strides[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; MSRect dst_roi = {0}; AMediaCodecBufferInfo info; ssize_t oBufidx = -1; Status status = noError; frame = nullptr; if (_impl == nullptr || _pendingFrames <= 0) { status = noFrameAvailable; goto end; } oBufidx = AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer(_impl, &info, _timeoutUs); while (oBufidx == AMEDIACODEC_INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED || oBufidx == AMEDIACODEC_INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) { ms_message("MediaCodecDecoder: %s", codecInfoToString(oBufidx).c_str()); if (oBufidx == AMEDIACODEC_INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) { AMediaFormat *format = AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(_impl); AMediaFormat_getInt32(format, "width", &_curWidth); AMediaFormat_getInt32(format, "height", &_curHeight); ms_message("MediaCodecDecoder: new format %ix%i :\n%s", _curWidth, _curHeight, AMediaFormat_toString(format)); AMediaFormat_delete(format); }
oBufidx = AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer(_impl, &info, _timeoutUs); } if (oBufidx < 0) { if (oBufidx == AMEDIACODEC_INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) { return noFrameAvailable; } else { ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: error while dequeueing an output buffer: %s", codecInfoToString(oBufidx).c_str()); if (oBufidx == AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN) { try { resetImpl(); startImpl(); } catch (const runtime_error &e) { ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: decoding session couldn't been started. The session is definitively lost !"); } } return decodingFailure; } goto end; } _pendingFrames--; if (AMediaCodec_getOutputImage(_impl, oBufidx, &image) <= 0) { ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: AMediaCodec_getOutputImage() failed"); status = decodingFailure; goto end; } if (_curWidth && _curHeight && (_curWidth != image.crop_rect.w || _curHeight != image.crop_rect.h)){ /* * Sometimes (not all devices), we observe an insconsistency between the width/height announced by the MediaCodec.getOutputFormat() * and the width/height announced by the getOutputImage(). * In some cases this also results in an garbled decoded image, but sometimes not. * We print out the information, but no further action can be done here. */ ms_error("Mismatch between decoder new format and output image detected: %ix%i vs %ix%i", _curWidth, _curHeight, image.crop_rect.w, image.crop_rect.h); _curWidth = image.crop_rect.w; _curHeight = image.crop_rect.h; } MSPicture pic; frame = ms_yuv_buf_allocator_get(_bufAllocator, &pic, image.crop_rect.w, image.crop_rect.h); //ms_message("image.crop_rect.w=%i, image.crop_rect.h=%i, image.row_strides=%i,%i,%i image.pixel_strides=%i,%i,%i", // image.crop_rect.w, image.crop_rect.h, image.row_strides[0], image.row_strides[1], image.row_strides[2], // image.pixel_strides[0], image.pixel_strides[1], image.pixel_strides[2]); ms_yuv_buf_copy_with_pix_strides(image.buffers, image.row_strides, image.pixel_strides, image.crop_rect, pic.planes, pic.strides, dst_pix_strides, dst_roi); AMediaImage_close(&image); end: if (oBufidx >= 0) AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBuffer(_impl, oBufidx, FALSE); return status; } AMediaFormat *MediaCodecDecoder::createFormat(const std::string &mime) const { AMediaFormat *format = AMediaFormat_new(); AMediaFormat_setString(format, "mime", mime.c_str()); AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "color-format", 0x7f420888); AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "max-width", 1920); AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "max-height", 1920); AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "priority", 0); return format; } void MediaCodecDecoder::startImpl() { media_status_t status = AMEDIA_OK; ostringstream errMsg; ms_message("MediaCodecDecoder: starting decoder with following parameters:\n%s", AMediaFormat_toString(_format));
if ((status = AMediaCodec_configure(_impl, _format, nullptr, nullptr, 0)) != AMEDIA_OK) { errMsg << "configuration failure: " << int(status); throw runtime_error(errMsg.str()); } if ((status = AMediaCodec_start(_impl)) != AMEDIA_OK) { errMsg << "starting failure: " << int(status); throw runtime_error(errMsg.str()); } ms_message("MediaCodecDecoder: decoder successfully started. In-force parameters:\n%s", AMediaFormat_toString(_format)); } void MediaCodecDecoder::stopImpl() noexcept { ms_message("MediaCodecDecoder: stopping decoder"); AMediaCodec_stop(_impl); } void MediaCodecDecoder::resetImpl() noexcept { ms_message("MediaCodecDecoder: reseting decoder"); if (AMediaCodec_reset(_impl) != AMEDIA_OK) { ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: decoder couldn't been reset. Throwing decoding session out"); AMediaCodec_delete(_impl); _impl = AMediaCodec_createDecoderByType(_mime.c_str()); if (_impl == nullptr) ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: couldn't recreate decoding session. The decoding session is definitively lost !"); } } bool MediaCodecDecoder::feed(MSQueue *encodedFrame, uint64_t timestamp, bool isPs) { if (_impl == nullptr) return false; ssize_t iBufidx = AMediaCodec_dequeueInputBuffer(_impl, _timeoutUs); if (iBufidx < 0) { ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: %s.", iBufidx == -1 ? "no buffer available for queuing this frame ! Decoder is too slow" : "AMediaCodec_dequeueInputBuffer() had an exception"); return false; } size_t bufsize; size_t streamSize; uint8_t *buf = AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer(_impl, iBufidx, &bufsize); if (buf == nullptr) { ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer() returned NULL"); return false; } try{ streamSize = H26xUtils::nalusToByteStream(encodedFrame, buf, bufsize); }catch(const invalid_argument &e){ ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: cannot convert the all the nal units content into the input buffer size : bufsize=%zu", bufsize); } uint32_t flags = isPs ? BufferFlag::CodecConfig : BufferFlag::None; if (AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer(_impl, iBufidx, 0, streamSize, timestamp * 1000ULL, flags) != 0) { ms_error("MediaCodecDecoder: AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer() had an exception"); return false; } return true; } bool MediaCodecDecoder::isKeyFrame(const MSQueue *frame) const { for (const mblk_t *nalu = ms_queue_peek_first(frame); !ms_queue_end(frame, nalu); nalu = ms_queue_next(frame, nalu)) { _naluHeader->parse(nalu->b_rptr); if (_naluHeader->getAbsType().isKeyFramePart()) return true; } return false; } std::string MediaCodecDecoder::codecInfoToString(ssize_t codecStatusCode) { switch (codecStatusCode) {
case AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN: return "MediaCodec had an exception"; case AMEDIACODEC_INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED: return "output buffers has changed"; case AMEDIACODEC_INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED: return "output format has changed"; case AMEDIACODEC_INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER: return "no output buffer available"; default: break; } ostringstream os; if (codecStatusCode >= 0) { os << "unqueued buffer (index=" << codecStatusCode << ")"; } else { os << "unknown error (" << codecStatusCode << ")"; } return os.str(); } } // namespace mediastreamer