media-codec-encoder.cpp 10.26 KiB
 * Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Belledonne Communications SARL.
 * This file is part of mediastreamer2.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "android_mediacodec.h"
#include "media-codec-encoder.h"
using namespace mediastreamer;
using namespace std;
namespace mediastreamer {
MediaCodecEncoder::MediaCodecEncoder(const std::string &mime): H26xEncoder(mime), _psInserter(H26xToolFactory::get(mime).createParameterSetsInserter()) {
	try {
		_vsize.width = 0;
		_vsize.height = 0;
		// We shall allocate the MediaCodec encoder the sooner as possible and before the decoder, because
		// some phones hardware encoder and decoders can't be allocated at the same time.
	} catch (const runtime_error &e) {
		ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: %s", e.what());
MediaCodecEncoder::~MediaCodecEncoder() {
	if (_impl) AMediaCodec_delete(_impl);
void MediaCodecEncoder::enableOutbufferDequeueLimit(bool enable){
	if (enable){
		ms_warning("Enabling the DEVICE_MCH265_LIMIT_DEQUEUE_OF_OUTPUT_BUFFERS hack on this device.");
	_hasOutbufferDequeueLimit = enable;
void MediaCodecEncoder::setFps(float fps) {
	_fps = fps;
	if (isRunning() && _impl) {
		AMediaFormat *afmt = AMediaFormat_new();
		AMediaFormat_setInt32(afmt, "frame-rate", int32_t(_fps));
		AMediaCodec_setParams(_impl, afmt);
void MediaCodecEncoder::setBitrate(int bitrate) {
	_bitrate = bitrate;
	if (isRunning() && _impl) {
		AMediaFormat *afmt = AMediaFormat_new();
		// update the output bitrate
		AMediaFormat_setInt32(afmt, "video-bitrate", (_bitrate * 9)/10);
		AMediaCodec_setParams(_impl, afmt);
} void MediaCodecEncoder::start() { try { if (_impl == nullptr) { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: starting failed. No MediaCodec instance."); return; } if (_isRunning) { ms_warning("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder already started"); return; } configureImpl(); if (AMediaCodec_start(_impl) != AMEDIA_OK) { throw runtime_error("could not start encoder."); } _isRunning = true; ms_message("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder successfully started"); } catch (const runtime_error &e) { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: %s", e.what()); } } void MediaCodecEncoder::stop() { if (_impl == nullptr) return; if (!_isRunning) { ms_warning("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder already stopped"); return; } if (_impl) { AMediaCodec_flush(_impl); AMediaCodec_stop(_impl); // It is preferable to reset the encoder, otherwise it may not accept a new configuration while returning in preprocess(). // This was observed at least on Moto G2, with qualcomm encoder. AMediaCodec_reset(_impl); } _psInserter->flush(); _isRunning = false; _pendingFrames = 0; _firstImageQueued = false; } void MediaCodecEncoder::feed(mblk_t *rawData, uint64_t time, bool requestIFrame) { // ensure that rawData is destroyed on function return unique_ptr<mblk_t, void(*)(mblk_t *)> rawDataPtr(rawData, freemsg); if (_recoveryMode && time % 5000 == 0) { try { if (_impl == nullptr) createImpl(); configureImpl(); _recoveryMode = false; } catch (const runtime_error &e) { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: %s", e.what()); ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: AMediaCodec_reset() was not sufficient, will recreate the encoder in a moment..."); AMediaCodec_delete(_impl); _impl = nullptr; } } if (_impl == nullptr) return; if (!_isRunning) { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder not running. Dropping buffer."); return; } MSPicture pic; ms_yuv_buf_init_from_mblk(&pic, rawData);
if (requestIFrame) { AMediaFormat *afmt = AMediaFormat_new(); /*Force a key-frame*/ AMediaFormat_setInt32(afmt, "request-sync", 0); AMediaCodec_setParams(_impl, afmt); AMediaFormat_delete(afmt); ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: I-frame requested to MediaCodec"); } ssize_t ibufidx = AMediaCodec_dequeueInputBuffer(_impl, _timeoutUs); if (ibufidx < 0) { if (ibufidx == AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN) { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: AMediaCodec_dequeueInputBuffer() had an exception"); } else if (ibufidx == -1) { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: no input buffer available."); } else { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: unknown error while requesting an input buffer (%zd)", ibufidx); } return; } size_t bufsize = 0; if (_pixelFormatConvertionEnabled) { AMediaImage image; if (AMediaCodec_getInputImage(_impl, ibufidx, &image)) { if (image.format == 35 /* YUV_420_888 */) { MSRect src_roi = {0, 0, pic.w, pic.h}; int src_pix_strides[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; ms_yuv_buf_copy_with_pix_strides(pic.planes, pic.strides, src_pix_strides, src_roi, image.buffers, image.row_strides, image.pixel_strides, image.crop_rect); bufsize = image.row_strides[0] * image.height * 3 / 2; } else { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder requires non YUV420 format"); } AMediaImage_close(&image); } } else { uint8_t *inputBuffer = AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer(_impl, ibufidx, &bufsize); size_t dataSize = rawData->b_wptr-rawData->b_rptr; if (dataSize <= bufsize) { memcpy(inputBuffer, rawData->b_rptr, dataSize); } else { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: not enough space in the input buffer (required=%zu, availabel=%zu)", dataSize, bufsize); bufsize = 0; } } if (AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer(_impl, ibufidx, 0, bufsize, time * 1000, 0) == AMEDIA_ERROR_BASE) { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: error while queuing input buffer"); return; } if (!_firstImageQueued) _firstImageQueued = true; _pendingFrames++; } bool MediaCodecEncoder::fetch(MSQueue *encodedData) { MSQueue outq; AMediaCodecBufferInfo info; uint8_t *buf; size_t bufsize; if (_impl == nullptr || !_isRunning || _recoveryMode || !_firstImageQueued) return false; if (_hasOutbufferDequeueLimit && _pendingFrames <= 0) return false; ms_queue_init(&outq); ssize_t obufidx = AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer(_impl, &info, _timeoutUs); if (obufidx == AMEDIACODEC_INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) { ms_message("MediaCodecEncoder: output format has changed.");
AMediaFormat *format = AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(_impl); ms_message("MediaCodecEncoder: new output format:\n%s", AMediaFormat_toString(format)); AMediaFormat_delete(format); obufidx = AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer(_impl, &info, _timeoutUs); } if (obufidx < 0) { if (obufidx == AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN) { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer() had an exception, MediaCodec is lost"); // MediaCodec need to be reset at this point because it may have become irrevocably crazy. AMediaCodec_reset(_impl); _recoveryMode = true; } else if (obufidx != AMEDIACODEC_INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: unknown error while requesting an output buffer (%zd)", obufidx); } return false; } _pendingFrames--; if ((buf = AMediaCodec_getOutputBuffer(_impl, obufidx, &bufsize)) == nullptr) { ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: AMediaCodec_getOutputBuffer() returned nullptr"); AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBuffer(_impl, obufidx, FALSE); return false; } /* * Split bitstream into NAL units. removePreventionBytes (start code emulation prevention byte) is willingly set to false, which is not obvious. * Indeed, we should expect that the encoder has inserted prevention bytes (0x03) to escape 0x000001 start codes that could be present * within slices. When splitting into NAL units, these 0x03 bytes should be removed, since it is allowed to have 0x000001 sequences within a NAL unit. * However, the practice shows that if we do that, we get random decoding errors at the other end, whatever the other end is an Android or an iOS device. * If we do not do that, the decoding goes perfectly well. How to explain this ? * - this could mean that MediaCodec does not insert prevention bytes, but the encoder guarantees by some other means that no 0x000001 sequences can occur. * however 0x00000301 may happen but this is not a prevention byte. * - this could mean that we have another bug elsewhere in H26xUtils routines, but then why decoding goes perfectly well when not removing prevention bytes ? */ H26xUtils::byteStreamToNalus(buf + info.offset, info.size, &outq, false); _psInserter->process(&outq, encodedData); AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBuffer(_impl, obufidx, FALSE); return true; } void MediaCodecEncoder::createImpl() { _impl = AMediaCodec_createEncoderByType(_mime.c_str()); if (_impl == nullptr) { throw runtime_error("could not create MediaCodec"); } } void MediaCodecEncoder::configureImpl() { AMediaFormat *format = createMediaFormat(); ms_message("MediaCodecEncoder: configuring MediaCodec with the following parameters:\n%s", AMediaFormat_toString(format)); media_status_t status = AMediaCodec_configure(_impl, format, nullptr, nullptr, AMEDIACODEC_CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE); AMediaFormat_delete(format); if (status != 0) { throw runtime_error("could not configure encoder."); } format = AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(_impl); ms_message("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder successfully configured. In-force parameters:\n%s", AMediaFormat_toString(format)); AMediaFormat_delete(format); } AMediaFormat *MediaCodecEncoder::createMediaFormat() const { AMediaFormat *format = AMediaFormat_new(); AMediaFormat_setString(format, "mime", _mime.c_str()); AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "color-format", _colorFormat); AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "width", _vsize.width);
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "height", _vsize.height); AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "frame-rate", _fps); AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "bitrate", (_bitrate * 9)/10); // take a margin AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "bitrate-mode", _bitrateMode); AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "i-frame-interval", _iFrameInterval); AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "latency", _encodingLatency); AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "priority", _priority); return format; } } // namespace mediastreamer