Simon Morlat authored
It seems that the removal of start code emulation prevention bytes is not required for MediaCodec, and moreover if done, it creates random decoding errors at the other end (even if the other end is not a MediaCodec implementation). H26x stream to nalus and nalus to stream refactoring to remove a copy to a temporary buffer.
* Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Belledonne Communications SARL.
* This file is part of mediastreamer2.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "android_mediacodec.h"
#include "media-codec-encoder.h"
using namespace mediastreamer;
using namespace std;
namespace mediastreamer {
MediaCodecEncoder::MediaCodecEncoder(const std::string &mime): H26xEncoder(mime), _psInserter(H26xToolFactory::get(mime).createParameterSetsInserter()) {
try {
_vsize.width = 0;
_vsize.height = 0;
// We shall allocate the MediaCodec encoder the sooner as possible and before the decoder, because
// some phones hardware encoder and decoders can't be allocated at the same time.
} catch (const runtime_error &e) {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: %s", e.what());
MediaCodecEncoder::~MediaCodecEncoder() {
if (_impl) AMediaCodec_delete(_impl);
void MediaCodecEncoder::enableOutbufferDequeueLimit(bool enable){
if (enable){
ms_warning("Enabling the DEVICE_MCH265_LIMIT_DEQUEUE_OF_OUTPUT_BUFFERS hack on this device.");
_hasOutbufferDequeueLimit = enable;
void MediaCodecEncoder::setFps(float fps) {
_fps = fps;
if (isRunning() && _impl) {
AMediaFormat *afmt = AMediaFormat_new();
AMediaFormat_setInt32(afmt, "frame-rate", int32_t(_fps));
AMediaCodec_setParams(_impl, afmt);
void MediaCodecEncoder::setBitrate(int bitrate) {
_bitrate = bitrate;
if (isRunning() && _impl) {
AMediaFormat *afmt = AMediaFormat_new();
// update the output bitrate
AMediaFormat_setInt32(afmt, "video-bitrate", (_bitrate * 9)/10);
AMediaCodec_setParams(_impl, afmt);
void MediaCodecEncoder::start() {
try {
if (_impl == nullptr) {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: starting failed. No MediaCodec instance.");
if (_isRunning) {
ms_warning("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder already started");
if (AMediaCodec_start(_impl) != AMEDIA_OK) {
throw runtime_error("could not start encoder.");
_isRunning = true;
ms_message("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder successfully started");
} catch (const runtime_error &e) {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: %s", e.what());
void MediaCodecEncoder::stop() {
if (_impl == nullptr) return;
if (!_isRunning) {
ms_warning("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder already stopped");
if (_impl) {
// It is preferable to reset the encoder, otherwise it may not accept a new configuration while returning in preprocess().
// This was observed at least on Moto G2, with qualcomm encoder.
_isRunning = false;
_pendingFrames = 0;
_firstImageQueued = false;
void MediaCodecEncoder::feed(mblk_t *rawData, uint64_t time, bool requestIFrame) {
// ensure that rawData is destroyed on function return
unique_ptr<mblk_t, void(*)(mblk_t *)> rawDataPtr(rawData, freemsg);
if (_recoveryMode && time % 5000 == 0) {
try {
if (_impl == nullptr) createImpl();
_recoveryMode = false;
} catch (const runtime_error &e) {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: %s", e.what());
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: AMediaCodec_reset() was not sufficient, will recreate the encoder in a moment...");
_impl = nullptr;
if (_impl == nullptr) return;
if (!_isRunning) {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder not running. Dropping buffer.");
MSPicture pic;
ms_yuv_buf_init_from_mblk(&pic, rawData);
if (requestIFrame) {
AMediaFormat *afmt = AMediaFormat_new();
/*Force a key-frame*/
AMediaFormat_setInt32(afmt, "request-sync", 0);
AMediaCodec_setParams(_impl, afmt);
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: I-frame requested to MediaCodec");
ssize_t ibufidx = AMediaCodec_dequeueInputBuffer(_impl, _timeoutUs);
if (ibufidx < 0) {
if (ibufidx == AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN) {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: AMediaCodec_dequeueInputBuffer() had an exception");
} else if (ibufidx == -1) {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: no input buffer available.");
} else {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: unknown error while requesting an input buffer (%zd)", ibufidx);
size_t bufsize = 0;
if (_pixelFormatConvertionEnabled) {
AMediaImage image;
if (AMediaCodec_getInputImage(_impl, ibufidx, &image)) {
if (image.format == 35 /* YUV_420_888 */) {
MSRect src_roi = {0, 0, pic.w, pic.h};
int src_pix_strides[4] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
ms_yuv_buf_copy_with_pix_strides(pic.planes, pic.strides, src_pix_strides, src_roi, image.buffers, image.row_strides, image.pixel_strides, image.crop_rect);
bufsize = image.row_strides[0] * image.height * 3 / 2;
} else {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder requires non YUV420 format");
} else {
uint8_t *inputBuffer = AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer(_impl, ibufidx, &bufsize);
size_t dataSize = rawData->b_wptr-rawData->b_rptr;
if (dataSize <= bufsize) {
memcpy(inputBuffer, rawData->b_rptr, dataSize);
} else {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: not enough space in the input buffer (required=%zu, availabel=%zu)", dataSize, bufsize);
bufsize = 0;
if (AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer(_impl, ibufidx, 0, bufsize, time * 1000, 0) == AMEDIA_ERROR_BASE) {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: error while queuing input buffer");
if (!_firstImageQueued) _firstImageQueued = true;
bool MediaCodecEncoder::fetch(MSQueue *encodedData) {
MSQueue outq;
AMediaCodecBufferInfo info;
uint8_t *buf;
size_t bufsize;
if (_impl == nullptr || !_isRunning || _recoveryMode || !_firstImageQueued) return false;
if (_hasOutbufferDequeueLimit && _pendingFrames <= 0) return false;
ssize_t obufidx = AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer(_impl, &info, _timeoutUs);
ms_message("MediaCodecEncoder: output format has changed.");
AMediaFormat *format = AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(_impl);
ms_message("MediaCodecEncoder: new output format:\n%s", AMediaFormat_toString(format));
obufidx = AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer(_impl, &info, _timeoutUs);
if (obufidx < 0) {
if (obufidx == AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN) {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer() had an exception, MediaCodec is lost");
// MediaCodec need to be reset at this point because it may have become irrevocably crazy.
_recoveryMode = true;
} else if (obufidx != AMEDIACODEC_INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER) {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: unknown error while requesting an output buffer (%zd)", obufidx);
return false;
if ((buf = AMediaCodec_getOutputBuffer(_impl, obufidx, &bufsize)) == nullptr) {
ms_error("MediaCodecEncoder: AMediaCodec_getOutputBuffer() returned nullptr");
AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBuffer(_impl, obufidx, FALSE);
return false;
* Split bitstream into NAL units. removePreventionBytes (start code emulation prevention byte) is willingly set to false, which is not obvious.
* Indeed, we should expect that the encoder has inserted prevention bytes (0x03) to escape 0x000001 start codes that could be present
* within slices. When splitting into NAL units, these 0x03 bytes should be removed, since it is allowed to have 0x000001 sequences within a NAL unit.
* However, the practice shows that if we do that, we get random decoding errors at the other end, whatever the other end is an Android or an iOS device.
* If we do not do that, the decoding goes perfectly well. How to explain this ?
* - this could mean that MediaCodec does not insert prevention bytes, but the encoder guarantees by some other means that no 0x000001 sequences can occur.
* however 0x00000301 may happen but this is not a prevention byte.
* - this could mean that we have another bug elsewhere in H26xUtils routines, but then why decoding goes perfectly well when not removing prevention bytes ?
H26xUtils::byteStreamToNalus(buf + info.offset, info.size, &outq, false);
_psInserter->process(&outq, encodedData);
AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBuffer(_impl, obufidx, FALSE);
return true;
void MediaCodecEncoder::createImpl() {
_impl = AMediaCodec_createEncoderByType(_mime.c_str());
if (_impl == nullptr) {
throw runtime_error("could not create MediaCodec");
void MediaCodecEncoder::configureImpl() {
AMediaFormat *format = createMediaFormat();
ms_message("MediaCodecEncoder: configuring MediaCodec with the following parameters:\n%s", AMediaFormat_toString(format));
media_status_t status = AMediaCodec_configure(_impl, format, nullptr, nullptr, AMEDIACODEC_CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE);
if (status != 0) {
throw runtime_error("could not configure encoder.");
format = AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(_impl);
ms_message("MediaCodecEncoder: encoder successfully configured. In-force parameters:\n%s", AMediaFormat_toString(format));
AMediaFormat *MediaCodecEncoder::createMediaFormat() const {
AMediaFormat *format = AMediaFormat_new();
AMediaFormat_setString(format, "mime", _mime.c_str());
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "color-format", _colorFormat);
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "width", _vsize.width);
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "height", _vsize.height);
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "frame-rate", _fps);
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "bitrate", (_bitrate * 9)/10); // take a margin
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "bitrate-mode", _bitrateMode);
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "i-frame-interval", _iFrameInterval);
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "latency", _encodingLatency);
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, "priority", _priority);
return format;
} // namespace mediastreamer