

Commits (1)
Showing with 47 additions and 38 deletions
......@@ -218,6 +218,36 @@ static OSStatus au_write_cb (
AudioBufferList *ioData
static int apply_sound_card_to_audio_session(MSSndCard * newCard) {
AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
AVAudioSessionRouteDescription *currentRoute = [audioSession currentRoute];
NSError *err=nil;
if (newCard->device_type == MS_SND_CARD_DEVICE_TYPE_SPEAKER)
bool_t currentOutputIsSpeaker = (strcmp(currentRoute.outputs[0].portType.UTF8String, AVAudioSessionPortBuiltInSpeaker.UTF8String) == 0);
if (!currentOutputIsSpeaker) {
// If we're switching to speaker and the route output isn't the speaker already
ms_message("set_audio_unit_sound_card(): change AVAudioSession output audio to speaker");
[audioSession overrideOutputAudioPort:AVAudioSessionPortOverrideSpeaker error:&err];
else {
// As AudioSession do not allow a way to nicely change the output port except with the override to Speaker,
// we assume that input ports also come with a playback port (bluetooth earpiece, headset...) and change the input port.
NSString *newPortName = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:newCard->name];
NSArray *inputs = [audioSession availableInputs];
for (AVAudioSessionPortDescription *input in inputs) {
if ([input.portName isEqualToString:newPortName ]) {
ms_message("set_audio_unit_sound_card(): change AVAudioSession preferred input to %s.", [newPortName UTF8String]);
[audioSession setPreferredInput:input error:&err];
return 0;
* AudioUnit helper functions, to associate the AudioUnit with the MSSndCard object used by mediastreamer2.
......@@ -526,7 +556,13 @@ ms_mutex_t mutex;
ms_error("Unable to change preferred sample rate because : %s", [err localizedDescription].UTF8String);
err = nil;
[audioSession setActive:TRUE error:&err];
if (_ms_snd_card) {
// Activating the audio session, by default, will change the audio route to iphone microphone/receiver
// To avoid this, we redirect the sound to the current snd card
ms_error("Unable to activate audio session because : %s", [err localizedDescription].UTF8String);
err = nil;
......@@ -584,7 +620,6 @@ ms_mutex_t mutex;
} else {
ms_message("Configuring audio session for playback/record");
[audioSession setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord
withOptions:AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetooth| AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetoothA2DP
......@@ -607,6 +642,9 @@ ms_mutex_t mutex;
if (!_callkit_enabled || reactivate_audio_session){
if (reactivate_audio_session) ms_message("Configuring audio session now reactivated.");
[audioSession setActive:TRUE error:&err];
// Activating the audio session, by default, will change the audio route to iphone microphone/receiver
// To avoid this, we redirect the sound to the current snd card
ms_error("Unable to activate audio session because : %s", [err localizedDescription].UTF8String);
err = nil;
......@@ -1149,39 +1187,6 @@ static int set_muted(MSFilter *f, void *data){
return 0;
static int set_audio_unit_sound_card(MSSndCard * newCard) {
AudioUnitHolder *au_holder = [AudioUnitHolder sharedInstance];
// Make sure the apple audio route matches this state
AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
AVAudioSessionRouteDescription *currentRoute = [audioSession currentRoute];
NSError *err=nil;
if (newCard->device_type == MS_SND_CARD_DEVICE_TYPE_SPEAKER) // Only possible if called from audio_playback_set_internal_id
bool_t currentOutputIsSpeaker = (strcmp(currentRoute.outputs[0].portType.UTF8String, AVAudioSessionPortBuiltInSpeaker.UTF8String) == 0);
if (!currentOutputIsSpeaker) {
// If we're switching to speaker and the route output isn't the speaker already
ms_message("set_audio_unit_sound_card(): change AVAudioSession output audio to speaker");
[audioSession overrideOutputAudioPort:AVAudioSessionPortOverrideSpeaker error:&err];
else {
// As AudioSession do not allow a way to nicely change the output port except with the override to Speaker,
// we assume that input ports also come with a playback port (bluetooth earpiece, headset...) and change the input port.
NSString *newPortName = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:newCard->name];
NSArray *inputs = [audioSession availableInputs];
for (AVAudioSessionPortDescription *input in inputs) {
if ([input.portName isEqualToString:newPortName ]) {
ms_message("set_audio_unit_sound_card(): change AVAudioSession preferred input to %s.", [newPortName UTF8String]);
[audioSession setPreferredInput:input error:&err];
return 0;
static int audio_capture_set_internal_id(MSFilter *f, void * newSndCard)
MSSndCard *oldCard = [[AudioUnitHolder sharedInstance] ms_snd_card];
......@@ -1201,7 +1206,9 @@ static int audio_capture_set_internal_id(MSFilter *f, void * newSndCard)
return 0;
ms_message("audio_capture_set_internal_id(): Trying to change audio input route from %s to %s", oldCard->name, newCard->name);
AudioUnitHolder *au_holder = [AudioUnitHolder sharedInstance];
return 0;
......@@ -1215,7 +1222,9 @@ static int audio_playback_set_internal_id(MSFilter *f, void * newSndCard)
return 0;
ms_message("audio_playback_set_internal_id(): Trying to change audio output route from %s to %s", oldCard->name, newCard->name);
AudioUnitHolder *au_holder = [AudioUnitHolder sharedInstance];
return 0;
......@@ -1303,7 +1312,7 @@ MSFilterDesc au_write_desc={
// This interface gives the impression that there will be 2 different MSSndCard for the Read filter and the Write filter.
// In reality, we'll always be using a single same card for both.
static MSFilter *ms_au_read_new(MSSndCard *mscard){
ms_message("ms_au_read_new, sound card : %p", mscard);
ms_message("ms_au_read_new, sound card : %s (%p)", mscard->name, mscard);
AudioUnitHolder *au_holder = [AudioUnitHolder sharedInstance];
if ([au_holder read_filter] != NULL) {
ms_fatal("Trying to create a new au_read filter when there is already one existing");
......@@ -1320,7 +1329,7 @@ static MSFilter *ms_au_read_new(MSSndCard *mscard){
static MSFilter *ms_au_write_new(MSSndCard *mscard){
ms_message("ms_au_write_new, sound card : %p", mscard);
ms_message("ms_au_write_new, sound card : %s (%p)", mscard->name, mscard);
AudioUnitHolder *au_holder = [AudioUnitHolder sharedInstance];
if ([au_holder write_filter] != NULL) {
ms_fatal("Trying to create a new au_write filter when there is already one existing");