

Commits (1)
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......@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ MSMFoundationCap::MSMFoundationCap() {
mOrientation = 0;
mSampleCount= mProcessCount=0;
mFmtChanged = FALSE;
mNewFormatTakenAccount = TRUE;
MSMFoundationCap::~MSMFoundationCap() {
......@@ -148,10 +149,13 @@ void MSMFoundationCap::activate() {}
void MSMFoundationCap::feed(MSFilter * filter) {
if (mFmtChanged) {// Keep this if we want to manage camera behaviors (format changing not coming from Linphone)
ms_message("[MSMFoundationCap] Camera has changed its own output format. Sending event (%dx%d)", mWidth, mHeight);
mNewFormatTakenAccount = FALSE;// Reset flag before sending new format event.
ms_filter_notify_no_arg(filter, MS_FILTER_OUTPUT_FMT_CHANGED);
mFmtChanged = FALSE;
return;// Avoid sending new frames till new format has not been taken account (look for getter of size)
mblk_t **data = &mFrameData;
if(mRunning && mFrameData ) {
......@@ -295,6 +299,7 @@ static int ms_mfoundation_get_vsize(MSFilter *filter, void *arg) {
MSVideoSize *vs = (MSVideoSize*)arg;
vs->height = mf->mHeight;
vs->width = mf->mWidth;
mf->mNewFormatTakenAccount = TRUE;// We get a size : we suppose that the new format is taken account.
return 0;
......@@ -885,6 +890,7 @@ HRESULT MSMFoundationUwpImpl::setMediaConfiguration(GUID videoFormat, UINT32 fra
if (restartCamera)
mFmtChanged = mFmtChanged || (videoFormat != requestedVideoFormat || requestedFrameWidth != frameWidth || requestedFrameHeight != frameHeight);
mNewFormatTakenAccount = !mFmtChanged;// Block new frames
}else if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ms_error("[MSMFoundationCapUwp] Cannot set the video format : %dx%d : %s, %f fps. [%X]", frameWidth, frameHeight, pixFmtToString(videoFormat), pFps, hr);
......@@ -1289,6 +1295,7 @@ HRESULT MSMFoundationDesktopImpl::setMediaConfiguration(GUID videoFormat, UINT32
mPlaneSize = mHeight * abs(mStride);// Details : mWidth * mHeight * abs(mStride) / mWidth;
formatChanged = TRUE;
mFmtChanged = videoFormat != requestedVideoFormat || requestedFrameWidth != frameWidth || requestedFrameHeight != frameHeight;
mNewFormatTakenAccount = FALSE;// Block new frames
ms_message("[MSMFoundationCap] %s the video format : %dx%d : %s, %f fps", (formatChanged ? "Changed" : "Keep"), mWidth, mHeight, pixFmtToString(mVideoFormat), mFps);
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ public:
std::string mDeviceName;
MSAverageFPS mAvgFps;
MSFrameRateController mFramerateController;
bool_t mNewFormatTakenAccount;
//---------------------------------------- Tools
static const char *pixFmtToString(const GUID &fmt); // Helper to return the name of the format