Commit 3f0264ed authored by Christophe Deschamps's avatar Christophe Deschamps
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Suggestions from CD for Async Call backs and Core object using @Published

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......@@ -64,30 +64,38 @@ extension CallKitProviderDelegate: CXProviderDelegate {
func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXEndCallAction) {
NSLog("Callkit CXEndCallAction -- Is main thread ? \(Thread.isMainThread ? "yes" : "no") ")
do {
if (tutorialContext.mCall?.state != .End && tutorialContext.mCall?.state != .Released) {
try tutorialContext.mCall?.terminate()
} catch { NSLog(error.localizedDescription) }
tutorialContext.$mCore.receive(on: coreQueue).sink { core in
do {
if (self.tutorialContext.mCall?.state != .End && self.tutorialContext.mCall?.state != .Released) {
try self.tutorialContext.mCall?.terminate()
LinphoneAsyncHelper.postOnMainQueue {
self.tutorialContext.isCallRunning = false
self.tutorialContext.isCallIncoming = false
} catch { NSLog(error.localizedDescription) }
}.store(in: &cancellables)
tutorialContext.isCallRunning = false
tutorialContext.isCallIncoming = false
func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXAnswerCallAction) {
NSLog("Callkit CXAnswerCallAction -- Is main thread ? \(Thread.isMainThread ? "yes" : "no") ")
do {
// The audio stream is going to start shortly: the AVAudioSession must be configured now.
// It is worth to note that an application does not have permission to configure the
// AVAudioSession outside of this delegate action while it is running in background,
// which is usually the case in an incoming call scenario.
try tutorialContext.mCall?.accept()
tutorialContext.isCallRunning = true
} catch {
tutorialContext.$mCore.receive(on: coreQueue).sink { core in
do {
// The audio stream is going to start shortly: the AVAudioSession must be configured now.
// It is worth to note that an application does not have permission to configure the
// AVAudioSession outside of this delegate action while it is running in background,
// which is usually the case in an incoming call scenario.
try self.tutorialContext.mCall?.accept()
LinphoneAsyncHelper.postOnMainQueue {
self.tutorialContext.isCallRunning = true
} catch {
}.store(in: &cancellables)
......@@ -109,15 +117,15 @@ extension CallKitProviderDelegate: CXProviderDelegate {
NSLog("Callkit didActivateaudiosession -- Is main thread ? \(Thread.isMainThread ? "yes" : "no") ")
// The linphone Core must be notified that CallKit has activated the AVAudioSession
// in order to start streaming audio.
tutorialContext.linphoneAsyncHelper.postOnCoreQueue {
self.tutorialContext.mCore.activateAudioSession(actived: true)
tutorialContext.$mCore.receive(on: coreQueue).sink { core in
core?.activateAudioSession(actived: true)
}.store(in: &cancellables)
func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, didDeactivate audioSession: AVAudioSession) {
// The linphone Core must be notified that CallKit has deactivated the AVAudioSession.
tutorialContext.linphoneAsyncHelper.postOnCoreQueue {
self.tutorialContext.mCore.activateAudioSession(actived: false)
tutorialContext.$mCore.receive(on: coreQueue).sink { core in
core?.activateAudioSession(actived: false)
}.store(in: &cancellables)
......@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@ import Combine
class CallKitExampleContext : ObservableObject
var mCore: Core!
var mAccount: Account?
var mIterateTimer : Timer!
@Published var mCore: Core? = nil
@Published var factory = Factory.Instance
@Published var coreVersion: String = Core.getVersion
@Published var username : String = "quentindev"
......@@ -30,6 +29,10 @@ class CallKitExampleContext : ObservableObject
@Published var isSpeakerEnabled : Bool = false
@Published var isMicrophoneEnabled : Bool = false
var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
var icancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
/* Async */
let linphoneAsyncHelper = LinphoneAsyncHelper()
......@@ -101,51 +104,41 @@ class CallKitExampleContext : ObservableObject
LoggingService.Instance.logLevel = LogLevel.Debug
// IMPORTANT : In this tutorial, we require the use of a core configuration file.
// This way, once the registration is done, and until it is cleared, it will return to the LoggedIn state on launch.
// This allows us to have a functional call when the app was closed and is started by a VOIP push notification (incoming call
// We also need to enable "Push Notitifications" and "Background Mode - Voice Over IP"
linphoneAsyncHelper.postOnCoreQueue {
let factory = Factory.Instance
factory = Factory.Instance
$factory.receive(on: coreQueue).sink { factory in
let configDir = factory.getConfigDir(context: nil)
let corePublisher = self.linphoneAsyncHelper.createLinphoneObjectWithPublisher(createAction: {
try factory.createCore(configPath: "\(configDir)/MyConfig", factoryConfigPath: "", systemContext: nil)
.postOnCoreQueue (
onError: { error in
NSLog("failed creating core \(error)")
receiveValue: { core in
self.mCore = core
// enabling push notifications management in the core
self.mCore.callkitEnabled = true
self.mCore.pushNotificationEnabled = true
self.mCore.autoIterateEnabled = false
self.addRegistrationStateCallBack(core: core)
self.addCallStateChangedCallBack(core: core)
try? core.start()
.postOnMainQueue { core in
self.mIterateTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.02, repeats: true) { [weak self] timer in
self?.linphoneAsyncHelper.postOnCoreQueue {
do {
let core = try factory.createCore(configPath: "\(configDir)/MyConfig", factoryConfigPath: "", systemContext: nil)
core.callkitEnabled = true
core.pushNotificationEnabled = true
core.autoIterateEnabled = false
self.addRegistrationStateCallBack(core: core)
self.addCallStateChangedCallBack(core: core)
try? core.start()
LinphoneAsyncHelper.postOnMainQueue {
self.mCore = core // @Publisher assignment can be done on main queue only
} catch {
NSLog("failed creating core \(error)")
}.store(in: &cancellables)
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.02, repeats: true) { _ in
self.$mCore.receive(on: coreQueue).sink { core in
}.store(in: &self.icancellables)
mProviderDelegate = CallKitProviderDelegate(context: self)
mProviderDelegate = CallKitProviderDelegate(context: self)
func login() {
linphoneAsyncHelper.postOnCoreQueue {
$factory.receive(on: coreQueue).sink { factory in
do {
var transport : TransportType
if (self.transportType == "TLS") { transport = TransportType.Tls }
......@@ -153,44 +146,42 @@ class CallKitExampleContext : ObservableObject
else { transport = TransportType.Udp }
let authInfo = try Factory.Instance.createAuthInfo(username: self.username, userid: "", passwd: self.passwd, ha1: "", realm: "", domain: self.domain)
let accountParams = try self.mCore.createAccountParams()
let accountParams = try self.mCore?.createAccountParams()
let identity = try Factory.Instance.createAddress(addr: String("sip:" + self.username + "@" + self.domain))
try! accountParams.setIdentityaddress(newValue: identity)
try! accountParams?.setIdentityaddress(newValue: identity)
let address = try Factory.Instance.createAddress(addr: String("sip:" + self.domain))
try address.setTransport(newValue: transport)
try accountParams.setServeraddress(newValue: address)
accountParams.registerEnabled = true
try accountParams?.setServeraddress(newValue: address)
accountParams?.registerEnabled = true
// Enable push notifications on this account
accountParams.pushNotificationAllowed = true
accountParams?.pushNotificationAllowed = true
// We're in a sandbox application, so we must set the provider to "" since it will be "apns" by default, which is used only for production apps
accountParams.pushNotificationConfig?.provider = ""
self.mAccount = try self.mCore.createAccount(params: accountParams)
self.mCore.addAuthInfo(info: authInfo)
try self.mCore.addAccount(account: self.mAccount!)
self.mCore.defaultAccount = self.mAccount
accountParams?.pushNotificationConfig?.provider = ""
let account = try self.mCore?.createAccount(params: accountParams!)
self.mCore?.addAuthInfo(info: authInfo)
try self.mCore?.addAccount(account: account!)
self.mCore?.defaultAccount = account
} catch { NSLog(error.localizedDescription) }
}.store(in: &cancellables)
func unregister()
linphoneAsyncHelper.postOnCoreQueue {
if let account = self.mCore.defaultAccount {
let params = account.params
let clonedParams = params?.clone()
clonedParams?.registerEnabled = false
account.params = clonedParams
func unregister() {
$mCore.receive(on: coreQueue).sink { core in
guard let account = core?.defaultAccount else {return}
let params = account.params
let clonedParams = params?.clone()
clonedParams?.registerEnabled = false
account.params = clonedParams
}.store(in: &cancellables)
func delete() {
linphoneAsyncHelper.postOnCoreQueue {
if let account = self.mCore.defaultAccount {
self.mCore.removeAccount(account: account)
$mCore.receive(on: coreQueue).sink { core in
guard let account = core?.defaultAccount else {return}
self.mCore?.removeAccount(account: account)
}.store(in: &cancellables)
......@@ -58,18 +58,20 @@ public class LinphoneObjectsPublisher <T> : Publisher {
public class LinphoneAsyncHelper {
func postOnCoreQueue(lambda : @escaping ()->()) {
static func postOnCoreQueue(lambda : @escaping ()->()) {
coreQueue.async {
func postOnMainQueue(lambda : @escaping()->()) {
static func postOnMainQueue(lambda : @escaping()->()) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Creates a publisher from the object created by the action passed as parameter
// For example if passed a create core call this function will create the LinphoneObject Core on core queue, and created object will be published through the built publisher
func createLinphoneObjectWithPublisher<LinphoneObject>(createAction:@escaping()throws -> LinphoneObject ) -> LinphoneObjectsPublisher<LinphoneObject> {
......@@ -83,6 +85,7 @@ public class LinphoneAsyncHelper {
return publisher
......@@ -117,5 +120,83 @@ extension Core {
// ...
extension Factory {
static var linphoneObjectsPublishers = [String:LinphoneObjectsPublisher<Factory>]()
var publisher: LinphoneObjectsPublisher<Factory> {
get {
let ref = String(format: "%p", unsafeBitCast(self, to: Int.self))
if (Factory.linphoneObjectsPublishers[ref] == nil) {
let publisher = LinphoneObjectsPublisher<Factory>()
Factory.linphoneObjectsPublishers[ref] = publisher
coreQueue.async {
return Factory.linphoneObjectsPublishers[ref]!
set(newValue) {
let ref = String(format: "%p", unsafeBitCast(self, to: Int.self))
Factory.linphoneObjectsPublishers[ref] = newValue
extension LinphoneObject {
static var linphoneObjectsPublishers = [String:LinphoneObjectsPublisher<LinphoneObject>]()
private func refFromSelf() -> String {
return String(format: "%p", unsafeBitCast(self, to: Int.self))
var publisher: LinphoneObjectsPublisher<LinphoneObject> {
get {
let ref = refFromSelf()
if (LinphoneObject.linphoneObjectsPublishers[ref] == nil) {
let publisher = LinphoneObjectsPublisher<LinphoneObject>()
LinphoneObject.linphoneObjectsPublishers[ref] = publisher
coreQueue.async {
return LinphoneObject.linphoneObjectsPublishers[ref]!
set(newValue) {
let ref = refFromSelf()
LinphoneObject.linphoneObjectsPublishers[ref] = newValue
// Could not find a way to put the below inside the generic LinphoneObject extension
extension Factory {
func postOnCoreQueue(lambda:@escaping ((Factory) -> Void)) {
publisher.postOnCoreQueue { result in
lambda(result as! Factory)
func postOnMainQueue(lambda:@escaping ((Factory) -> Void)) {
publisher.postOnMainQueue { result in
lambda(result as! Factory)
extension Core {
func postOnCoreQueue(lambda:@escaping ((Core) -> Void)) {
publisher.postOnCoreQueue { result in
lambda(result as! Core)
func postOnMainQueue(lambda:@escaping ((Core) -> Void)) {
publisher.postOnMainQueue { result in
lambda(result as! Core)
// .. add extensions to other needed objects, or have this generated in the wrapper
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