Julien Wadel's avatar
deleted branch fix/wintime_precision at BC / public / bctoolbox
Julien Wadel's avatar
pushed to branch release/5.4 at BC / public / bctoolbox
  • bfcfb10c · Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against...
Julien Wadel's avatar
accepted merge request !325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox
Julien Wadel's avatar
pushed to branch fix/wintime_precision at BC / public / bctoolbox
  • bfcfb10c · Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against...
Julien Wadel's avatar
  • 227e2a5d · Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against...
Julien Wadel's avatar
opened merge request !326 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox
Simon Morlat's avatar
commented on merge request!325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox

Mais pour la jeunesse éternelle hélas je n'ai pas de solution !

Simon Morlat's avatar
commented on merge request!325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox

En fait, outre l'extrême précaution, cela montre qu'on s'est posé la question....

Julien Wadel's avatar
Julien Wadel's avatar
commented on merge request!325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox

le contexte de la fonction est un current time (_bctbx_get_cur_time). T'es optimiste... est-ce vraiment utile? A moins que tu ais le secret de la j...

Simon Morlat's avatar
approved merge request !325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox
Simon Morlat's avatar
commented on merge request!325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox

Ca ne marche que jusqu'en 2554, peut être est il prudent de le noter dans un commentaire, au cas où.

Julien Wadel's avatar
commented on merge request!325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox

pbl de version de clangformat

Julien Wadel's avatar
pushed to branch fix/wintime_precision at BC / public / bctoolbox
  • 846a575f · Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against...
Andrea Gianarda's avatar
approved merge request !325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox
Julien Wadel's avatar
commented on merge request!325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox

ouais mais c'est justement clang-format qui oblige à cette syntaxe

Andrea Gianarda's avatar
commented on merge request!325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox

Deux petit commentaire sinon c'est bon

Andrea Gianarda's avatar
commented on merge request!325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox

Pour être cohérent avec la ligne au dessus, je laisserais les espaces aux deux cotés du charactère &

Andrea Gianarda's avatar
commented on merge request!325 "Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against < 1us )." at BC / public / bctoolbox

Pour être cohérent avec la ligne au dessus, je laisserais les espaces aux deux cotés du charactère &

Julien Wadel's avatar
pushed to branch fix/wintime_precision at BC / public / bctoolbox
  • 306da9de · Windows: Use a higher precision on time (10-16ms previously against...