Commit 09014580 authored by Ralph Giles's avatar Ralph Giles Committed by Gerrit Code Review
Browse files

libmkv: fix Makefile.

Update the local makefile to build all the files and the test
application by default to simplify build verification.

Change-Id: Ic10141ea14c85110ff7507447d16297b77d296e9
Showing with 9 additions and 9 deletions
FLAGS=-g -Wall
all: testlibmkv
#Build Targets
EbmlWriter.o: EbmlWriter.c EbmlWriter.h
......@@ -10,16 +11,15 @@ EbmlWriter.o: EbmlWriter.c EbmlWriter.h
EbmlBufferWriter.o: EbmlBufferWriter.c EbmlBufferWriter.h
$(CC) $(FLAGS) -c EbmlBufferWriter.c
MkvElement.o: MkvElement.c WebMElement.h
$(CC) $(FLAGS) -c MkvElement.c
WebMElement.o: WebMElement.c WebMElement.h
$(CC) $(FLAGS) -c WebMElement.c
testlibmkv.o: testlibmkv.c
$(CC) $(FLAGS) -c testlibmkv.c
testlibmkv: testlibmkv.o MkvElement.o EbmlBufferWriter.o EbmlWriter.o
$(LINKER) $(FLAGS) testlibmkv.o MkvElement.o EbmlBufferWriter.o EbmlWriter.o -o testlibmkv
testlibmkv: testlibmkv.o WebMElement.o EbmlBufferWriter.o EbmlWriter.o
$(LINKER) $(FLAGS) -o testlibmkv testlibmkv.o WebMElement.o EbmlBufferWriter.o EbmlWriter.o
rm -rf *.o testlibmkv
\ No newline at end of file
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