Commit 3899315f authored by Johann's avatar Johann Committed by Gerrit Code Review
Browse files

Merge "Fix building for arm with Visual Studio 2013"

Showing with 34 additions and 13 deletions
......@@ -859,6 +859,13 @@ EOF
disable_feature multithread
disable_feature unit_tests
if [ $vs_version -ge 12 ]; then
# MSVC 2013 doesn't allow doing plain .exe projects for ARM,
# only "AppContainerApplication" which requires an AppxManifest.
# Therefore disable the examples, just build the library.
disable_feature examples
......@@ -292,6 +292,18 @@ generate_vcxproj() {
tag_content ProjectGuid "{${guid}}"
tag_content RootNamespace ${name}
tag_content Keyword ManagedCProj
if [ $vs_ver -ge 12 ] && [ "${platforms[0]}" = "ARM" ]; then
tag_content AppContainerApplication true
# The application type can be one of "Windows Store",
# "Windows Phone" or "Windows Phone Silverlight". The
# actual value doesn't matter from the libvpx point of view,
# since a static library built for one works on the others.
# The PlatformToolset field needs to be set in sync with this;
# for Windows Store and Windows Phone Silverlight it should be
# v120 while it should be v120_wp81 if the type is Windows Phone.
tag_content ApplicationType "Windows Store"
tag_content ApplicationTypeRevision 8.1
close_tag PropertyGroup
tag Import \
......@@ -324,18 +336,10 @@ generate_vcxproj() {
if [ "$vs_ver" = "12" ]; then
if [ "$plat" = "ARM" ]; then
# Setting the wp80 toolchain automatically sets the
# WINAPI_FAMILY define, which is required for building
# code for arm with the windows headers. Alternatively,
# one could add AppContainerApplication=true in the Globals
# section and add PrecompiledHeader=NotUsing and
# CompileAsWinRT=false in ClCompile and SubSystem=Console
# in Link.
tag_content PlatformToolset v120_wp80
tag_content PlatformToolset v120
# Setting a PlatformToolset indicating windows phone isn't
# enough to build code for arm with MSVC 2013, one strictly
# has to enable AppContainerApplication as well.
tag_content PlatformToolset v120
tag_content CharacterSet Unicode
if [ "$config" = "Release" ]; then
......@@ -427,15 +431,25 @@ generate_vcxproj() {
if ${werror:-false}; then
tag_content TreatWarningAsError true
if [ $vs_ver -ge 11 ]; then
# We need to override the defaults for these settings
# if AppContainerApplication is set.
tag_content CompileAsWinRT false
tag_content PrecompiledHeader NotUsing
tag_content SDLCheck false
close_tag ClCompile
case "$proj_kind" in
open_tag Link
if [ "$name" != "obj_int_extract" ]; then
tag_content AdditionalDependencies "$curlibs"
tag_content AdditionalDependencies "$curlibs;%(AdditionalDependencies)"
tag_content AdditionalLibraryDirectories "$libdirs;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)"
tag_content GenerateDebugInformation true
# Console is the default normally, but if
# AppContainerApplication is set, we need to override it.
tag_content SubSystem Console
close_tag Link
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