Commit 3f5feb7d authored by Yaowu Xu's avatar Yaowu Xu
Browse files

fixed .mk files to reflect add/remove of a header file

In a previous commit, the duplicate of headerfile defaultcoefcounts.h
was identified. This commit updates the .mk file to ensure configure
and make works properly for all platforms.

Change-Id: I31a39c809a734ba438ee53db700f252e9a03eddd
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/alloccommon.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/blockd.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/common.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/common_types.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/defaultcoefcounts.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/entropy.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/entropymode.h
VP8_COMMON_SRCS-yes += common/entropymv.h
......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ VP8_CX_SRCS-yes += vp8_cx_iface.c
#INCLUDES += encoder
VP8_CX_SRCS-yes += encoder/asm_enc_offsets.c
VP8_CX_SRCS-yes += encoder/defaultcoefcounts.h
VP8_CX_SRCS-yes += encoder/bitstream.c
VP8_CX_SRCS-yes += encoder/boolhuff.c
VP8_CX_SRCS-yes += encoder/dct.c
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