Commit 62c64118 authored by Johann's avatar Johann
Browse files

Remove neon version of vp8 extend borders

The code fails the unit test. Speed comparisons to the C are invalid
because the code frequently didn't correctly extend the right and
bottom portions of the frame.

Reduce maximum frame size on ARM devices to avoid OOM

Change-Id: Ia664c86406f0bb8120fd7ad401f32d0bd44994fb
Showing with 1 addition and 318 deletions
......@@ -179,10 +179,4 @@ TEST_P(ExtendBorderTest, ExtendBorder) {
} // namespace
; Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
; that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
; tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
; in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
; be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
EXPORT |vp8_yv12_extend_frame_borders_neon|
INCLUDE vpx_scale_asm_offsets.asm
;void vp8_yv12_extend_frame_borders_neon (YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf);
; we depend on VP8BORDERINPIXELS being 32
|vp8_yv12_extend_frame_borders_neon| PROC
push {r4 - r10, lr}
vpush {d8 - d15}
; Border = 32
ldr r3, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_y_width] ; plane_width
ldr r1, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_y_buffer] ; src_ptr1
ldr r4, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_y_height] ; plane_height
ldr lr, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_y_stride] ; plane_stride
; Border copy for Y plane
; copy the left and right most columns out
add r6, r1, r3 ; dest_ptr2 = src_ptr2 + 1 (src_ptr1 + plane_width)
sub r2, r6, #1 ; src_ptr2 = src_ptr1 + plane_width - 1
sub r5, r1, #32 ; dest_ptr1 = src_ptr1 - Border
mov r12, r4, lsr #2 ; plane_height / 4
vld1.8 {d0[], d1[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d4[], d5[]}, [r2], lr
vld1.8 {d8[], d9[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d12[], d13[]}, [r2], lr
vld1.8 {d16[], d17[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d20[], d21[]}, [r2], lr
vld1.8 {d24[], d25[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d28[], d29[]}, [r2], lr
vmov q1, q0
vmov q3, q2
vmov q5, q4
vmov q7, q6
vmov q9, q8
vmov q11, q10
vmov q13, q12
vmov q15, q14
subs r12, r12, #1
vst1.8 {q0, q1}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q2, q3}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q4, q5}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q6, q7}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q8, q9}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q10, q11}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q12, q13}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q14, q15}, [r6], lr
bne copy_left_right_y
;Now copy the top and bottom source lines into each line of the respective borders
ldr r1, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_y_buffer] ; y_buffer
mul r8, r4, lr ; plane_height * plane_stride
; copy width is plane_stride
movs r12, lr, lsr #7 ; plane_stride / 128
sub r1, r1, #32 ; src_ptr1 = y_buffer - Border
add r6, r1, r8 ; dest_ptr2 = src_ptr2 - plane_stride (src_ptr1 + (plane_height * plane_stride))
sub r2, r6, lr ; src_ptr2 = src_ptr1 + (plane_height * plane_stride) - plane_stride
sub r5, r1, lr, asl #5 ; dest_ptr1 = src_ptr1 - (Border * plane_stride)
ble extra_y_copy_needed ; plane stride < 128
vld1.8 {q0, q1}, [r1]!
vld1.8 {q8, q9}, [r2]!
vld1.8 {q2, q3}, [r1]!
vld1.8 {q10, q11}, [r2]!
vld1.8 {q4, q5}, [r1]!
vld1.8 {q12, q13}, [r2]!
vld1.8 {q6, q7}, [r1]!
vld1.8 {q14, q15}, [r2]!
mov r7, #32 ; Border
subs r7, r7, #1
vst1.8 {q0, q1}, [r5]!
vst1.8 {q8, q9}, [r6]!
vst1.8 {q2, q3}, [r5]!
vst1.8 {q10, q11}, [r6]!
vst1.8 {q4, q5}, [r5]!
vst1.8 {q12, q13}, [r6]!
vst1.8 {q6, q7}, [r5]!
vst1.8 {q14, q15}, [r6]!
add r5, r5, lr ; dest_ptr1 += plane_stride
sub r5, r5, #128 ; dest_ptr1 -= 128
add r6, r6, lr ; dest_ptr2 += plane_stride
sub r6, r6, #128 ; dest_ptr2 -= 128
bne top_bottom_32
sub r5, r1, lr, asl #5 ; src_ptr1 - (Border* plane_stride)
add r6, r2, lr ; src_ptr2 + plane_stride
subs r12, r12, #1
bne copy_top_bottom_y
mov r7, lr, lsr #4 ; check to see if extra copy is needed
ands r7, r7, #0x7
bne extra_top_bottom_y
;Border copy for U, V planes
; Border = 16
ldr r7, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_u_buffer] ; src_ptr1
ldr lr, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_uv_stride] ; plane_stride
ldr r3, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_uv_width] ; plane_width
ldr r4, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_uv_height] ; plane_height
mov r10, #2
;copy the left and right most columns out
mov r1, r7 ; src_ptr1 needs to be saved for second half of loop
sub r5, r1, #16 ; dest_ptr1 = src_ptr1 - Border
add r6, r1, r3 ; dest_ptr2 = src_ptr2 + 1 (src_ptr1 + plane_width)
sub r2, r6, #1 ; src_ptr2 = src_ptr1 + plane_width - 1
mov r12, r4, lsr #3 ; plane_height / 8
vld1.8 {d0[], d1[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d2[], d3[]}, [r2], lr
vld1.8 {d4[], d5[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d6[], d7[]}, [r2], lr
vld1.8 {d8[], d9[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d10[], d11[]}, [r2], lr
vld1.8 {d12[], d13[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d14[], d15[]}, [r2], lr
vld1.8 {d16[], d17[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d18[], d19[]}, [r2], lr
vld1.8 {d20[], d21[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d22[], d23[]}, [r2], lr
vld1.8 {d24[], d25[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d26[], d27[]}, [r2], lr
vld1.8 {d28[], d29[]}, [r1], lr
vld1.8 {d30[], d31[]}, [r2], lr
subs r12, r12, #1
vst1.8 {q0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q1}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q2}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q3}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q4}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q5}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q6}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q7}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q8}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q9}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q10}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q11}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q12}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q13}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q14}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q15}, [r6], lr
bne copy_left_right_uv
;Now copy the top and bottom source lines into each line of the respective borders
mov r1, r7
mul r8, r4, lr ; plane_height * plane_stride
movs r12, lr, lsr #6 ; plane_stride / 64
sub r1, r1, #16 ; src_ptr1 = u_buffer - Border
add r6, r1, r8 ; dest_ptr2 = src_ptr2 + plane_stride (src_ptr1 + (plane_height * plane_stride)
sub r2, r6, lr ; src_ptr2 = src_ptr1 + (plane_height * plane_stride) - plane_stride
sub r5, r1, lr, asl #4 ; dest_ptr1 = src_ptr1 - (Border * plane_stride)
ble extra_uv_copy_needed ; plane_stride < 64
vld1.8 {q0, q1}, [r1]!
vld1.8 {q8, q9}, [r2]!
vld1.8 {q2, q3}, [r1]!
vld1.8 {q10, q11}, [r2]!
mov r7, #16 ; Border
subs r7, r7, #1
vst1.8 {q0, q1}, [r5]!
vst1.8 {q8, q9}, [r6]!
vst1.8 {q2, q3}, [r5]!
vst1.8 {q10, q11}, [r6]!
add r5, r5, lr ; dest_ptr1 += plane_stride
sub r5, r5, #64
add r6, r6, lr ; dest_ptr2 += plane_stride
sub r6, r6, #64
bne top_bottom_16
sub r5, r1, lr, asl #4 ; dest_ptr1 = src_ptr1 - (Border * plane_stride)
add r6, r2, lr ; dest_ptr2 = src_ptr2 + plane_stride
subs r12, r12, #1
bne copy_top_bottom_uv
mov r7, lr, lsr #3 ; check to see if extra copy is needed
ands r7, r7, #0x7
bne extra_top_bottom_uv
subs r10, r10, #1
ldrne r7, [r0, #yv12_buffer_config_v_buffer] ; src_ptr1
bne border_copy_uv
vpop {d8 - d15}
pop {r4 - r10, pc}
vld1.8 {q0}, [r1]!
vld1.8 {q2}, [r2]!
mov r9, #4 ; 32 >> 3
subs r9, r9, #1
vst1.8 {q0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q2}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q2}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q2}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q2}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q2}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q2}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q2}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {q0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {q2}, [r6], lr
bne extra_top_bottom_32
sub r5, r1, lr, asl #5 ; src_ptr1 - (Border * plane_stride)
add r6, r2, lr ; src_ptr2 + plane_stride
subs r7, r7, #1
bne extra_top_bottom_y
b end_of_border_copy_y
vld1.8 {d0}, [r1]!
vld1.8 {d8}, [r2]!
mov r9, #2 ; 16 >> 3
subs r9, r9, #1
vst1.8 {d0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {d8}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {d0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {d8}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {d0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {d8}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {d0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {d8}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {d0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {d8}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {d0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {d8}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {d0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {d8}, [r6], lr
vst1.8 {d0}, [r5], lr
vst1.8 {d8}, [r6], lr
bne extra_top_bottom_16
sub r5, r1, lr, asl #4 ; src_ptr1 - (Border * plane_stride)
add r6, r2, lr ; src_ptr2 + plane_stride
subs r7, r7, #1
bne extra_top_bottom_uv
b end_of_border_copy_uv
......@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ extern void vp8_yv12_copy_frame_func_neon(
void vp8_yv12_copy_frame_neon(const struct yv12_buffer_config *src_ybc,
struct yv12_buffer_config *dst_ybc) {
vp8_yv12_copy_frame_func_neon(src_ybc, dst_ybc);
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ SCALE_SRCS-yes +=
SCALE_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON_ASM) += arm/neon/vp8_vpxyv12_copyframe_func_neon$(ASM)
SCALE_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON_ASM) += arm/neon/vp8_vpxyv12_copysrcframe_func_neon$(ASM)
SCALE_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON_ASM) += arm/neon/vp8_vpxyv12_extendframeborders_neon$(ASM)
SCALE_SRCS-$(HAVE_NEON_ASM) += arm/neon/yv12extend_arm.c
......@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ if (vpx_config("CONFIG_SPATIAL_RESAMPLING") eq "yes") {
add_proto qw/void vp8_yv12_extend_frame_borders/, "struct yv12_buffer_config *ybf";
specialize qw/vp8_yv12_extend_frame_borders neon_asm/;
add_proto qw/void vp8_yv12_copy_frame/, "const struct yv12_buffer_config *src_ybc, struct yv12_buffer_config *dst_ybc";
specialize qw/vp8_yv12_copy_frame neon_asm/;
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