Commit 6b6f367c authored by James Berry's avatar James Berry
Browse files

bug fix vpx_copy_and_extend_frame size issue

vpx_copy_and_extend_frame could incorrectly
resize uv frames which could result in a crash.

Change-Id: Ie96f7078b1e328b3907a06eebeee44ca39a2e898
Showing with 4 additions and 4 deletions
......@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ void vp8_copy_and_extend_frame(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *src,
src->y_height, src->y_width,
et, el, eb, er);
et = (et + 1) >> 1;
el = (el + 1) >> 1;
eb = (eb + 1) >> 1;
er = (er + 1) >> 1;
et = dst->border >> 1;
el = dst->border >> 1;
eb = (dst->border >> 1) + dst->uv_height - src->uv_height;
er = (dst->border >> 1) + dst->uv_width - src->uv_width;
copy_and_extend_plane(src->u_buffer, src->uv_stride,
dst->u_buffer, dst->uv_stride,
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