Commit d9b62160 authored by Deb Mukherjee's avatar Deb Mukherjee
Browse files

Implements several heuristics to prune mode search

Skips mode searches for intra and compound inter modes depending
on the best mode so far and the reference frames. The various
heuristics to be used are selected by bits from a flag. The
previous direction based intra mode search pruning is also absorbed
in this framework.

Specifically the flags and their impact are:

1) FLAG_SKIP_INTRA_BESTINTER (skip intra mode search for oblique
directional modes and TM_PRED if the best so far is
an inter mode)
derfraw300: -0.15%, 10% speedup

2) FLAG_SKIP_INTRA_DIRMISMATCH (skip D27, D63, D117 and D153
mode search if the best so far is not one of the closest
hor/vert/diagonal directions.
derfraw300: -0.05%, about 9% speedup

3) FLAG_SKIP_COMP_BESTINTRA (skip compound prediction mode
search if the best so far is an intra mode)
derfraw300: -0.06%, about 7-8% speedup

4) FLAG_SKIP_COMP_REFMISMATCH (skip compound prediction search
if the best single ref inter mode does not have the same ref
as one of the two references being tested in the compound mode)
derfraw300: -0.56%, about 10% speedup

Change-Id: I1a736cd29b36325489e7af9f32698d6394b2c495
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