1. 08 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
    • JackyChen's avatar
      Add unit test for VP8 denoiser. · 09fbe886
      JackyChen authored
      The unit test is to check the bitexactness of SSE2 code with C code.
      Change-Id: I13cc08a557b02357e5d6c2db7a49e93ce0d8e16f
  2. 07 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Jim Bankoski's avatar
      experimental : partition using 1/8 x 1/8 image · 0ce51d82
      Jim Bankoski authored
      The concept:
      There's too much noise in source pixels for variance and at low bitrate
      the reconstructed looks nothing like the source so we have problems
      getting good partitionings with either.   This skirts the issue by using
      a box blur scaled down version for variance calculations.  To compare
      against source_var_ moved keyframe to be rd based like source_var.
      Change-Id: Ie3babdbfadae324b7b5a76bea192893af27f0624
  3. 06 Oct, 2014 - 2 commits
    • JackyChen's avatar
      Add SSE2 code and unit test for VP9 denoiser. · 80465dae
      JackyChen authored
      This SSE2 is based on VP8 denoiser's SSE2 code. In VP8, there are
      only 16x16 blocks in denoiser, while in VP9, there are 13 different
      block sizes.
      By adding this SSE2 code, the improvement of encoder speed is around
      20%(using C code vs using SSE2 code), vary for different clips.
      The unit test for VP9 denoiser is to confirm that the SSE2 code is
      bit-exact with the C code. The unit test covers all block size.
      Change-Id: Ic8d8ac26db4ea40a5f146b5678a065af07eaaa3d
    • Jingning Han's avatar
      Add range check in inverse ADST 16x16 · 12344f26
      Jingning Han authored
      Bit-stream clarification related to Issue 868.
      Change-Id: I92a7bc5b7782c9ea5c3f6cceec761742183c9514
  4. 03 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Deb Mukherjee's avatar
      Incorporate WRAPLOW macro into non-highbitdepth tx · d50716fa
      Deb Mukherjee authored
      Incorporates the WRAPLOW macro into the non-highbitdepth transforms
      to aid hardware verification between a software C model and an
      intended hardware implementation though the use of the configure
      options: --enable-experimental --enable-emulate-hardware.
      Note that to avoid further discrepancies between the sse/sse2
      implementations of the transforms and the C implementation, when the
      emulate hardware option is invoked, we also disable sse/sse2/etc.
      Also incudes some minor cleanups/renaming etc.
      Change-Id: Ib864d8493313927d429cce402982f1c8e45b3287
  5. 02 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  6. 01 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  7. 23 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  8. 22 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  9. 20 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
    • hkuang's avatar
      Fix compile warning. · db71c1bd
      hkuang authored
      warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions.
      Change-Id: Ib6ee7500fe910983f290fc321ad89c0ab9989455
  10. 19 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  11. 18 Sep, 2014 - 5 commits
  12. 16 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  13. 15 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
    • Frank Galligan's avatar
      Remove memset of every external frame buffer. · 175d9dfe
      Frank Galligan authored
      Libvpx was memseting every external frame buffer before decode. This
      was to work around a valgrind issue in our C loop filter. Most of
      the time this was not needed and we have noticed some significant
      performance loss on some platforms. Now we require the application to
      zero out the buffers if it is using external frame buffers.
      Change-Id: I7330d00a315e65137ed30edd5f813e8929b76242
    • Scott LaVarnway's avatar
      VP8 encoder for ARMv8 by using NEON intrinsics 1 · fe2cc873
      Scott LaVarnway authored
      Add vp8_mse16x16_neon.c
      - vp8_mse16x16_neon
      - vp8_get4x4sse_cs_neon
      Change-Id: I108952f60a9ae50613f0ce3903c2c81df19d99d0
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJames Yu <james.yu@linaro.org>
  14. 14 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  15. 12 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Deb Mukherjee's avatar
      Adds high bitdepth transform functions and tests · 10783d4f
      Deb Mukherjee authored
      Adds various high bitdepth transform functions and tests.
      Much of the changes are related to using typedefs tran_low_t
      and tran_high_t for the final transform cofficients and intermediate
      stages of the transform computation respectively rather than fixed
      types int16_t/int. When vp9_highbitdepth configure flag is off,
      these map tp int16_t/int32_t, but when the flag is on, they map
      to int32_t/int64_t to make space for needed extra precision.
      Change-Id: I3c56de79e15b904d6f655b62ffae170729befdd8
  16. 11 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  17. 10 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  18. 08 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  19. 06 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  20. 05 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
    • James Zern's avatar
      vp9: correct context buffer resize check · bb4950df
      James Zern authored
      allocations within vp9_alloc_context_buffers() rely on mi_rows/mi_cols
      individually, use those to determine whether to realloc rather than
      stride and stride * rows. this fixes a crash with some fuzzed files for
      invalid accesses into last_frame_seg_map and above_context.
      Change-Id: I7b9f40dcf170d443890f3bd2acd285507943c7d4
    • James Zern's avatar
      vp9: fail decode if block/frame refs are corrupt · 440f5097
      James Zern authored
      proceeding using a corrupt (incompletely decoded) frame reference may
      lead to incorrect assumptions about allocation sizes leading to a crash.
      Change-Id: I76e74f2e1be127c2e2c7e1174bb3307497dfd23d
  21. 04 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  22. 03 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  23. 02 Sep, 2014 - 4 commits
    • Alex Converse's avatar
      Add a test vector for SEG_LVL_SKIP. · deeeb427
      Alex Converse authored
      Change-Id: Ib41acade12fe6cdd4c4a4efdb1260d5f100a3e7f
    • Dmitry Kovalev's avatar
      Removing MMX SAD calculation code. · 318fc0c3
      Dmitry Kovalev authored
      Removed functions:
      * vp9_sad_16x16_mmx
      * vp9_sad_8x16_mmx
      * vp9_sad_16x8_mmx
      * vp9_sad_8x8_mmx
      * vp9_sad_4x4_mmx
      Change-Id: Ic5174b93b64d65d846f0c11e72cab149e9472bc3
    • Deb Mukherjee's avatar
      Adds config opt for highbitdepth + misc. vpx · 5acfafb1
      Deb Mukherjee authored
      Adds config parameter vp9_highbitdepth, to support highbitdepth profiles.
      Also includes most vpx level high bit-depth functions. However
      encode/decode in the highbitdepth profiles will not work until
      the rest of the code is in place.
      Change-Id: I34c53b253c38873611057a6cbc89a1361b8985a6
    • Minghai Shang's avatar
      [svc] Temporal svc with two pass rate control · be3b08da
      Minghai Shang authored
      It's built based on current spatial svc code.
      We only support one spatial two temporal layers at this time.
      Change-Id: I1fdc8584354b910331e626bfae60473b3b701ba1
  24. 29 Aug, 2014 - 2 commits
    • James Zern's avatar
      vp9: fix m/t loop filter invalid free · fec40f92
      James Zern authored
      store the number of allocated rows in VP9LfSync, the calculated values
      can not be relied on when dealing with corrupt material.
      Change-Id: I13b8bcec9738c299a71df726772ab7ac05511e5b
    • Dmitry Kovalev's avatar
      Removing variance MMX code. · 12cd6f42
      Dmitry Kovalev authored
      Removed functions:
      * vp9_mse16x16_mmx
      * vp9_get_mb_ss_mmx
      * vp9_get4x4var_mmx
      * vp9_get8x8var_mmx
      * vp9_variance4x4_mmx
      * vp9_variance8x8_mmx
      * vp9_variance16x16_mmx
      * vp9_variance16x8_mmx
      * vp9_variance8x16_mmx
      They all have SSE2 equivalent.
      Change-Id: I3796f2477c4f59b35b4828f46a300c16e62a2615
  25. 28 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
  26. 27 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit