- Branches 20
- 5.10
- 5.11
- 5.12
- 5.12.1
- 5.12.10
- 5.12.11
- 5.12.12
- 5.12.2
- 5.12.3
- 5.12.4
- 5.12.5
- 5.12.6
- 5.12.7
- 5.12.8
- 5.12.9
- 5.13
- 5.13.0
- 5.13.1
- 5.13.2
- 5.14
- Tags 20
- v5.15.0-alpha1
- v5.12.7
- v5.14.1
- v5.9.9
- v5.14.0
- v5.14.0-rc2
- v5.14.0-rc1
- v5.12.6
- v5.14.0-beta3
- v5.13.2
- v5.14.0-beta2
- v5.14.0-beta1
- v5.14.0-alpha1
- v5.12.5
- v5.13.1
- v5.13.0
- v5.13.0-rc3
- v5.12.4
- v5.13.0-rc2
- v5.13.0-rc1
Commits to 83a5694dc21b8220bb0e5c85f24a53361b2fd478
Excluding merge commits. Limited to 6,000 commits.Thiago Macieira
470 commits (thiago.macieira@intel.com)
Marc Mutz
340 commits (marc.mutz@kdab.com)
Friedemann Kleint
340 commits (friedemann.kleint@digia.com)
Laszlo Agocs
244 commits (laszlo.agocs@digia.com)
Tor Arne Vestbø
210 commits (tor.arne.vestbo@digia.com)
Oswald Buddenhagen
158 commits (oswald.buddenhagen@digia.com)
Konstantin Ritt
147 commits (ritt.ks@gmail.com)
Giuseppe D'Angelo
140 commits (giuseppe.dangelo@kdab.com)
Morten Johan Sørvig
137 commits (morten.sorvig@digia.com)
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
134 commits (allan.jensen@digia.com)
Andrew Knight
133 commits (andrew.knight@digia.com)
Frederik Gladhorn
117 commits (frederik.gladhorn@digia.com)
David Faure
97 commits (david.faure@kdab.com)
Shawn Rutledge
92 commits (shawn.rutledge@digia.com)
Richard Moe Gustavsen
89 commits (richard.gustavsen@digia.com)
Kai Koehne
89 commits (kai.koehne@digia.com)
BogDan Vatra
88 commits (bogdan@kde.org)
Friedemann Kleint
74 commits (friedemann.kleint@theqtcompany.com)
Gabriel de Dietrich
72 commits (gabriel.dedietrich@digia.com)
Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt
72 commits (eskil.abrahamsen-blomfeldt@digia.com)
John Layt
71 commits (jlayt@kde.org)
Jędrzej Nowacki
69 commits (jedrzej.nowacki@digia.com)
Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt
67 commits (eskil.abrahamsen-blomfeldt@theqtcompany.com)
Oswald Buddenhagen
66 commits (oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com)
Andy Shaw
65 commits (andy.shaw@digia.com)
Joerg Bornemann
65 commits (joerg.bornemann@digia.com)
Olivier Goffart
59 commits (ogoffart@woboq.com)
J-P Nurmi
55 commits (jpnurmi@digia.com)
Fabian Bumberger
55 commits (fbumberger@rim.com)
Nico Vertriest
54 commits (nico.vertriest@digia.com)
Louai Al-Khanji
50 commits (louai.al-khanji@digia.com)
Paul Olav Tvete
49 commits (paul.tvete@digia.com)
Sérgio Martins
46 commits (sergio.martins@kdab.com)
Topi Reinio
44 commits (topi.reinio@digia.com)
Bernd Weimer
42 commits (bweimer@blackberry.com)
Martin Smith
41 commits (martin.smith@digia.com)
Jan Arve Saether
38 commits (jan-arve.saether@digia.com)
Laszlo Agocs
37 commits (laszlo.agocs@theqtcompany.com)
Samuel Gaist
37 commits (samuel.gaist@edeltech.ch)
Jørgen Lind
37 commits (jorgen.lind@digia.com)
Christian Strømme
35 commits (christian.stromme@digia.com)
Mitch Curtis
35 commits (mitch.curtis@digia.com)
Alexander Volkov
34 commits (a.volkov@rusbitech.ru)
Robin Burchell
32 commits (robin.burchell@viroteck.net)
Oliver Wolff
31 commits (oliver.wolff@digia.com)
Kai Koehne
30 commits (kai.koehne@theqtcompany.com)
Lars Knoll
29 commits (lars.knoll@digia.com)
Peter Hartmann
29 commits (phartmann@blackberry.com)
Sergio Ahumada
29 commits (sahumada@blackberry.com)
Dyami Caliri
28 commits (dyami@dragonframe.com)
Richard J. Moore
27 commits (rich@kde.org)
Jerome Pasion
27 commits (jerome.pasion@digia.com)
Maks Naumov
25 commits (maksqwe1@ukr.net)
25 commits (hjk121@nokiamail.com)
Gatis Paeglis
24 commits (gatis.paeglis@digia.com)
Maurice Kalinowski
24 commits (maurice.kalinowski@digia.com)
Simon Hausmann
20 commits (simon.hausmann@digia.com)
Alex Trotsenko
19 commits (alex1973tr@gmail.com)
Liang Qi
19 commits (liang.qi@digia.com)
Kurt Pattyn
19 commits (pattyn.kurt@gmail.com)
Jeremy Lainé
18 commits (jeremy.laine@m4x.org)
Robin Burchell
18 commits (robin.burchell@jollamobile.com)
Sze Howe Koh
17 commits (szehowe.koh@gmail.com)
Stephen Kelly
17 commits (stephen.kelly@kdab.com)
Jan Arve Saether
15 commits (jan-arve.saether@theqtcompany.com)
Timur Pocheptsov
15 commits (timur.pocheptsov@digia.com)
Jocelyn Turcotte
15 commits (jocelyn.turcotte@digia.com)
Lorn Potter
15 commits (lorn.potter@jollamobile.com)
Jake Petroules
15 commits (jake.petroules@petroules.com)
Gunnar Sletta
14 commits (gunnar.sletta@jollamobile.com)
Mark Brand
14 commits (mabrand@mabrand.nl)
Paul Olav Tvete
14 commits (paul.tvete@theqtcompany.com)
Jędrzej Nowacki
14 commits (jedrzej.nowacki@theqtcompany.com)
Alex Blasche
14 commits (alexander.blasche@digia.com)
Ivan Komissarov
14 commits (abbapoh@gmail.com)
Richard Moe Gustavsen
13 commits (richard.gustavsen@theqtcompany.com)
Gabriel de Dietrich
13 commits (gabriel.dedietrich@theqtcompany.com)
Rafael Roquetto
13 commits (rafael.roquetto.qnx@kdab.com)
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
12 commits (allan.jensen@theqtcompany.com)
Martin Gräßlin
12 commits (mgraesslin@kde.org)
12 commits (eirik.aavitsland@digia.com)
Albert Astals Cid
11 commits (albert.astals@canonical.com)
J-P Nurmi
11 commits (jpnurmi@theqtcompany.com)
Tobias Koenig
11 commits (tobias.koenig@kdab.com)
Tor Arne Vestbø
11 commits (torarnv@gmail.com)
Andy Nichols
11 commits (andy.nichols@digia.com)
Raphael Kubo da Costa
10 commits (rakuco@freebsd.org)
Marcel Krems
10 commits (m.krems@software-vision.eu)
Leena Miettinen
10 commits (riitta-leena.miettinen@digia.com)
Lorn Potter
10 commits (lorn.potter@gmail.com)
Alejandro Exojo
10 commits (suy@badopi.org)
Andrew Knight
10 commits (andrew.knight@theqtcompany.com)
Tasuku Suzuki
10 commits (stasuku@gmail.com)
Wolfgang Bremer
10 commits (wbremer@blackberry.com)
Daniel Molkentin
9 commits (daniel@molkentin.de)
Tony Sarajärvi
9 commits (tony.sarajarvi@digia.com)
Ulf Hermann
9 commits (ulf.hermann@digia.com)
Alessandro Portale
9 commits (alessandro.portale@digia.com)
Joni Poikelin
8 commits (joni.poikelin@digia.com)
Erik Verbruggen
8 commits (erik.verbruggen@digia.com)