1. 11 Feb, 2015 - 1 commit
    • Jani Heikkinen's avatar
      Update copyright headers · 83a5694d
      Jani Heikkinen authored
      Qt copyrights are now in The Qt Company, so we could update the source
      code headers accordingly. In the same go we should also fix the links to
      point to qt.io.
      Outdated header.LGPL removed (use header.LGPL21 instead)
      Old header.LGPL3 renamed to header.LGPL3-COMM to match actual licensing
      combination. New header.LGPL-COMM taken in the use file which were
      using old header.LGPL3 (src/plugins/platforms/android/extract.cpp)
      Added new header.LGPL3 containing Commercial + LGPLv3 + GPLv2 license
      Change-Id: I6f49b819a8a20cc4f88b794a8f6726d975e8ffbe
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMatti Paaso <matti.paaso@theqtcompany.com>
  2. 10 Feb, 2015 - 4 commits
    • Friedemann Kleint's avatar
      Windows: Reintroduce copy of argv. · 29daa764
      Friedemann Kleint authored
      Since argc/argv is modified by QCoreApplication-derived classes,
      a copy of the original arguments is needed for comparison.
      This fixes a crash in Qt Quick 2 tests (which use
      the -qmljsdebugger=<port> argument) introduced
      by dff18b8e
      Task-number: QTBUG-30330
      Change-Id: Ic145ac923e0a7c504ab16602c8686268e4fd9700
      Reviewed-by: default avatarThiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarSimon Hausmann <simon.hausmann@theqtcompany.com>
    • Laszlo Agocs's avatar
    • Sergey Radionov's avatar
      Win: fix wrong mouse leave event generation · 34ea269b
      Sergey Radionov authored
      When Qt runs in process with low integrity level,
      and place child QWindow to HWND from less restricted process,
      ChildWindowFromPointEx could fail with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
      and QWindowsScreen::windowAt will return 0 despite mouse is on window.
      Task-number: QTBUG-44332
      Change-Id: I07e1594b90cbde8a9496f8d53ef247a7c69d8715
      Reviewed-by: default avatarFriedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@theqtcompany.com>
    • Frederik Gladhorn's avatar
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.4' into dev · fc35f714
      Frederik Gladhorn authored
      Thanks to Friedemann Kleint for resolving the qwindowsfontdatabase.cpp
      Change-Id: I937232c30523d5121c195d947d92aec6f129b03e
  3. 09 Feb, 2015 - 4 commits
    • Jan Arve Saether's avatar
      Add support for snapping to pixel grid · 68293395
      Jan Arve Saether authored
      This enables us to do more intelligent distribution than simply doing the
      rounding on each individual items geometry (which often leads to larger
      spacings than specified).
      Instead of doing the rounding on the output geometries, we now do the
      snapping inside the layout engine. This allows us to do more intelligent
      distribution of items, and spacings should always be respected.
      There are some cases where items with fractional size hints might overlap
      with less than a pixel.  This was also the case before this patch. Those
      cases are impossible to fix properly, since fractional size hints
      conflicts with the snapping in some cases.
      (Fractional size hints is normal for Text items.)
      Task-number: QTBUG-41216
      Change-Id: I01a8bc3529f0b8b028d6eb0a530c751b67ac6f4e
      Reviewed-by: default avatarPaul Olav Tvete <paul.tvete@theqtcompany.com>
    • David Morgan's avatar
      OpenGL: Add versioned functions support for opengl 4.4 and 4.5 · 18aae36a
      David Morgan authored
      Previous errors in versioned function classes for OpenGL versions
      prior to 4.4 have also been fixed to comply with the new OpenGL
      xml specification. Such mistakes were due to either bugs in the
      old plain text specification files or problems due to the
      difficulty in parsing the old spec files.
      In some cases this has meant adding in missing functions that were
      absent previously.
      The other class of problem was when functions were erroneously
      included in the versioned function classes when they should not
      have been present. That is, some core profile classes incorrectly
      had member functions for deprecated functions that should only
      be present in the compatibility profile classes. In these cases
      these incorrect functions will now trigger a qFatal if
      called. This is fine as any applications that called these by mistake
      in the past would have been dereferencing a null pointer as the
      function pointer resolution would have failed for these functions.
      [ChangeLog][QtGui] Add version function classes for OpenGL 4.4 and 4.5
      and deprecate some erroneously classified functions.
      Task-Id: QTBUG-33671
      Task-Id: QTBUG-44364
      Change-Id: I224108dcaf4f8b4933bc121827511841e2a41590
      Reviewed-by: default avatarGiuseppe D'Angelo <giuseppe.dangelo@kdab.com>
    • Allan Sandfeld Jensen's avatar
      Optimize unpremultiply on SSE4.1 · 38aafe1a
      Allan Sandfeld Jensen authored
      Adds an SSE4.1 optimized version of qUnpremultiply and uses it in the
      most drawing conversions methods. This gives a speed-up of little over
      Change-Id: Ieb858a94ada1eb86d7af715ac1a100f1587f360d
      Reviewed-by: default avatarGunnar Sletta <gunnar@sletta.org>
    • Kai Koehne's avatar
      QtCore: Use QDebugStateSaver in (almost) all QDebug operator<< · 86820115
      Kai Koehne authored
      Unify the behavior of the different operator<< by always using
      QDebugStateSaver (appending an optional space at exit), and making
      sure that the space(), nospace() setting isn't 'leaked'.
      Change-Id: I38e4f82fa6f7419d8b5edfc4dc37495af497e8ac
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAlex Blasche <alexander.blasche@theqtcompany.com>
  4. 08 Feb, 2015 - 10 commits
  5. 07 Feb, 2015 - 10 commits
  6. 06 Feb, 2015 - 7 commits
  7. 05 Feb, 2015 - 4 commits