Commit b9e6d2a4 authored by Alex Blasche's avatar Alex Blasche
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Fix lowenergyscanner ui bugs when QLEController connection errors

1.) The QLEController may error out during connectToDevice() which does
not require the eventloop to run. At the same time the services view
is not yet loaded. Subsequently the services view never notices the
errors and loads as if the controller is still trying to connect.

2.) The services view can only be left when a disconnect() signal is
received. During a connection error the disconnect never happens
because the connect never happened. Artificially introduce a disconnect()
when the controller is not connected but disconnect was called by the UI.
This part should be cleaned up to properly allow tracking of the
controller's state in the future.

Change-Id: I2cbd90d55b5e70fb275a8f4563d9436419874e6d
Reviewed-by: default avatarTimur Pocheptsov <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarAlex Blasche <>
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