Gunnar Sletta authored
It seems we were hitting the bool operator rather than the pointer values so all text materials, regardless of size or style would return equal. Change-Id: I8773e5aa965035f6737920747c2cf073929ff799 Reviewed-by:
Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <eskil.abrahamsen-blomfeldt@digia.com>
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#include "qsgdefaultglyphnode_p_p.h"
#include <qopenglshaderprogram.h>
#include <QtGui/private/qguiapplication_p.h>
#include <qpa/qplatformintegration.h>
#include <private/qfontengine_p.h>
#include <private/qopenglextensions_p.h>
#include <QtQuick/private/qsgtexture_p.h>
#include <private/qrawfont_p.h>
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
class QSGTextMaskMaterialData : public QSGMaterialShader
virtual void updateState(const RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newEffect, QSGMaterial *oldEffect);
virtual char const *const *attributeNames() const;
virtual void activate();
virtual void deactivate();
virtual void initialize();
virtual const char *vertexShader() const;
virtual const char *fragmentShader() const;
int m_matrix_id;
int m_color_id;
int m_textureScale_id;
const char *QSGTextMaskMaterialData::vertexShader() const {
"uniform highp mat4 matrix; \n"
"uniform highp vec2 textureScale; \n"
"attribute highp vec4 vCoord; \n"
"attribute highp vec2 tCoord; \n"
"varying highp vec2 sampleCoord; \n"
"void main() { \n"
" sampleCoord = tCoord * textureScale; \n"
" gl_Position = matrix * vCoord; \n"
const char *QSGTextMaskMaterialData::fragmentShader() const {
"varying highp vec2 sampleCoord; \n"
"uniform sampler2D texture; \n"
"uniform lowp vec4 color; \n"
"void main() { \n"
" lowp vec4 glyph = texture2D(texture, sampleCoord); \n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(glyph.rgb * color.a, glyph.a); \n"
char const *const *QSGTextMaskMaterialData::attributeNames() const
static char const *const attr[] = { "vCoord", "tCoord", 0 };
return attr;
void QSGTextMaskMaterialData::initialize()
m_matrix_id = program()->uniformLocation("matrix");
m_color_id = program()->uniformLocation("color");
m_textureScale_id = program()->uniformLocation("textureScale");
static inline qreal fontSmoothingGamma()
static qreal fontSmoothingGamma = QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->styleHint(QPlatformIntegration::FontSmoothingGamma).toReal();
return fontSmoothingGamma;
void QSGTextMaskMaterialData::activate()
#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) && defined(GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB)
// 0.25 was found to be acceptable error margin by experimentation. On Mac, the gamma is 2.0,
// but using sRGB looks okay.
if (qAbs(fontSmoothingGamma() - 2.2) < 0.25)
void QSGTextMaskMaterialData::deactivate()
#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) && defined(GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB)
if (qAbs(fontSmoothingGamma() - 2.2) < 0.25)
void QSGTextMaskMaterialData::updateState(const RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newEffect, QSGMaterial *oldEffect)
Q_ASSERT(oldEffect == 0 || newEffect->type() == oldEffect->type());
QSGTextMaskMaterial *material = static_cast<QSGTextMaskMaterial *>(newEffect);
QSGTextMaskMaterial *oldMaterial = static_cast<QSGTextMaskMaterial *>(oldEffect);
if (oldMaterial == 0 || material->color() != oldMaterial->color() || state.isOpacityDirty()) {
QColor c = material->color();
QVector4D color(c.redF(), c.greenF(), c.blueF(), c.alphaF());
color *= state.opacity();
program()->setUniformValue(m_color_id, color);
if (oldMaterial == 0 || material->color() != oldMaterial->color()) {
bool updated = material->ensureUpToDate();
Q_ASSERT(oldMaterial == 0 || oldMaterial->texture());
if (updated
|| oldMaterial == 0
|| oldMaterial->texture()->textureId() != material->texture()->textureId()) {
program()->setUniformValue(m_textureScale_id, QVector2D(1.0 / material->cacheTextureWidth(),
1.0 / material->cacheTextureHeight()));
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, material->texture()->textureId());
// Set the mag/min filters to be nearest. We only need to do this when the texture
// has been recreated.
if (updated) {
if (state.isMatrixDirty()) {
QMatrix4x4 transform = state.modelViewMatrix();
qreal xTranslation = transform(0, 3);
qreal yTranslation = transform(1, 3);
// Remove translation and check identity to see if matrix is only translating.
// If it is, we can round the translation to make sure the text is pixel aligned,
// which is the only thing that works with GL_NEAREST filtering. Adding rotations
// and scales to native rendered text is not a prioritized use case, since the
// default rendering type is designed for that.
transform(0, 3) = 0.0;
transform(1, 3) = 0.0;
if (transform.isIdentity()) {
transform(0, 3) = qRound(xTranslation);
transform(1, 3) = qRound(yTranslation);
transform = state.projectionMatrix() * transform;
program()->setUniformValue(m_matrix_id, transform);
} else {
program()->setUniformValue(m_matrix_id, state.combinedMatrix());
class QSGStyledTextMaterialData : public QSGTextMaskMaterialData
QSGStyledTextMaterialData() { }
virtual void updateState(const RenderState &state, QSGMaterial *newEffect, QSGMaterial *oldEffect);
virtual void activate();
virtual void deactivate();
virtual void initialize();
virtual const char *vertexShader() const;
virtual const char *fragmentShader() const;
int m_shift_id;
int m_styleColor_id;
void QSGStyledTextMaterialData::initialize()
m_shift_id = program()->uniformLocation("shift");
m_styleColor_id = program()->uniformLocation("styleColor");
void QSGStyledTextMaterialData::updateState(const RenderState &state,
QSGMaterial *newEffect,
QSGMaterial *oldEffect)
Q_ASSERT(oldEffect == 0 || newEffect->type() == oldEffect->type());
QSGStyledTextMaterial *material = static_cast<QSGStyledTextMaterial *>(newEffect);
QSGStyledTextMaterial *oldMaterial = static_cast<QSGStyledTextMaterial *>(oldEffect);
if (oldMaterial == 0 || oldMaterial->styleShift() != material->styleShift())
program()->setUniformValue(m_shift_id, material->styleShift());
if (oldMaterial == 0 || material->color() != oldMaterial->color() || state.isOpacityDirty()) {
QColor c = material->color();
QVector4D color(c.redF() * c.alphaF(), c.greenF() * c.alphaF(), c.blueF() * c.alphaF(), c.alphaF());
color *= state.opacity();
program()->setUniformValue(m_color_id, color);
if (oldMaterial == 0 || material->styleColor() != oldMaterial->styleColor() || state.isOpacityDirty()) {
QColor c = material->styleColor();
QVector4D color(c.redF() * c.alphaF(), c.greenF() * c.alphaF(), c.blueF() * c.alphaF(), c.alphaF());
color *= state.opacity();
program()->setUniformValue(m_styleColor_id, color);
bool updated = material->ensureUpToDate();
Q_ASSERT(oldMaterial == 0 || oldMaterial->texture());
if (updated
|| oldMaterial == 0
|| oldMaterial->texture()->textureId() != material->texture()->textureId()) {
program()->setUniformValue(m_textureScale_id, QVector2D(1.0 / material->cacheTextureWidth(),
1.0 / material->cacheTextureHeight()));
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, material->texture()->textureId());
// Set the mag/min filters to be linear. We only need to do this when the texture
// has been recreated.
if (updated) {
if (state.isMatrixDirty())
program()->setUniformValue(m_matrix_id, state.combinedMatrix());
void QSGStyledTextMaterialData::activate()
#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) && defined(GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB)
// 0.25 was found to be acceptable error margin by experimentation. On Mac, the gamma is 2.0,
// but using sRGB looks okay.
if (qAbs(fontSmoothingGamma() - 2.2) < 0.25)
void QSGStyledTextMaterialData::deactivate()
#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) && defined(GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB)
if (qAbs(fontSmoothingGamma() - 2.2) < 0.25)
const char *QSGStyledTextMaterialData::vertexShader() const
"uniform highp mat4 matrix; \n"
"uniform highp vec2 textureScale; \n"
"uniform highp vec2 shift; \n"
"attribute highp vec4 vCoord; \n"
"attribute highp vec2 tCoord; \n"
"varying highp vec2 sampleCoord; \n"
"varying highp vec2 shiftedSampleCoord; \n"
"void main() { \n"
" sampleCoord = tCoord * textureScale; \n"
" shiftedSampleCoord = (tCoord - shift) * textureScale; \n"
" gl_Position = matrix * vCoord; \n"
const char *QSGStyledTextMaterialData::fragmentShader() const
"varying highp vec2 sampleCoord; \n"
"varying highp vec2 shiftedSampleCoord; \n"
"uniform sampler2D texture; \n"
"uniform lowp vec4 color; \n"
"uniform lowp vec4 styleColor; \n"
"void main() { \n"
" lowp float glyph = texture2D(texture, sampleCoord).a; \n"
" lowp float style = clamp(texture2D(texture, shiftedSampleCoord).a - glyph, \n"
" 0.0, 1.0); \n"
" gl_FragColor = style * styleColor + glyph * color; \n"
class QSGOutlinedTextMaterialData : public QSGStyledTextMaterialData
QSGOutlinedTextMaterialData() { }
const char *vertexShader() const;
const char *fragmentShader() const;
const char *QSGOutlinedTextMaterialData::vertexShader() const
"uniform highp mat4 matrix; \n"
"uniform highp vec2 textureScale; \n"
"uniform highp vec2 shift; \n"
"attribute highp vec4 vCoord; \n"
"attribute highp vec2 tCoord; \n"
"varying highp vec2 sampleCoord; \n"
"varying highp vec2 sCoordUp; \n"
"varying highp vec2 sCoordDown; \n"
"varying highp vec2 sCoordLeft; \n"
"varying highp vec2 sCoordRight; \n"
"void main() { \n"
" sampleCoord = tCoord * textureScale; \n"
" sCoordUp = (tCoord - vec2(0.0, -1.0)) * textureScale; \n"
" sCoordDown = (tCoord - vec2(0.0, 1.0)) * textureScale; \n"
" sCoordLeft = (tCoord - vec2(-1.0, 0.0)) * textureScale; \n"
" sCoordRight = (tCoord - vec2(1.0, 0.0)) * textureScale; \n"
" gl_Position = matrix * vCoord; \n"
const char *QSGOutlinedTextMaterialData::fragmentShader() const
"varying highp vec2 sampleCoord; \n"
"varying highp vec2 sCoordUp; \n"
"varying highp vec2 sCoordDown; \n"
"varying highp vec2 sCoordLeft; \n"
"varying highp vec2 sCoordRight; \n"
"uniform sampler2D texture; \n"
"uniform lowp vec4 color; \n"
"uniform lowp vec4 styleColor; \n"
"void main() { \n"
"lowp float glyph = texture2D(texture, sampleCoord).a; \n"
" lowp float outline = clamp(clamp(texture2D(texture, sCoordUp).a + \n"
" texture2D(texture, sCoordDown).a + \n"
" texture2D(texture, sCoordLeft).a + \n"
" texture2D(texture, sCoordRight).a, \n"
" 0.0, 1.0) - glyph, \n"
" 0.0, 1.0); \n"
" gl_FragColor = outline * styleColor + glyph * color; \n"
QSGTextMaskMaterial::QSGTextMaskMaterial(const QRawFont &font, QFontEngineGlyphCache::Type cacheType)
: m_texture(0)
, m_cacheType(cacheType)
, m_glyphCache(0)
, m_font(font)
void QSGTextMaskMaterial::init()
setFlag(Blending, true);
QOpenGLContext *ctx = const_cast<QOpenGLContext *>(QOpenGLContext::currentContext());
Q_ASSERT(ctx != 0);
QRawFontPrivate *fontD = QRawFontPrivate::get(m_font);
if (fontD->fontEngine != 0) {
m_glyphCache = fontD->fontEngine->glyphCache(ctx, m_cacheType, QTransform());
if (!m_glyphCache || m_glyphCache->cacheType() != m_cacheType) {
m_glyphCache = new QOpenGLTextureGlyphCache(m_cacheType, QTransform());
fontD->fontEngine->setGlyphCache(ctx, m_glyphCache.data());
void QSGTextMaskMaterial::populate(const QPointF &p,
const QVector<quint32> &glyphIndexes,
const QVector<QPointF> &glyphPositions,
QSGGeometry *geometry,
QRectF *boundingRect,
QPointF *baseLine,
const QMargins &margins)
QVector<QFixedPoint> fixedPointPositions;
for (int i=0; i<glyphPositions.size(); ++i)
QTextureGlyphCache *cache = glyphCache();
QRawFontPrivate *fontD = QRawFontPrivate::get(m_font);
cache->populate(fontD->fontEngine, glyphIndexes.size(), glyphIndexes.constData(),
int margin = fontD->fontEngine->glyphMargin(cache->cacheType());
Q_ASSERT(geometry->indexType() == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT);
geometry->allocate(glyphIndexes.size() * 4, glyphIndexes.size() * 6);
QVector4D *vp = (QVector4D *)geometry->vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D();
Q_ASSERT(geometry->sizeOfVertex() == sizeof(QVector4D));
ushort *ip = geometry->indexDataAsUShort();
QPointF position(p.x(), p.y() - m_font.ascent());
bool supportsSubPixelPositions = fontD->fontEngine->supportsSubPixelPositions();
for (int i=0; i<glyphIndexes.size(); ++i) {
QFixed subPixelPosition;
if (supportsSubPixelPositions)
subPixelPosition = fontD->fontEngine->subPixelPositionForX(QFixed::fromReal(glyphPositions.at(i).x()));
QTextureGlyphCache::GlyphAndSubPixelPosition glyph(glyphIndexes.at(i), subPixelPosition);
const QTextureGlyphCache::Coord &c = cache->coords.value(glyph);
QPointF glyphPosition = glyphPositions.at(i) + position;
int x = qFloor(glyphPosition.x()) + c.baseLineX - margin;
int y = qFloor(glyphPosition.y()) - c.baseLineY - margin;
*boundingRect |= QRectF(x + margin, y + margin, c.w, c.h);
float cx1 = x - margins.left();
float cx2 = x + c.w + margins.right();
float cy1 = y - margins.top();
float cy2 = y + c.h + margins.bottom();
float tx1 = c.x - margins.left();
float tx2 = c.x + c.w + margins.right();
float ty1 = c.y - margins.top();
float ty2 = c.y + c.h + margins.bottom();
if (baseLine->isNull())
*baseLine = glyphPosition;
vp[4 * i + 0] = QVector4D(cx1, cy1, tx1, ty1);
vp[4 * i + 1] = QVector4D(cx2, cy1, tx2, ty1);
vp[4 * i + 2] = QVector4D(cx1, cy2, tx1, ty2);
vp[4 * i + 3] = QVector4D(cx2, cy2, tx2, ty2);
int o = i * 4;
ip[6 * i + 0] = o + 0;
ip[6 * i + 1] = o + 2;
ip[6 * i + 2] = o + 3;
ip[6 * i + 3] = o + 3;
ip[6 * i + 4] = o + 1;
ip[6 * i + 5] = o + 0;
QSGMaterialType *QSGTextMaskMaterial::type() const
static QSGMaterialType type;
return &type;
QOpenGLTextureGlyphCache *QSGTextMaskMaterial::glyphCache() const
return static_cast<QOpenGLTextureGlyphCache*>(m_glyphCache.data());
QSGMaterialShader *QSGTextMaskMaterial::createShader() const
return new QSGTextMaskMaterialData;
int QSGTextMaskMaterial::compare(const QSGMaterial *o) const
Q_ASSERT(o && type() == o->type());
const QSGTextMaskMaterial *other = static_cast<const QSGTextMaskMaterial *>(o);
if (m_glyphCache != other->m_glyphCache)
return m_glyphCache.data() < other->m_glyphCache.data() ? -1 : 1;
QRgb c1 = m_color.rgba();
QRgb c2 = other->m_color.rgba();
return int(c2 < c1) - int(c1 < c2);
bool QSGTextMaskMaterial::ensureUpToDate()
QSize glyphCacheSize(glyphCache()->width(), glyphCache()->height());
if (glyphCacheSize != m_size) {
if (m_texture)
delete m_texture;
m_texture = new QSGPlainTexture();
m_texture->setTextureSize(QSize(glyphCache()->width(), glyphCache()->height()));
m_size = glyphCacheSize;
return true;
} else {
return false;
int QSGTextMaskMaterial::cacheTextureWidth() const
return glyphCache()->width();
int QSGTextMaskMaterial::cacheTextureHeight() const
return glyphCache()->height();
QSGStyledTextMaterial::QSGStyledTextMaterial(const QRawFont &font)
: QSGTextMaskMaterial(font, QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_A8)
QSGMaterialType *QSGStyledTextMaterial::type() const
static QSGMaterialType type;
return &type;
QSGMaterialShader *QSGStyledTextMaterial::createShader() const
return new QSGStyledTextMaterialData;
int QSGStyledTextMaterial::compare(const QSGMaterial *o) const
const QSGStyledTextMaterial *other = static_cast<const QSGStyledTextMaterial *>(o);
if (m_styleShift != other->m_styleShift)
return m_styleShift.y() - other->m_styleShift.y();
QRgb c1 = m_styleColor.rgba();
QRgb c2 = other->m_styleColor.rgba();
if (c1 != c2)
return int(c2 < c1) - int(c1 < c2);
return QSGTextMaskMaterial::compare(o);
QSGOutlinedTextMaterial::QSGOutlinedTextMaterial(const QRawFont &font)
: QSGStyledTextMaterial(font)
QSGMaterialType *QSGOutlinedTextMaterial::type() const
static QSGMaterialType type;
return &type;
QSGMaterialShader *QSGOutlinedTextMaterial::createShader() const
return new QSGOutlinedTextMaterialData;