Commit 4fbf696c authored by Sze Howe Koh's avatar Sze Howe Koh Committed by The Qt Project
Browse files

Doc: Clean up qmake options list

- Fix Qt X11 Extras option
- Fix Active Qt link
- Reduce verbosity
- Mark relevant modules as deprecated
- The QtDeclarative library's corresponding module name is Qt Quick 1

Change-Id: I5e0d439ff2623563ab57c354337cddfd11179b50
Reviewed-by: default avatarOswald Buddenhagen <>
parent 13b4b6c4
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No related merge requests found
Showing with 36 additions and 37 deletions
......@@ -2084,50 +2084,49 @@
and the Qt modules that are associated with each of them:
\header \li Option \li Features
\header \li Option \li Module Enabled
\row \li axcontainer \li \l{Using ActiveX controls and COM in Qt}
{QAxContainer} module, which is
part of the ActiveQt framework
{QAxContainer}, which is
part of the \l{Active Qt} framework
\row \li axserver \li \l{Building ActiveX servers in Qt}
{QAxServer} module, which is
part of the ActiveQt framework
\row \li concurrent \li \l{Qt Concurrent} module
\row \li core (included by default) \li \l{Qt Core} module
\row \li dbus \li \l{Qt D-Bus} module
\row \li declarative \li \l{Qt Quick 1 Reference Documentation}
{Qt Declarative}
\row \li designer \li \l{Qt Designer} module
\row \li designercomponents \li \l{Qt Designer Components} module
\row \li gui (included by default) \li \l{Qt GUI} module
\row \li help \li \l{Qt Help} module
\row \li multimedia \li \l{Qt Multimedia} module
\row \li multimediawidgets \li \l{Qt Multimedia Widgets} module
\row \li network \li \l{Qt Network} module
\row \li opengl \li \l{Qt OpenGL} module
\row \li printsupport \li \l{Qt Print Support} module
\row \li qml \li \l{Qt QML} module
\row \li qmltest \li \l{Qt QML Test} module
\row \li qtx11extras \li \l{Qt X11 Extras} module
\row \li quick \li \l{Qt Quick} module
\row \li script \li \l{Qt Script} module
\row \li scripttools \li \l{Qt Script Tools} module
\row \li sensors \li \l{Qt Sensors} module
\row \li serialport \li \l{Qt Serial Port} module
\row \li sql \li \l{Qt SQL} module
\row \li svg \li \l{Qt SVG} module
\row \li testlib \li \l{Qt Test} module
\row \li uitools \li \l{Qt UI Tools} module
\row \li webkit \li \l{Qt WebKit} module
\row \li webkitwidgets \li \l{Qt WebKit Widgets} module
\row \li widgets \li \l{Qt Widgets} module
\row \li xml \li \l{Qt XML} module
\row \li xmlpatterns \li \l{Qt XML Patterns} module
{QAxServer}, which is
part of the \l{Active Qt} framework
\row \li concurrent \li \l{Qt Concurrent}
\row \li core (included by default) \li \l{Qt Core}
\row \li dbus \li \l{Qt D-Bus}
\row \li declarative \li \l{Qt Quick 1} (deprecated)
\row \li designer \li \l{Qt Designer}
\row \li designercomponents \li \l{Qt Designer Components}
\row \li gui (included by default) \li \l{Qt GUI}
\row \li help \li \l{Qt Help}
\row \li multimedia \li \l{Qt Multimedia}
\row \li multimediawidgets \li \l{Qt Multimedia Widgets}
\row \li network \li \l{Qt Network}
\row \li opengl \li \l{Qt OpenGL} (deprecated)
\row \li printsupport \li \l{Qt Print Support}
\row \li qml \li \l{Qt QML}
\row \li qmltest \li \l{Qt QML Test}
\row \li x11extras \li \l{Qt X11 Extras}
\row \li quick \li \l{Qt Quick}
\row \li script \li \l{Qt Script} (deprecated)
\row \li scripttools \li \l{Qt Script Tools} (deprecated)
\row \li sensors \li \l{Qt Sensors}
\row \li serialport \li \l{Qt Serial Port}
\row \li sql \li \l{Qt SQL}
\row \li svg \li \l{Qt SVG}
\row \li testlib \li \l{Qt Test}
\row \li uitools \li \l{Qt UI Tools}
\row \li webkit \li \l{Qt WebKit}
\row \li webkitwidgets \li \l{Qt WebKit Widgets}
\row \li widgets \li \l{Qt Widgets}
\row \li xml \li \l{Qt XML} (deprecated)
\row \li xmlpatterns \li \l{Qt XML Patterns}
By default, \c QT contains both \c core and \c gui, ensuring that standard
GUI applications can be built without further configuration.
If you want to build a project \e without the Qt GUI module, you need to
If you want to build a project \e without the \l{Qt GUI} module, you need to
exclude the \c gui value with the "-=" operator. The following line will
result in a minimal Qt project being built:
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