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Doc: Change the html file name for the module's index page
Venugopal Shivashankar authored
Otherwise it conflicts with the main index page when you build
docs for the entire qt5 repo.

Change-Id: I1a9eb634a217d7dac3d17edc48728bbd8c0798a6
Reviewed-by: default avatarTopi Reiniö <>

Qt Gamepad

A Qt 5 module that adds support for getting events from gamepad devices on multiple platforms.

Supported Platforms: Native Backends

  • Linux (evdev)
  • Window (xinput)
  • Android
  • iOS

For other platforms there is a backend that uses SDL2 for gamepad support.

This module provides classes that can:

  • Read input events from game controllers (Button and Axis events), both from C++ and Qt Quick (QML)
  • Provide a queryable input state (by processing events)
  • Provide key bindings