1. 09 Dec, 2015 - 1 commit
  2. 08 Dec, 2015 - 2 commits
  3. 25 Nov, 2015 - 2 commits
  4. 18 Nov, 2015 - 1 commit
  5. 28 Oct, 2015 - 1 commit
  6. 20 Oct, 2015 - 1 commit
  7. 02 Oct, 2015 - 1 commit
  8. 09 Sep, 2015 - 1 commit
  9. 28 Aug, 2015 - 1 commit
  10. 27 Aug, 2015 - 1 commit
  11. 19 Aug, 2015 - 1 commit
  12. 13 Aug, 2015 - 1 commit
  13. 09 Aug, 2015 - 1 commit
  14. 22 Jul, 2015 - 1 commit
  15. 30 Jun, 2015 - 1 commit
  16. 29 Jun, 2015 - 2 commits
  17. 03 Jun, 2015 - 2 commits
  18. 29 May, 2015 - 1 commit
  19. 20 May, 2015 - 1 commit
    • Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt's avatar
      Android: Build webp plugin · 40e9ba00
      Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt authored
      We need to include the cpufeatures module in the build for
      Android, and we need to make sure the neon files are compiled
      with neon flags turned on. Since these are .c files, we
      cannot use the regular simd.prf approach, which only supports
      .cpp, so the compiler is basically copy-pasted from simd.prf,
      but using QMAKE_CC instead of QMAKE_CXX.
      [ChangeLog][Android] Added support for webp image format.
      Change-Id: Id702b8202bee963d23beb02a7dc163756c8ca712
      Task-number: QTBUG-38715
      Reviewed-by: default avatarLiang Qi <liang.qi@theqtcompany.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avataraavit <eirik.aavitsland@theqtcompany.com>
  20. 19 May, 2015 - 1 commit
  21. 12 May, 2015 - 1 commit
    • Allan Sandfeld Jensen's avatar
      Correctly interpret RGBA tiff images as premultiplied · 8363c855
      Allan Sandfeld Jensen authored
      The TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented method turns out to return colors with
      alpha premultiplied by default. The only reason we pass our own tests
      is because we also save the colors incorrectly unpremultiplied.
      The patch fixes the format type of the returned images, and explictily
      writes the how alpha should be interpreted in the saved files.
      Change-Id: Ie1c3881acfe07eae25ca735adf243c1636f656a0
      Reviewed-by: default avatarGunnar Sletta <gunnar@sletta.org>
  22. 04 May, 2015 - 1 commit
  23. 28 Apr, 2015 - 1 commit
  24. 20 Apr, 2015 - 1 commit
  25. 15 Apr, 2015 - 1 commit
  26. 09 Apr, 2015 - 3 commits
  27. 30 Mar, 2015 - 1 commit
  28. 24 Mar, 2015 - 1 commit
  29. 17 Mar, 2015 - 2 commits
  30. 03 Mar, 2015 - 1 commit
  31. 25 Feb, 2015 - 1 commit
  32. 24 Feb, 2015 - 1 commit
  33. 18 Feb, 2015 - 1 commit