Commit 1c5ea956 authored by Robin Burchell's avatar Robin Burchell Committed by Robin Burchell
Browse files

Implement more full resource policy features.

 * Handle released by manager properly.

Signal resourcesReleasedByManager is different from signal
handleResourcesLost and needs to be handled separately.
Signal handleResourcesLost means some other client has acquired the
resources, thus the resources are lost from us, but if the other client
frees the resources, we will automatically get the resources back.
With resourcesReleasedByManager we lose the resources, and resource
manager releases them as well (same as if client would call release()),
so only way to re-acquire resources in latter case is calling acquire()

This distinction is useful for example in cases where user is listening
to music with headphones connected and removes the headphones, then the
music player shouldn't continue playback until user requests so. But if
user is listening to music when phone call is received, it is convenient
to resume the playback automatically after the call.

 * Implement availability changed.

Availability changed is information whether resources the client is
interested in are available (no higher priority resource classes have
acquired the resources).

 * Implement missing resources released.

Emit resourcesReleased signal when receiving corresponding signal from

 * Add mechanism to change used resource class.

Check for environment for special variable, and if the variable has
proper data, use that as the resource class. Can be set with for example

Change-Id: I8e92f40cc5c01b6b94f54c3fa0f7a07775e87df0
Done-with: Juho Hämäläinen <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarAndrew den Exter <>
Showing with 123 additions and 18 deletions
......@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ ResourcePolicyImpl::ResourcePolicyImpl(QObject *parent)
ResourcePolicyInt *set = globalResourcePolicyInt;
if (!globalResourcePolicyInt.isDestroyed())
bool ResourcePolicyImpl::isVideoEnabled() const
......@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
#include "resourcepolicyimpl.h"
#include <QMap>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QString>
static int clientid = 0;
......@@ -57,26 +59,51 @@ ResourcePolicyInt::ResourcePolicyInt(QObject *parent)
, m_acquired(0)
, m_status(Initial)
, m_video(0)
, m_available(false)
, m_resourceSet(0)
m_resourceSet = new ResourcePolicy::ResourceSet("player", this);
const char *resourceClass = "player";
QByteArray envVar = qgetenv("NEMO_RESOURCE_CLASS_OVERRIDE");
if (!envVar.isEmpty()) {
QString data(envVar);
// Only allow few resource classes
if (data == "navigator" ||
data == "call" ||
data == "camera" ||
data == "game" ||
data == "player" ||
data == "event")
resourceClass = envVar.constData();
ResourcePolicy::AudioResource *audioResource = new ResourcePolicy::AudioResource("player");
audioResource->setStreamTag("", "*");
qDebug() << "##### Using resource class " << resourceClass;
m_resourceSet = new ResourcePolicy::ResourceSet(resourceClass, this);
connect(m_resourceSet, SIGNAL(resourcesGranted(QList<ResourcePolicy::ResourceType>)),
this, SLOT(handleResourcesGranted()));
connect(m_resourceSet, SIGNAL(resourcesDenied()),
this, SLOT(handleResourcesDenied()));
connect(m_resourceSet, SIGNAL(resourcesReleased()),
this, SLOT(handleResourcesReleased()));
connect(m_resourceSet, SIGNAL(lostResources()),
this, SLOT(handleResourcesLost()));
connect(m_resourceSet, SIGNAL(resourcesReleasedByManager()),
this, SLOT(handleResourcesLost()));
this, SLOT(handleResourcesReleasedByManager()));
connect(m_resourceSet, SIGNAL(resourcesBecameAvailable(const QList<ResourcePolicy::ResourceType>)),
this, SLOT(handleResourcesBecameAvailable(const QList<ResourcePolicy::ResourceType>)));
ResourcePolicy::AudioResource *audioResource = new ResourcePolicy::AudioResource(resourceClass);
audioResource->setStreamTag("", "*");
......@@ -113,7 +140,7 @@ void ResourcePolicyInt::removeClient(ResourcePolicyImpl *client)
if (m_acquired == 0) {
if (m_acquired == 0 && m_status != Initial) {
qDebug() << "##### Remove client, acquired = 0, release";
......@@ -221,10 +248,11 @@ void ResourcePolicyInt::release(const ResourcePolicyImpl *client)
qDebug() << "##### " << i.value().id << ": RELEASE, acquired (" << m_acquired << ")";
emit i.value().client->resourcesReleased();
if (m_acquired == 0) {
if (m_acquired == 0 && m_status != Initial) {
qDebug() << "##### " << i.value().id << ": RELEASE call resourceSet->release()";
......@@ -248,9 +276,10 @@ bool ResourcePolicyInt::isGranted(const ResourcePolicyImpl *client) const
bool ResourcePolicyInt::isAvailable() const
// TODO: is this used? what is it for?
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Stub";
return true;
qDebug() << "##### isAvailable " << m_available;
return m_available;
void ResourcePolicyInt::handleResourcesGranted()
......@@ -288,20 +317,58 @@ void ResourcePolicyInt::handleResourcesDenied()
void ResourcePolicyInt::handleResourcesReleased()
m_status = Initial;
m_acquired = 0;
QMap<const ResourcePolicyImpl*, clientEntry>::iterator i = m_clients.begin();
while (i != m_clients.end()) {
if (i.value().status == GrantedResource) {
qDebug() << "##### " << i.value().id << ": HANDLE RELEASED, acquired (" << m_acquired << ") emitting resourcesReleased()";
i.value().status = Initial;
emit i.value().client->resourcesReleased();
void ResourcePolicyInt::handleResourcesLost()
if (m_status != Initial) {
m_status = Initial;
// If resources were granted switch to acquiring state,
// so that if the resources are freed elsewhere we
// will acquire them again properly.
if (m_status == GrantedResource)
m_status = RequestedResource;
m_acquired = 0;
QMap<const ResourcePolicyImpl*, clientEntry>::iterator i = m_clients.begin();
while (i != m_clients.end()) {
if (i.value().status == GrantedResource) {
qDebug() << "##### " << i.value().id << ": HANDLE LOST, acquired (" << m_acquired << ") emitting resourcesLost()";
i.value().status = RequestedResource;
emit i.value().client->resourcesLost();
void ResourcePolicyInt::handleResourcesReleasedByManager()
if (m_status != Initial)
m_status = Initial;
m_acquired = 0;
QMap<const ResourcePolicyImpl*, clientEntry>::iterator i = m_clients.begin();
while (i != m_clients.end()) {
if (i.value().status != Initial) {
qDebug() << "##### " << i.value().id << ": HANDLE LOST, acquired (" << m_acquired << ") emitting resourcesLost()";
qDebug() << "##### " << i.value().id << ": HANDLE RELEASEDBYMANAGER, acquired (" << m_acquired << ") emitting resourcesLost()";
i.value().status = Initial;
emit i.value().client->resourcesLost();
......@@ -309,3 +376,32 @@ void ResourcePolicyInt::handleResourcesLost()
void ResourcePolicyInt::handleResourcesBecameAvailable(const QList<ResourcePolicy::ResourceType> &resources)
bool available = false;
for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); ++i) {
if ( == ResourcePolicy::AudioPlaybackType)
available = true;
void ResourcePolicyInt::availabilityChanged(bool available)
if (available == m_available)
m_available = available;
QMap<const ResourcePolicyImpl*, clientEntry>::const_iterator i = m_clients.constBegin();
while (i != m_clients.constEnd()) {
qDebug() << "##### " << i.value().id << ": emitting availabilityChanged(" << m_available << ")";
emit i.value().client->availabilityChanged(m_available);
......@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
#include <QObject>
#include <QMap>
#include <policy/resource-set.h>
#include <policy/resource.h>
#include <private/qmediaresourceset_p.h>
#include "resourcepolicyimpl.h"
......@@ -86,14 +88,20 @@ public:
private slots:
void handleResourcesGranted();
void handleResourcesDenied();
void handleResourcesReleased();
void handleResourcesLost();
void handleResourcesReleasedByManager();
void handleResourcesBecameAvailable(const QList<ResourcePolicy::ResourceType> &resources);
void availabilityChanged(bool available);
QMap<const ResourcePolicyImpl*, clientEntry> m_clients;
int m_acquired;
ResourceStatus m_status;
int m_video;
bool m_available;
ResourcePolicy::ResourceSet *m_resourceSet;
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