1. 01 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  2. 30 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Andrew Knight's avatar
      winrt: Add camera service · 0c3438c9
      Andrew Knight authored
      This adds a basic camera service with viewfinder (video renderer based),
      still image capture, and device selection support.
      Runtime apps must set the "webcam" and "microphone" device capabilities
      in order to access the hardware. This can be done by adding the following
      to the .pro file:
          WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilites_device += webcam microphone
      [ChangeLog] Enabled basic camera support in the winrt backend.
      Change-Id: If4f963ef645d93c757ae23aec9a9c8aae122324f
      Reviewed-by: default avatarYoann Lopes <yoann.lopes@digia.com>
  3. 27 Aug, 2014 - 2 commits
  4. 26 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
  5. 25 Aug, 2014 - 10 commits
  6. 24 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
  7. 21 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
  8. 18 Aug, 2014 - 2 commits
  9. 04 Aug, 2014 - 5 commits
    • Robin Burchell's avatar
      Set volume only if volume was explicitly set. · 9be98e09
      Robin Burchell authored
      Change-Id: I0d5abab0ffbf61a74c59ce240fd39e756479026b
      Done-with: Juho Hämäläinen <juho.hamalainen@tieto.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndrew den Exter <andrew.den.exter@qinetic.com.au>
    • Robin Burchell's avatar
      Resource policy support for QSoundEffect. · e316aa64
      Robin Burchell authored
      Since sound effects are something short and mixed with other audio, do
      not acquire resources explicitly. Follow the resources availability
      information to determine when it is ok to play the sound effects.
      When client has registered itself to resource manager, client's streams
      are classified properly. If no higher priority client has acquired the
      resources, isAvailable() is true, and sound effects can be played. We
      do not explicitly acquire the resources, since then other clients with
      the same resource class would lose the resources, thus not possible to
      have second client play music with QMediaPlayer class while our client
      would just want to play simple sound effects.
      Change-Id: Ib5589349dca6900a8bee616b8ad77e7cb5ec9533
      Done-with: Juho Hämäläinen <juho.hamalainen@tieto.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndrew den Exter <andrew.den.exter@qinetic.com.au>
    • Robin Burchell's avatar
      Only call pa_cvolme set on stream creation if volume explicitly set. · 5f33d7be
      Robin Burchell authored
      Streams without a custom volume set use suitable volume selected
      by the PulseAudio server. This is usually the correct choice, since then
      stream-restore module can apply old volume to the stream. Also with
      Sailfish explicitly setting the volume to streams breaks system volume.
      Change-Id: I75f5bf4e7aaafb4bd55510f5ac4ddf03767d494b
      Done-with: Juho Hämäläinen <juho.hamalainen@tieto.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndrew den Exter <andrew.den.exter@qinetic.com.au>
    • Robin Burchell's avatar
      Implement more full resource policy features. · 1c5ea956
      Robin Burchell authored
       * Handle released by manager properly.
      Signal resourcesReleasedByManager is different from signal
      handleResourcesLost and needs to be handled separately.
      Signal handleResourcesLost means some other client has acquired the
      resources, thus the resources are lost from us, but if the other client
      frees the resources, we will automatically get the resources back.
      With resourcesReleasedByManager we lose the resources, and resource
      manager releases them as well (same as if client would call release()),
      so only way to re-acquire resources in latter case is calling acquire()
      This distinction is useful for example in cases where user is listening
      to music with headphones connected and removes the headphones, then the
      music player shouldn't continue playback until user requests so. But if
      user is listening to music when phone call is received, it is convenient
      to resume the playback automatically after the call.
       * Implement availability changed.
      Availability changed is information whether resources the client is
      interested in are available (no higher priority resource classes have
      acquired the resources).
       * Implement missing resources released.
      Emit resourcesReleased signal when receiving corresponding signal from
       * Add mechanism to change used resource class.
      Check for environment for special variable, and if the variable has
      proper data, use that as the resource class. Can be set with for example
      qputenv("NEMO_RESOURCE_CLASS_OVERRIDE", "game");
      Change-Id: I8e92f40cc5c01b6b94f54c3fa0f7a07775e87df0
      Done-with: Juho Hämäläinen <juho.hamalainen@tieto.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndrew den Exter <andrew.den.exter@qinetic.com.au>
    • Robin Burchell's avatar
      QMediaNetworkPlaylistProvider: Upon error parsing, stop parsing. · 0ed18d84
      Robin Burchell authored
      When an error is found parsing a playlist, stop parsing. This will also prevent
      the emission of the "loaded" signal when the parser finishes.
      Some of the newly added testcases do not yet pass because the parser is overly
      strict. These improvements are being tracked in QTBUG-40515.
      Change-Id: I5c96b7eb488996f28eebd7b6c643940de8e2e0b9
      Done-by: default avatarAndres Gomez <agomez@igalia.com>
      Task-number: QTBUG-40513
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndrew den Exter <andrew.den.exter@qinetic.com.au>
  10. 31 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
  11. 29 Jul, 2014 - 3 commits
  12. 25 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
  13. 24 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
  14. 22 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
  15. 18 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
  16. 17 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Yoann Lopes's avatar
      New camera selection API in QML. · 888759e3
      Yoann Lopes authored
      Also added a new QtMultimedia global object which makes it possible
      to retrieve the list of available cameras. It can be extended with
      new utility functions in the future.
      Includes documentation, example and auto tests.
      Task-number: QTBUG-23770
      Change-Id: Ifea076329c3582ea99246ee1131853344a7b773f
      Reviewed-by: default avatarChristian Stromme <christian.stromme@digia.com>
  17. 16 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
  18. 13 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
  19. 12 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
  20. 11 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Yoann Lopes's avatar
      DirectShow: Refactor camera backend. · 389d66b3
      Yoann Lopes authored
      Almost entire rewrite of the camera backend. It doesn't provide new
      features but is more stable and behave as it should.
      - Correctly report camera state and status
      - Correctly report if the camera is ready to capture
      - Emit imageExposed() signal
      - Save captured images in an appropriate directory
      - Images can be captured even without a viewport
      - Better error handling
      Removed the custom QVideoWidgetControl as it doesn't provide anything more
      than the QVideoWidget's renderer control fallback.
      Task-number: QTBUG-33782
      Change-Id: I9baf6f83e7c69619f20a101921f7865a1c90d5e4
      Reviewed-by: default avatarChristian Stromme <christian.stromme@digia.com>
  21. 10 Jul, 2014 - 2 commits