1. 04 Jun, 2013 - 1 commit
  2. 03 Jun, 2013 - 2 commits
  3. 31 May, 2013 - 1 commit
  4. 29 May, 2013 - 2 commits
    • Jens Bache-Wiig's avatar
      Move backgroundColor from TableView to TableViewStyle · c6389d78
      Jens Bache-Wiig authored
      This property was not respected by some of the native styles
      and makes more sense as a styling attribute.
      Change-Id: I9cc1d3a130b764a67552ed7f0cec49ccc87ea246
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJ-P Nurmi <jpnurmi@digia.com>
    • J-P Nurmi's avatar
      Revise TableView API for managing the columns · c47c502e
      J-P Nurmi authored
      Replace "property list<TableViewColumn> columns" with:
      - addColumn(column)
      - insertColumn(index, column)
      - moveColumn(from, to)
      - removeColumn(index)
      - getColumn(index)
      Exposing list<TableViewColumn> type of property in the public API was
      problematic for several reasons. First of all, it limited the internal
      implementation too much. Secondly, modifying the list programmatically
      did not work as expected, and it also threw nasty warnings while
      reordering the columns interactively.
      Task-number: QTBUG-30319
      Task-number: QTBUG-31028
      Change-Id: I0039f7e4be2d6ee9303a4118bdf84146b6a96a05
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJens Bache-Wiig <jens.bache-wiig@digia.com>
  5. 27 May, 2013 - 2 commits
  6. 24 May, 2013 - 1 commit
  7. 23 May, 2013 - 1 commit
  8. 22 May, 2013 - 1 commit
  9. 17 May, 2013 - 1 commit
  10. 16 May, 2013 - 5 commits
  11. 08 May, 2013 - 2 commits
  12. 07 May, 2013 - 5 commits
  13. 04 May, 2013 - 1 commit
  14. 03 May, 2013 - 1 commit
  15. 29 Apr, 2013 - 1 commit
  16. 26 Apr, 2013 - 3 commits
  17. 25 Apr, 2013 - 1 commit
  18. 24 Apr, 2013 - 1 commit
  19. 19 Apr, 2013 - 1 commit
  20. 15 Apr, 2013 - 1 commit
  21. 13 Apr, 2013 - 1 commit
  22. 05 Apr, 2013 - 1 commit
  23. 04 Apr, 2013 - 1 commit
  24. 14 Mar, 2013 - 2 commits
  25. 13 Mar, 2013 - 1 commit