repcodegenerator.cpp 43.62 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2014 Ford Motor Company
** Contact:
** This file is part of the QtRemoteObjects module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met:
** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional
** rights.  These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met:
#include "repcodegenerator.h"
#include "repparser.h"
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QMetaType>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QCryptographicHash>
template <typename C>
static int accumulatedSizeOfNames(const C &c)
    int result = 0;
    Q_FOREACH (const typename C::value_type &e, c)
        result +=;
    return result;
template <typename C>
static int accumulatedSizeOfTypes(const C &c)
    int result = 0;
    Q_FOREACH (const typename C::value_type &e, c)
        result += e.type.size();
    return result;
static QString cap(QString name) { if (!name.isEmpty()) name[0] = name[0].toUpper(); return name; } static bool isClassEnum(const ASTClass &classContext, const QString &typeName) { Q_FOREACH (const ASTEnum &astEnum, classContext.enums) { if ( == typeName) { return true; } } return false; } static QString fullyQualifiedTypeName(const ASTClass& classContext, const QString &className, const QString &typeName) { if (isClassEnum(classContext, typeName)) { // type was defined in this class' context, prefix typeName with class name return className + QStringLiteral("::") + typeName; } return typeName; } /* Returns \c true if the type is a built-in type. */ static bool isBuiltinType(const QString &type) { int id = QMetaType::type(type.toLatin1().constData()); if (id == QMetaType::UnknownType) return false; return (id < QMetaType::User); } RepCodeGenerator::RepCodeGenerator(QIODevice *outputDevice) : m_outputDevice(outputDevice) { Q_ASSERT(m_outputDevice); } static QByteArray enumSignature(const ASTEnum &e) { QByteArray ret; ret +=; Q_FOREACH (const ASTEnumParam &param, e.params) ret += + QByteArray::number(param.value); return ret; } static QByteArray typeData(const QString &type, const QHash<QString, QByteArray> &specialTypes) { QHash<QString, QByteArray>::const_iterator it = specialTypes.find(type); if (it != specialTypes.end()) return it.value(); int pos = type.lastIndexOf(QLatin1String("::")); if (pos > 0) return typeData(type.mid(pos + 2), specialTypes); return type.toLatin1(); } static QByteArray functionsData(const QVector<ASTFunction> &functions, const QHash<QString, QByteArray> &specialTypes) { QByteArray ret; Q_FOREACH (const ASTFunction &func, functions) { ret +=; Q_FOREACH (const ASTDeclaration &param, func.params) {
ret +=; ret += typeData(param.type, specialTypes); ret += QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&param.variableType), sizeof(param.variableType)); } ret += typeData(func.returnType, specialTypes); } return ret; } QByteArray RepCodeGenerator::classSignature(const ASTClass &ac) { QCryptographicHash checksum(QCryptographicHash::Sha1); QHash<QString, QByteArray> localTypes = m_globalEnumsPODs; Q_FOREACH (const ASTEnum &e, ac.enums) // add local enums localTypes[] = enumSignature(e); checksum.addData(; // Checksum properties Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &p, { checksum.addData(; checksum.addData(typeData(p.type, localTypes)); checksum.addData(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&p.modifier), sizeof(p.modifier)); } // Checksum signals checksum.addData(functionsData(ac.signalsList, localTypes)); // Checksum slots checksum.addData(functionsData(ac.slotsList, localTypes)); return checksum.result().toHex(); } void RepCodeGenerator::generate(const AST &ast, Mode mode, QString fileName) { QTextStream stream(m_outputDevice); if (fileName.isEmpty()) stream << "#pragma once" << endl << endl; else { fileName = QFileInfo(fileName).fileName(); fileName = fileName.toUpper(); fileName.replace(QLatin1Char('.'), QLatin1Char('_')); stream << "#ifndef " << fileName << endl; stream << "#define " << fileName << endl << endl; } generateHeader(mode, stream, ast); Q_FOREACH (const ASTEnum &en, ast.enums) generateENUM(stream, en); Q_FOREACH (const POD &pod, ast.pods) generatePOD(stream, pod); QSet<QString> metaTypes; Q_FOREACH (const POD &pod, ast.pods) metaTypes <<; Q_FOREACH (const ASTClass &astClass, ast.classes) { Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &property, metaTypes << property.type; Q_FOREACH (const ASTFunction &function, astClass.signalsList + astClass.slotsList) { metaTypes << function.returnType; Q_FOREACH (const ASTDeclaration &decl, function.params) { metaTypes << decl.type; } } } const QString metaTypeRegistrationCode = generateMetaTypeRegistration(metaTypes) + generateMetaTypeRegistrationForEnums(ast.enumUses);
Q_FOREACH (const ASTClass &astClass, ast.classes) { if (mode == MERGED) { generateClass(REPLICA, stream, astClass, metaTypeRegistrationCode); generateClass(SOURCE, stream, astClass, metaTypeRegistrationCode); generateClass(SIMPLE_SOURCE, stream, astClass, metaTypeRegistrationCode); generateSourceAPI(stream, astClass); } else { generateClass(mode, stream, astClass, metaTypeRegistrationCode); if (mode == SOURCE) { generateClass(SIMPLE_SOURCE, stream, astClass, metaTypeRegistrationCode); generateSourceAPI(stream, astClass); } } } generateStreamOperatorsForEnums(stream, ast.enumUses); stream << endl; if (!fileName.isEmpty()) stream << "#endif // " << fileName << endl; } void RepCodeGenerator::generateHeader(Mode mode, QTextStream &out, const AST &ast) { out << "// This is an autogenerated file.\n" "// Do not edit this file, any changes made will be lost the next time it is generated.\n" "\n" "#include <QtCore/qobject.h>\n" "#include <QtCore/qdatastream.h>\n" "#include <QtCore/qvariant.h>\n" "#include <QtCore/qmetatype.h>\n" "\n" "#include <QtRemoteObjects/qremoteobjectnode.h>\n" ; if (mode == MERGED) { out << "#include <QtRemoteObjects/qremoteobjectpendingcall.h>\n"; out << "#include <QtRemoteObjects/qremoteobjectreplica.h>\n"; out << "#include <QtRemoteObjects/qremoteobjectsource.h>\n"; } else if (mode == REPLICA) { out << "#include <QtRemoteObjects/qremoteobjectpendingcall.h>\n"; out << "#include <QtRemoteObjects/qremoteobjectreplica.h>\n"; } else out << "#include <QtRemoteObjects/qremoteobjectsource.h>\n"; out << "\n"; out << ast.preprocessorDirectives.join(QLatin1Char('\n')); out << "\n"; } static QString formatTemplateStringArgTypeNameCapitalizedName(int numberOfTypeOccurrences, int numberOfNameOccurrences, QString templateString, const POD &pod) { QString out; const int LengthOfPlaceholderText = 2; Q_ASSERT(templateString.count(QRegExp(QStringLiteral("%\\d"))) == numberOfNameOccurrences + numberOfTypeOccurrences); const int expectedOutSize = numberOfNameOccurrences * accumulatedSizeOfNames(pod.attributes) + numberOfTypeOccurrences * accumulatedSizeOfTypes(pod.attributes) + pod.attributes.size() * (templateString.size() - (numberOfNameOccurrences + numberOfTypeOccurrences) * LengthOfPlaceholderText); out.reserve(expectedOutSize); Q_FOREACH (const PODAttribute &a, pod.attributes) out += templateString.arg(a.type,, cap(; return out; } QString RepCodeGenerator::formatQPropertyDeclarations(const POD &pod) { return formatTemplateStringArgTypeNameCapitalizedName(1, 3, QStringLiteral(" Q_PROPERTY(%1 %2 READ %2 WRITE set%3)\n"), pod); }
QString RepCodeGenerator::formatConstructors(const POD &pod) { QString initializerString = QStringLiteral(": "); QString defaultInitializerString = initializerString; QString argString; Q_FOREACH (const PODAttribute &a, pod.attributes) { initializerString += QString::fromLatin1("_%1(%1), ").arg(; defaultInitializerString += QString::fromLatin1("_%1(), ").arg(; argString += QString::fromLatin1("%1 %2, ").arg(a.type,; } argString.chop(2); initializerString.chop(2); defaultInitializerString.chop(2); return QString::fromLatin1(" %1() %2 {}\n" " explicit %1(%3) %4 {}\n") .arg(, defaultInitializerString, argString, initializerString); } QString RepCodeGenerator::formatPropertyGettersAndSetters(const POD &pod) { // MSVC doesn't like adjacent string literal concatenation within QStringLiteral, so keep it in one line: QString templateString = QStringLiteral(" %1 %2() const { return _%2; }\n void set%3(%1 %2) { if (%2 != _%2) { _%2 = %2; } }\n"); return formatTemplateStringArgTypeNameCapitalizedName(2, 8, qMove(templateString), pod); } QString RepCodeGenerator::formatDataMembers(const POD &pod) { QString out; const QString prefix = QStringLiteral(" "); const QString infix = QStringLiteral(" _"); const QString suffix = QStringLiteral(";\n"); const int expectedOutSize = accumulatedSizeOfNames(pod.attributes) + accumulatedSizeOfTypes(pod.attributes) + pod.attributes.size() * (prefix.size() + infix.size() + suffix.size()); out.reserve(expectedOutSize); Q_FOREACH (const PODAttribute &a, pod.attributes) { out += prefix; out += a.type; out += infix; out +=; out += suffix; } Q_ASSERT(out.size() == expectedOutSize); return out; } QString RepCodeGenerator::formatMarshallingOperators(const POD &pod) { return QLatin1String("inline QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &ds, const ") + + QLatin1String(" &obj) {\n" " QtRemoteObjects::copyStoredProperties(&obj, ds);\n" " return ds;\n" "}\n" "\n" "inline QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &ds, ") + + QLatin1String(" &obj) {\n" " QtRemoteObjects::copyStoredProperties(ds, &obj);\n" " return ds;\n" "}\n") ; } void RepCodeGenerator::generatePOD(QTextStream &out, const POD &pod) { QByteArray podData =; QStringList equalityCheck; Q_FOREACH (const PODAttribute &attr, pod.attributes) { equalityCheck << QStringLiteral("left.%1() == right.%1()").arg(; podData += + typeData(attr.type, m_globalEnumsPODs);
} m_globalEnumsPODs[] = podData; out << "class " << << "\n" "{\n" " Q_GADGET\n" << formatQPropertyDeclarations(pod) << "public:\n" << formatConstructors(pod) << formatPropertyGettersAndSetters(pod) << "private:\n" << formatDataMembers(pod) << "};\n" << "\n" << "inline bool operator==(const " << << " &left, const " << << " &right) Q_DECL_NOTHROW {\n" << " return " << equalityCheck.join(QStringLiteral(" && ")) << ";\n" << "}\n" << "inline bool operator!=(const " << << " &left, const " << << " &right) Q_DECL_NOTHROW {\n" << " return !(left == right);\n" << "}\n" << "\n" << formatMarshallingOperators(pod) << "\n" "\n" ; } QString getEnumType(const ASTEnum &en) { if (en.isSigned) { if (en.max < 0x7F) return QStringLiteral("qint8"); if (en.max < 0x7FFF) return QStringLiteral("qint16"); return QStringLiteral("qint32"); } else { if (en.max < 0xFF) return QStringLiteral("quint8"); if (en.max < 0xFFFF) return QStringLiteral("quint16"); return QStringLiteral("quint32"); } } void RepCodeGenerator::generateDeclarationsForEnums(QTextStream &out, const QVector<ASTEnum> &enums, bool generateQENUM) { if (!generateQENUM) { out << " // You need to add this enum as well as Q_ENUM to your" << endl; out << " // QObject class in order to use .rep enums over QtRO for" << endl; out << " // non-repc generated QObjects." << endl; } Q_FOREACH (const ASTEnum &en, enums) { m_globalEnumsPODs[] = enumSignature(en); out << " enum " << << " {" << endl; Q_FOREACH (const ASTEnumParam &p, en.params) out << " " << << " = " << p.value << "," << endl; out << " };" << endl; if (generateQENUM) { out << "#if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 5, 0))" << endl; out << " Q_ENUM(" << << ")" << endl; out << "#else" << endl; out << " Q_ENUMS(" << << ")" << endl; out << "#endif" << endl; } } } void RepCodeGenerator::generateENUMs(QTextStream &out, const QVector<ASTEnum> &enums, const QString &className) {
out << "class " << className << "\n" "{\n" " Q_GADGET\n" " " << className << "();\n" "public:\n"; generateDeclarationsForEnums(out, enums); generateConversionFunctionsForEnums(out, enums); out << "};\n\n"; if (!enums.isEmpty()) { out << "#if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 5, 0))\n"; Q_FOREACH (const ASTEnum &en, enums) out << " Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(" << className <<"::" << << ")\n"; out << "#endif\n\n"; } generateStreamOperatorsForEnums(out, enums, className); } void RepCodeGenerator::generateConversionFunctionsForEnums(QTextStream &out, const QVector<ASTEnum> &enums) { Q_FOREACH (const ASTEnum &en, enums) { const QString type = getEnumType(en); out << " static inline " << << " to" << << "(" << type << " i, bool *ok = 0)\n" " {\n" " if (ok)\n" " *ok = true;\n" " switch (i) {\n"; Q_FOREACH (const ASTEnumParam &p, en.params) out << " case " << p.value << ": return " << << ";\n"; out << " default:\n" " if (ok)\n" " *ok = false;\n" " return " << << ";\n" " }\n" " }\n"; } } void RepCodeGenerator::generateStreamOperatorsForEnums(QTextStream &out, const QVector<ASTEnum> &enums, const QString &className) { Q_FOREACH (const ASTEnum &en, enums) { const QString type = getEnumType(en); out << "inline QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &ds, const " << className << "::" << << " &obj)\n" "{\n" " " << type << " val = obj;\n" " ds << val;\n" " return ds;\n" "}\n\n" "inline QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &ds, " << className << "::" << << " &obj) {\n" " bool ok;\n" " " << type << " val;\n" " ds >> val;\n" " obj = " << className << "::to" << << "(val, &ok);\n" " if (!ok)\n qWarning() << \"QtRO received an invalid enum value for type" << << ", value =\" << val;\n" " return ds;\n" "}\n\n"; } } void RepCodeGenerator::generateENUM(QTextStream &out, const ASTEnum &en) { generateENUMs(out, (QVector<ASTEnum>() << en), QStringLiteral("%1Enum").arg(; }
QString RepCodeGenerator::generateMetaTypeRegistration(const QSet<QString> &metaTypes) { QString out; const QString qRegisterMetaType = QStringLiteral(" qRegisterMetaType<"); const QString qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators = QStringLiteral(" qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<"); const QString lineEnding = QStringLiteral(">();\n"); Q_FOREACH (const QString &metaType, metaTypes) { if (isBuiltinType(metaType)) continue; out += qRegisterMetaType; out += metaType; out += lineEnding; out += qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators; out += metaType; out += lineEnding; } return out; } QString RepCodeGenerator::generateMetaTypeRegistrationForEnums(const QVector<QString> &enumUses) { QString out; Q_FOREACH (const QString &enumName, enumUses) { out += QLatin1String(" qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<") + enumName + QLatin1String(">(\"") + enumName + QLatin1String("\");\n"); } return out; } void RepCodeGenerator::generateStreamOperatorsForEnums(QTextStream &out, const QVector<QString> &enumUses) { Q_FOREACH (const QString &enumName, enumUses) { out << "inline QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, " << enumName << " value)" << endl; out << "{" << endl; out << " out << static_cast<qint32>(value);" << endl; out << " return out;" << endl; out << "}" << endl; out << endl; out << "inline QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, " << enumName << " &value)" << endl; out << "{" << endl; out << " qint32 intValue = 0;" << endl; out << " in >> intValue;" << endl; out << " value = static_cast<" << enumName << ">(intValue);" << endl; out << " return in;" << endl; out << "}" << endl; out << endl; } } void RepCodeGenerator::generateClass(Mode mode, QTextStream &out, const ASTClass &astClass, const QString &metaTypeRegistrationCode) { const QString className = ( + (mode == REPLICA ? QStringLiteral("Replica") : mode == SOURCE ? QStringLiteral("Source") : QStringLiteral("SimpleSource"))); if (mode == REPLICA) out << "class " << className << " : public QRemoteObjectReplica" << endl << endl; else out << "class " << className << " : public QObject" << endl; out << "{" << endl; out << " Q_OBJECT" << endl; out << " Q_CLASSINFO(QCLASSINFO_REMOTEOBJECT_TYPE, \"" << << "\")" << endl; out << " Q_CLASSINFO(QCLASSINFO_REMOTEOBJECT_SIGNATURE, \"" << QLatin1String(classSignature(astClass)) << "\")" << endl; out << " friend class QRemoteObjectNode;" << endl; out << "" << endl; out << "public:" << endl; if (mode == REPLICA) {
out << " " << className << "() : QRemoteObjectReplica() { initialize(); }" << endl; out << "" << endl; out << "private:" << endl; out << " " << className << "(QRemoteObjectNode *node, const QString &name = QString())" << endl; out << " : QRemoteObjectReplica(ConstructWithNode)" << endl; out << " { initializeNode(node, name); }" << endl; out << " void initialize()" << endl; } else { out << " explicit " << className << "(QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR) : QObject(parent)" << endl; if (mode == SIMPLE_SOURCE) { Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &property, { out << " , _" << << "(" << property.defaultValue << ")" << endl; } } } out << " {" << endl; if (!metaTypeRegistrationCode.isEmpty()) out << metaTypeRegistrationCode << endl; if (mode == REPLICA) { out << " QVariantList properties;" << endl; out << " properties.reserve(" << << ");" << endl; Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &property, { out << " properties << QVariant::fromValue(" << property.type << "(" << property.defaultValue << "));" << endl; } int nPersisted = 0; if (astClass.hasPersisted) { out << " QVariantList stored = retrieveProperties(\"" << << "\", \"" << classSignature(astClass) << "\");" << endl; out << " if (!stored.isEmpty()) {" << endl; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if ( { out << " properties[" << i << "] =" << nPersisted << ");" << endl; nPersisted++; } } out << " }" << endl; } out << " setProperties(properties);" << endl; } out << " }" << endl; out << "" << endl; out << "public:" << endl; if (mode == REPLICA && astClass.hasPersisted) { out << " virtual ~" << className << "() {" << endl; out << " QVariantList persisted;" << endl; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if ( { out << " persisted << propAsVariant(" << i << ");" << endl; } } out << " persistProperties(\"" << << "\", \"" << classSignature(astClass) << "\", persisted);" << endl; out << " }" << endl; } else { out << " virtual ~" << className << "() {}" << endl; } //First output properties Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &property, { out << " Q_PROPERTY(" << property.type << " " << << " READ " <<; if (property.modifier == ASTProperty::Constant) out << " CONSTANT"; else if (property.modifier == ASTProperty::ReadOnly) out << " NOTIFY " << << "Changed";
else if (property.modifier == ASTProperty::ReadWrite) out << " WRITE set" << cap( << " NOTIFY " << << "Changed"; out << ")" << endl; } out << "" << endl; generateDeclarationsForEnums(out, astClass.enums); generateConversionFunctionsForEnums(out, astClass.enums); //Next output getter/setter if (mode == REPLICA) { int i = 0; Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &property, { out << " " << property.type << " " << << "() const" << endl; out << " {" << endl; out << " const QVariant variant = propAsVariant(" << i << ");" << endl; out << " if (!variant.canConvert<" << property.type << ">()) {" << endl; out << " qWarning() << \"QtRO cannot convert the property " << << " to type " << property.type << "\";" << endl; out << " }" << endl; out << " return variant.value<" << property.type << " >();" << endl; out << " }" << endl; i++; if (property.modifier == ASTProperty::ReadWrite) { out << "" << endl; out << " void set" << cap( << "(" << property.type << " " << << ")" << endl; out << " {" << endl; out << " static int __repc_index = " << className << "::staticMetaObject.indexOfProperty(\"" << << "\");" << endl; out << " QVariantList __repc_args;" << endl; out << " __repc_args << QVariant::fromValue(" << << ");" << endl; out << " send(QMetaObject::WriteProperty, __repc_index, __repc_args);" << endl; out << " }" << endl; } out << "" << endl; } } else if (mode == SOURCE) { Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &property, out << " virtual " << property.type << " " << << "() const = 0;" << endl; Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &property, { if (property.modifier == ASTProperty::ReadWrite) out << " virtual void set" << cap( << "(" << property.type << " " << << ") = 0;" << endl; } } else { Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &property, { out << " virtual " << property.type << " " << << "() const { return _" << << "; }" << endl; } Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &property, { if (property.modifier == ASTProperty::ReadWrite) { out << " virtual void set" << cap( << "(" << property.type << " " << << ")" << endl; out << " {" << endl; out << " if (" << << " != _" << << ") { " << endl; out << " _" << << " = " << << ";" << endl; out << " Q_EMIT " << << "Changed(_" << << ");" << endl; out << " }" << endl; out << " }" << endl; } } } //Next output property signals if (! || !astClass.signalsList.isEmpty()) { out << "" << endl; out << "Q_SIGNALS:" << endl; Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &property, { if (property.modifier != ASTProperty::Constant) out << " void " << << "Changed(" << fullyQualifiedTypeName(astClass, className, property.type) << ");" << endl; } Q_FOREACH (const ASTFunction &signal, astClass.signalsList) out << " void " << << "(" << signal.paramsAsString() << ");" << endl; }
if (!astClass.slotsList.isEmpty()) { out << "" << endl; out << "public Q_SLOTS:" << endl; Q_FOREACH (const ASTFunction &slot, astClass.slotsList) { if (mode != REPLICA) { out << " virtual " << slot.returnType << " " << << "(" << slot.paramsAsString() << ") = 0;" << endl; } else { // TODO: Discuss whether it is a good idea to special-case for void here, const bool isVoid = slot.returnType == QStringLiteral("void"); if (isVoid) out << " void " << << "(" << slot.paramsAsString() << ")" << endl; else out << " QRemoteObjectPendingReply<" << slot.returnType << "> " << << "(" << slot.paramsAsString()<< ")" << endl; out << " {" << endl; out << " static int __repc_index = " << className << "::staticMetaObject.indexOfSlot(\"" << << "(" << slot.paramsAsString(ASTFunction::Normalized) << ")\");" << endl; out << " QVariantList __repc_args;" << endl; if (!slot.paramNames().isEmpty()) { out << " __repc_args" << endl; Q_FOREACH (const QString &name, slot.paramNames()) out << " << " << "QVariant::fromValue(" << name << ")" << endl; out << " ;" << endl; } if (isVoid) out << " send(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, __repc_index, __repc_args);" << endl; else out << " return QRemoteObjectPendingReply<" << slot.returnType << ">(sendWithReply(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, __repc_index, __repc_args));" << endl; out << " }" << endl; } } } if (mode == SIMPLE_SOURCE) { //Next output data members if (! { out << "" << endl; out << "private:" << endl; Q_FOREACH (const ASTProperty &property, { out << " " << property.type << " " << "_" << << ";" << endl; } } } out << "};" << endl; out << "#if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 5, 0))\n"; Q_FOREACH (const ASTEnum &en, astClass.enums) out << " Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(" << className << "::" << << ")\n"; out << "#endif\n\n"; generateStreamOperatorsForEnums(out, astClass.enums, className); out << "" << endl; } void RepCodeGenerator::generateSourceAPI(QTextStream &out, const ASTClass &astClass) { const QString className = + QStringLiteral("SourceAPI"); out << QStringLiteral("template <class ObjectType>") << endl; out << QString::fromLatin1("struct %1 : public SourceApiMap").arg(className) << endl; out << QStringLiteral("{") << endl; if (!astClass.enums.isEmpty()) { // Include enum definition in SourceAPI generateDeclarationsForEnums(out, astClass.enums, false); } out << QString::fromLatin1(" %1()").arg(className) << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; const int propCount =; out << QString::fromLatin1(" _properties[0] = %1;").arg(propCount) << endl;
QStringList changeSignals; QList<int> propertyChangeIndex; for (int i = 0; i < propCount; ++i) { const ASTProperty &prop =; const QString propTypeName = fullyQualifiedTypeName(astClass, QStringLiteral("typename ObjectType"), prop.type); out << QString::fromLatin1(" _properties[%1] = qtro_prop_index<ObjectType>(&ObjectType::%2, " "static_cast<%3 (QObject::*)()>(0),\"%2\");") .arg(QString::number(i+1),, propTypeName) << endl; if (prop.modifier == prop.ReadWrite) //Make sure we have a setter function out << QStringLiteral(" qtro_method_test<ObjectType>(&ObjectType::set%1, static_cast<void (QObject::*)(%2)>(0));") .arg(cap(, propTypeName) << endl; if (prop.modifier != prop.Constant) { //Make sure we have an onChange signal out << QStringLiteral(" qtro_method_test<ObjectType>(&ObjectType::%1Changed, static_cast<void (QObject::*)()>(0));") .arg( << endl; changeSignals << QString::fromLatin1("%1Changed").arg(; propertyChangeIndex << i + 1; //_properties[0] is the count, so index is one higher } } const int signalCount = astClass.signalsList.count(); const int changedCount = changeSignals.size(); out << QString::fromLatin1(" _signals[0] = %1;").arg(signalCount+changeSignals.size()) << endl; for (int i = 0; i < changedCount; ++i) out << QString::fromLatin1(" _signals[%1] = qtro_signal_index<ObjectType>(&ObjectType::%2, " "static_cast<void (QObject::*)()>(0),signalArgCount+%4,signalArgTypes[%4]);") .arg(i+1).arg( << endl; for (int i = 0; i < signalCount; ++i) { const ASTFunction &sig =; out << QString::fromLatin1(" _signals[%1] = qtro_signal_index<ObjectType>(&ObjectType::%2, " "static_cast<void (QObject::*)(%3)>(0),signalArgCount+%4,signalArgTypes[%4]);") .arg(QString::number(changedCount+i+1),, sig.paramsAsString(ASTFunction::Normalized), QString::number(i)) << endl; } const int slotCount = astClass.slotsList.count(); out << QString::fromLatin1(" _methods[0] = %1;").arg(slotCount) << endl; for (int i = 0; i < slotCount; ++i) { const ASTFunction &slot =; out << QString::fromLatin1(" _methods[%1] = qtro_method_index<ObjectType>(&ObjectType::%2, " "static_cast<void (QObject::*)(%3)>(0),\"%2(%3)\",methodArgCount+%4,methodArgTypes[%4]);") .arg(QString::number(i+1),, slot.paramsAsString(ASTFunction::Normalized), QString::number(i)) << endl; } out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; out << QStringLiteral("") << endl; out << QString::fromLatin1(" QString name() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return QStringLiteral(\"%1\"); }").arg( << endl; out << QString::fromLatin1(" QString typeName() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return QStringLiteral(\"%1\"); }").arg( << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" int propertyCount() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return _properties[0]; }") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" int signalCount() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return _signals[0]; }") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" int methodCount() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return _methods[0]; }") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" int sourcePropertyIndex(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" if (index < 0 || index >= _properties[0])") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return -1;") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return _properties[index+1];") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" int sourceSignalIndex(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" if (index < 0 || index >= _signals[0])") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return -1;") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return _signals[index+1];") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" int sourceMethodIndex(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" if (index < 0 || index >= _methods[0])") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return -1;") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return _methods[index+1];") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; if (signalCount+changedCount > 0) { out << QStringLiteral(" int signalParameterCount(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" if (index < 0 || index >= _signals[0])") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return -1;") << endl;
out << QStringLiteral(" return signalArgCount[index];") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" int signalParameterType(int sigIndex, int paramIndex) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" if (sigIndex < 0 || sigIndex >= _signals[0] || paramIndex < 0 || paramIndex >= signalArgCount[sigIndex])") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return -1;") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return signalArgTypes[sigIndex][paramIndex];") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; } else { out << QStringLiteral(" int signalParameterCount(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { Q_UNUSED(index); return -1; }") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" int signalParameterType(int sigIndex, int paramIndex) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" { Q_UNUSED(sigIndex); Q_UNUSED(paramIndex); return -1; }") << endl; } if (slotCount) { out << QStringLiteral(" int methodParameterCount(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" if (index < 0 || index >= _methods[0])") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return -1;") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return methodArgCount[index];") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" int methodParameterType(int methodIndex, int paramIndex) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" if (methodIndex < 0 || methodIndex >= _methods[0] || paramIndex < 0 || paramIndex >= methodArgCount[methodIndex])") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return -1;") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return methodArgTypes[methodIndex][paramIndex];") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; } else { out << QStringLiteral(" int methodParameterCount(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { Q_UNUSED(index); return -1; }") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" int methodParameterType(int methodIndex, int paramIndex) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" { Q_UNUSED(methodIndex); Q_UNUSED(paramIndex); return -1; }") << endl; } //propertyIndexFromSignal method out << QStringLiteral(" int propertyIndexFromSignal(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; if (!propertyChangeIndex.isEmpty()) { out << QStringLiteral(" switch (index) {") << endl; for (int i = 0; i < propertyChangeIndex.size(); ++i) out << QString::fromLatin1(" case %1: return _properties[%2];").arg(i).arg( << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; } else out << QStringLiteral(" Q_UNUSED(index);") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return -1;") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; //propertyRawIndexFromSignal method out << QStringLiteral(" int propertyRawIndexFromSignal(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; if (!propertyChangeIndex.isEmpty()) { out << QStringLiteral(" switch (index) {") << endl; for (int i = 0; i < propertyChangeIndex.size(); ++i) out << QString::fromLatin1(" case %1: return %2;").arg(i).arg( << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; } else out << QStringLiteral(" Q_UNUSED(index);") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return -1;") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; //signalSignature method out << QStringLiteral(" const QByteArray signalSignature(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; if (signalCount+changedCount > 0) { out << QStringLiteral(" switch (index) {") << endl; for (int i = 0; i < changedCount; ++i) out << QString::fromLatin1(" case %1: return QByteArrayLiteral(\"%2()\");").arg(i).arg( << endl; for (int i = 0; i < signalCount; ++i) { const ASTFunction &sig =; out << QString::fromLatin1(" case %1: return QByteArrayLiteral(\"%2(%3)\");") .arg(QString::number(i+changedCount),, sig.paramsAsString(ASTFunction::Normalized)) << endl; } out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl;
} else out << QStringLiteral(" Q_UNUSED(index);") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return QByteArrayLiteral(\"\");") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; //methodSignature method out << QStringLiteral(" const QByteArray methodSignature(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; if (slotCount) { out << QStringLiteral(" switch (index) {") << endl; for (int i = 0; i < slotCount; ++i) { const ASTFunction &slot =; out << QString::fromLatin1(" case %1: return QByteArrayLiteral(\"%2(%3)\");") .arg(QString::number(i),, slot.paramsAsString(ASTFunction::Normalized)) << endl; } out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; } else out << QStringLiteral(" Q_UNUSED(index);") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return QByteArrayLiteral(\"\");") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; //methodType method out << QStringLiteral(" QMetaMethod::MethodType methodType(int) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return QMetaMethod::Slot;") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; //typeName method out << QStringLiteral(" const QByteArray typeName(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" {") << endl; if (slotCount) { out << QStringLiteral(" switch (index) {") << endl; for (int i = 0; i < slotCount; ++i) { const ASTFunction &slot =; out << QString::fromLatin1(" case %1: return QByteArrayLiteral(\"%2\");").arg(i).arg(slot.returnType) << endl; } out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; } else out << QStringLiteral(" Q_UNUSED(index);") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" return QByteArrayLiteral(\"\");") << endl; out << QStringLiteral(" }") << endl; //objectSignature method out << QStringLiteral(" QByteArray objectSignature() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return QByteArray{\"") << QLatin1String(classSignature(astClass)) << QStringLiteral("\"}; }") << endl; out << QStringLiteral("") << endl; out << QString::fromLatin1(" int _properties[%1];").arg(propCount+1) << endl; out << QString::fromLatin1(" int _signals[%1];").arg(signalCount+changedCount+1) << endl; out << QString::fromLatin1(" int _methods[%1];").arg(slotCount+1) << endl; if (signalCount+changedCount > 0) { out << QString::fromLatin1(" int signalArgCount[%1];").arg(signalCount+changedCount) << endl; out << QString::fromLatin1(" const int* signalArgTypes[%1];").arg(signalCount+changedCount) << endl; } out << QString::fromLatin1(" int methodArgCount[%1];").arg(slotCount) << endl; out << QString::fromLatin1(" const int* methodArgTypes[%1];").arg(slotCount) << endl; out << QStringLiteral("};") << endl; }