Commit d5f150ee authored by Kevin Funk's avatar Kevin Funk Committed by Kevin Funk
Browse files

repc: Make some ctors for replicas private

They're not intended to be used from the outside (replica is
instantiated through a node).

Change-Id: I1fe8de5cd04c662d406800b6b6f62a56f57250cd
Reviewed-by: default avatarBrett Stottlemyer <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarContinuous Integration (KDAB) <>
Showing with 7 additions and 0 deletions
......@@ -553,10 +553,15 @@ void RepCodeGenerator::generateClass(Mode mode, QTextStream &out, const ASTClass
out << " Q_CLASSINFO(QCLASSINFO_REMOTEOBJECT_TYPE, \"" << << "\")" << endl;
out << " Q_CLASSINFO(QCLASSINFO_REMOTEOBJECT_SIGNATURE, \"" << QLatin1String(classSignature(astClass)) << "\")" << endl;
out << " friend class QRemoteObjectNode;" << endl;
out << "" << endl;
out << "public:" << endl;
if (mode == REPLICA) {
out << " " << className << "() : QRemoteObjectReplica() { initialize(); }" << endl;
out << "" << endl;
out << "private:" << endl;
out << " " << className << "(QRemoteObjectNode *node, const QString &name = QString())" << endl;
out << " : QRemoteObjectReplica(ConstructWithNode)" << endl;
out << " { initializeNode(node, name); }" << endl;
......@@ -598,6 +603,8 @@ void RepCodeGenerator::generateClass(Mode mode, QTextStream &out, const ASTClass
out << " }" << endl;
out << "" << endl;
out << "public:" << endl;
if (mode == REPLICA && astClass.hasPersisted) {
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