1. 15 Jan, 2015 - 1 commit
  2. 13 Jan, 2015 - 2 commits
  3. 31 Dec, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Thiago Macieira's avatar
      Remove unused members · c574c14c
      Thiago Macieira authored
      Clang found two problems with this from QWaylandDataDeviceManager. First,
      it's a class, not a struct.  Second, nothing is using this private
      qwaylanddatadevicemanager_p.h:66:5: warning: struct 'wl_data_device_manager' was previously declared as a class [-Wmismatched-tags]
      qwaylanddatadevicemanager_p.h:66:36: warning: private field 'm_data_device_manager' is not used [-Wunused-private-field]
      And also this one:
      qwaylandextendedoutput_p.h:61:21: warning: private field 'm_screen' is not used [-Wunused-private-field]
      Change-Id: Ifc8f28f92190547dcb0a5319aa6fc14277894f15
      Reviewed-by: default avatarGiulio Camuffo <giulio.camuffo@jollamobile.com>
  4. 12 Dec, 2014 - 2 commits
  5. 11 Dec, 2014 - 1 commit
  6. 06 Dec, 2014 - 1 commit
  7. 03 Dec, 2014 - 1 commit
  8. 20 Nov, 2014 - 1 commit
  9. 14 Nov, 2014 - 1 commit
  10. 10 Nov, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Giulio Camuffo's avatar
      Make sure to have valid textures · f2ed856a
      Giulio Camuffo authored
      The texture of QWaylandSurfaceItem's texture provider was updated in
      QWaylandSurfaceItem::updatePaintNode(). That is fine as long as the
      texture is accessed after the updatePaintNode() call, but if not we
      would access an invalid texture.
      That could happen when another QQuickItem subclass was accessing the
      textire in its updatePaintNode(). We don't have any guarantee on the
      order of the updatePaintNode() calls, so the other item could be
      updated before the QWaylandSurfaceItem.
      Change-Id: I7320d445c72796ce26f8d8483175a35e9c6840e7
      Reviewed-by: default avatarGunnar Sletta <gunnar@sletta.org>
  11. 28 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  12. 23 Oct, 2014 - 2 commits
  13. 21 Oct, 2014 - 2 commits
  14. 14 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  15. 13 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  16. 09 Oct, 2014 - 3 commits
  17. 06 Oct, 2014 - 2 commits
  18. 02 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  19. 30 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  20. 28 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  21. 24 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  22. 23 Sep, 2014 - 3 commits
  23. 18 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  24. 17 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  25. 15 Sep, 2014 - 3 commits
  26. 09 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  27. 08 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits