README.developers 2.38 KiB
README.developers - Sofia-SIP development practises
This file is a collection of practices and rules for Sofia-SIP
development. If you have questions, or would like to make 
changes, raise the issue on sofia-sip-devel (see ).
Important files for developers
	List of contributors. When contributing new code, add 
	yourself to AUTHORS, and also remember to update the
	per source file copyright statements.
	This file.
	Not in active use yet.
<dir>/ChangeLog files
	All non-trivial changes to the source code should
	be documented in the ChangeLog files.
Version numbering 
Package version
For public releases, the package version is:
     vMAJOR.MINOR.REVISION, where MINOR is even
For development releases and snaphots the version is one of:
     vMAJOR.MINOR.REVISION, where minor is odd
     vMAJOR.MINOR.REVISION.YEAR.MONTH.DAY, where minor is odd
For all releases, the version should be changed in 
and committed to CVS before making the release package. The person 
doing the release is responsible for updating the version number.
Library interface versions
Version control tags
Tags at CVS
- server info:
- tags: rel-sofia-sip-x_y_z
    - stable and development releases (matches release 
      version sofia-sip-x.y.z)
- tags: snapshot_rel_YEARMMDD
    - snapshot releases at
Sending patches =============== People without CVS-access ------------------------- Send your patches to sofia-sip-devel. Someone from the development team (see AUTHORS) will handle the patch. People with CVS-access ---------------------- Trivial changes can be committed without review. For non-trivial changes, you should first send a proposal to sofia-sip-devel and wait for comments. There are no strict approval rules so use of common sense is recommended. ;) Tips for making patches ----------------------- - test your patch on a clean CVS-checkout - remember to run cvs update before making commits