• Andrea Gianarda's avatar
    Conference Factory URI: · 3a43603e
    Andrea Gianarda authored
       Set it as Address in account parameters and core in order to easily
       take advantage of address comparison, parameter management and
       compliance with RFC3261
      Allow applications to directly mute licrophone and get input device
      volume through the conference object.
      This will ensure that whatever type of confenrece is and regardless if the
      device is hosting or being a participant, the application will have only
      one interface to use and the SDK will work under the hood.
    Deprecated methods:
      Delete linphone_core_mute_mic and linphone_core_is_mic_muted
      Add LINPHONE_DEPRECATED to deprecated Account parameter methods
      Pass conference factory uri to ClientConference constructor instead of
      focus identity
    Memory leaks:
      Free data of list returned by linphone_friend_get_phone_numbers