• Andrea Gianarda's avatar
    Implement conference broadcast feature. · 32f4c5a3
    Andrea Gianarda authored
    It allows the organizer to choose whether participant are speakers or
    listener in a conference.
    For scheduled conferences, if a participant is not in the list of
    allowed participants, he/she will have its role set to listener (i.e
    audio stream will be sendonly from the server side and recvonly on the
    client side).
    Non scheduled conferences will have the organizer and participants to be
    The dynamic change of a participant role is not supported yet once the
    conference is started but it may be done prior to it by updating the
    conference informations
splitview.qmlproject 289 bytes
import QmlProject 1.1
Project {
    mainFile: "main.qml"
    /* Include .qml, .js, and image files from current directory and subdirectories */
    QmlFiles {
        directory: "."
    JavaScriptFiles {
        directory: "."
    ImageFiles {
        directory: "."