Commit 96cf6588 authored by John Koleszar's avatar John Koleszar
Browse files

make arm hex search the generic implementation

The ARM version of vp8_hex_search() is a faster implementation
of the same algorithm. Since it doesn't use any ARM specific
code, it can be made the default implementation. This removes
a linking error.

Change-Id: I77d10f2c16b2515bff4522c350004e03b7659934
Showing with 64 additions and 163 deletions
......@@ -499,155 +499,6 @@ int vp8_find_best_half_pixel_step(MACROBLOCK *mb, BLOCK *b, BLOCKD *d, MV *bestm
return bestmse;
#define MVC(r,c) (((mvsadcost[0][((r)<<2)-rr] + mvsadcost[1][((c)<<2) - rc]) * error_per_bit + 128 )>>8 ) // estimated cost of a motion vector (r,c)
#define PRE(r,c) (*(d->base_pre) + d->pre + (r) * d->pre_stride + (c)) // pointer to predictor base of a motionvector
#define DIST(r,c,v) sf( src,src_stride,PRE(r,c),d->pre_stride, v) // returns sad error score.
#define ERR(r,c,v) (MVC(r,c)+DIST(r,c,v)) // returns distortion + motion vector cost
#define CHECK_BETTER(v,r,c) if ((v = ERR(r,c,besterr)) < besterr) { besterr = v; br=r; bc=c; } // checks if (r,c) has better score than previous best
const MV next_chkpts[6][3] =
{{ -2, 0}, { -1, -2}, {1, -2}},
{{ -1, -2}, {1, -2}, {2, 0}},
{{1, -2}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}},
{{2, 0}, {1, 2}, { -1, 2}},
{{1, 2}, { -1, 2}, { -2, 0}},
{{ -1, 2}, { -2, 0}, { -1, -2}}
int vp8_hex_search
MV *ref_mv,
MV *best_mv,
int search_param,
int error_per_bit,
int *num00,
vp8_variance_fn_t vf,
vp8_sad_fn_t sf,
int *mvsadcost[2],
int *mvcost[2]
MV hex[6] = { { -1, -2}, {1, -2}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}, { -1, 2}, { -2, 0} } ;
MV neighbors[8] = { { -1, -1}, { -1, 0}, { -1, 1}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}, {1, -1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1} } ;
int i, j;
unsigned char *src = (*(b->base_src) + b->src);
int src_stride = b->src_stride;
int rr = ref_mv->row, rc = ref_mv->col, br = rr >> 3, bc = rc >> 3, tr, tc;
unsigned int besterr, thiserr = 0x7fffffff;
int k = -1, tk;
if (bc < x->mv_col_min) bc = x->mv_col_min;
if (bc > x->mv_col_max) bc = x->mv_col_max;
if (br < x->mv_row_min) br = x->mv_row_min;
if (br > x->mv_row_max) br = x->mv_row_max;
rr >>= 1;
rc >>= 1;
besterr = ERR(br, bc, thiserr);
// hex search
tr = br;
tc = bc;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
int nr = tr + hex[i].row, nc = tc + hex[i].col;
if (nc < x->mv_col_min) continue;
if (nc > x->mv_col_max) continue;
if (nr < x->mv_row_min) continue;
if (nr > x->mv_row_max) continue;
if ((thiserr = ERR(nr, nc, besterr)) < besterr)
besterr = thiserr;
br = nr;
bc = nc;
k = i;
if (tr == br && tc == bc)
goto cal_neighbors;
for (j = 1; j < 127; j++)
tr = br;
tc = bc;
tk = k;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int nr = tr + next_chkpts[tk][i].row, nc = tc + next_chkpts[tk][i].col;
if (nc < x->mv_col_min) continue;
if (nc > x->mv_col_max) continue;
if (nr < x->mv_row_min) continue;
if (nr > x->mv_row_max) continue;
if ((thiserr = ERR(nr, nc, besterr)) < besterr)
besterr = thiserr;
br = nr;
bc = nc; //k=(tk+5+i)%6;}
k = tk + 5 + i;
if (k >= 12) k -= 12;
else if (k >= 6) k -= 6;
if (tr == br && tc == bc)
// check 8 1 away neighbors
tr = br;
tc = bc;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
int nr = tr + neighbors[i].row, nc = tc + neighbors[i].col;
if (nc < x->mv_col_min) continue;
if (nc > x->mv_col_max) continue;
if (nr < x->mv_row_min) continue;
if (nr > x->mv_row_max) continue;
CHECK_BETTER(thiserr, nr, nc);
best_mv->row = br;
best_mv->col = bc;
return vf(src, src_stride, PRE(br, bc), d->pre_stride, &thiserr) + MVC(br, bc) ;
#undef MVC
#undef PRE
#undef SP
#undef DIST
#undef ERR
void print_mode_context(void)
......@@ -761,7 +761,15 @@ int vp8_find_best_half_pixel_step(MACROBLOCK *mb, BLOCK *b, BLOCKD *d, MV *bestm
#define DIST(r,c,v) sf( src,src_stride,PRE(r,c),d->pre_stride, v) // returns sad error score.
#define ERR(r,c,v) (MVC(r,c)+DIST(r,c,v)) // returns distortion + motion vector cost
#define CHECK_BETTER(v,r,c) if ((v = ERR(r,c,besterr)) < besterr) { besterr = v; br=r; bc=c; } // checks if (r,c) has better score than previous best
static const MV next_chkpts[6][3] =
{{ -2, 0}, { -1, -2}, {1, -2}},
{{ -1, -2}, {1, -2}, {2, 0}},
{{1, -2}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}},
{{2, 0}, {1, 2}, { -1, 2}},
{{1, 2}, { -1, 2}, { -2, 0}},
{{ -1, 2}, { -2, 0}, { -1, -2}}
int vp8_hex_search
......@@ -778,38 +786,67 @@ int vp8_hex_search
int *mvcost[2]
MV hex[6] = { { -2, 0}, { -1, -2}, { -1, 2}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}, {1, -2} } ;
MV hex[6] = { { -1, -2}, {1, -2}, {2, 0}, {1, 2}, { -1, 2}, { -2, 0} } ;
MV neighbors[8] = { { -1, -1}, { -1, 0}, { -1, 1}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}, {1, -1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1} } ;
int i, j;
unsigned char *src = (*(b->base_src) + b->src);
int src_stride = b->src_stride;
int rr = ref_mv->row, rc = ref_mv->col, br = rr, bc = rc, tr, tc;
int rr = ref_mv->row, rc = ref_mv->col, br = rr >> 3, bc = rc >> 3, tr, tc;
unsigned int besterr, thiserr = 0x7fffffff;
int k = -1, tk;
if (rc < x->mv_col_min) bc = x->mv_col_min;
if (bc < x->mv_col_min) bc = x->mv_col_min;
if (rc > x->mv_col_max) bc = x->mv_col_max;
if (bc > x->mv_col_max) bc = x->mv_col_max;
if (rr < x->mv_row_min) br = x->mv_row_min;
if (br < x->mv_row_min) br = x->mv_row_min;
if (rr > x->mv_row_max) br = x->mv_row_max;
if (br > x->mv_row_max) br = x->mv_row_max;
rr >>= 1;
rc >>= 1;
br >>= 3;
bc >>= 3;
besterr = ERR(br, bc, thiserr);
// hex search jbb changed to 127 to avoid max 256 problem steping by 2.
for (j = 0; j < 127; j++)
// hex search
tr = br;
tc = bc;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
int nr = tr + hex[i].row, nc = tc + hex[i].col;
if (nc < x->mv_col_min) continue;
if (nc > x->mv_col_max) continue;
if (nr < x->mv_row_min) continue;
if (nr > x->mv_row_max) continue;
if ((thiserr = ERR(nr, nc, besterr)) < besterr)
besterr = thiserr;
br = nr;
bc = nc;
k = i;
if (tr == br && tc == bc)
goto cal_neighbors;
for (j = 1; j < 127; j++)
tr = br;
tc = bc;
tk = k;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int nr = tr + hex[i].row, nc = tc + hex[i].col;
int nr = tr + next_chkpts[tk][i].row, nc = tc + next_chkpts[tk][i].col;
if (nc < x->mv_col_min) continue;
......@@ -819,7 +856,17 @@ int vp8_hex_search
if (nr > x->mv_row_max) continue;
CHECK_BETTER(thiserr, nr, nc);
if ((thiserr = ERR(nr, nc, besterr)) < besterr)
besterr = thiserr;
br = nr;
bc = nc; //k=(tk+5+i)%6;}
k = tk + 5 + i;
if (k >= 12) k -= 12;
else if (k >= 6) k -= 6;
if (tr == br && tc == bc)
......@@ -827,6 +874,7 @@ int vp8_hex_search
// check 8 1 away neighbors
tr = br;
tc = bc;
......@@ -856,6 +904,8 @@ int vp8_hex_search
#undef DIST
#undef ERR
int vp8_diamond_search_sad
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