CoreText: Modernize style hint fallback lookup
The DefaultFontFallbacks.plist system file that we used for looking up
style fallbacks does not exists in macOS 10.15, nor did it ever exists
on iOS. Instead of relying on this file, we hard-code a set of default
families, that we then look up the fallbacks for.
The result of QFont::defaultFamily() on macOS is now:
QFont::Helvetica --> "Helvetica"
QFont::Times --> "Times New Roman"
QFont::Courier --> "American Typewriter"
QFont::OldEnglish --> ""
QFont::System --> "Lucida Grande"
QFont::AnyStyle --> "Lucida Grande"
QFont::Cursive --> "Apple Chancery"
QFont::Monospace --> "Menlo"
QFont::Fantasy --> "Zapfino"
And on iOS:
QFont::Helvetica --> "Helvetica"
QFont::Times --> "Times New Roman"
QFont::Courier --> "American Typewriter"
QFont::OldEnglish --> ""
QFont::System --> "Helvetica"
QFont::AnyStyle --> "Helvetica"
QFont::Cursive --> ""
QFont::Monospace --> "Menlo"
QFont::Fantasy --> "Zapfino"
Fixes: QTBUG-78240
Change-Id: Ie9bc13c9c1031d89f024199e4736a046c568a48d
Simon Hausmann <>