Commit af72f742 authored by smorlat's avatar smorlat
Browse files

- fix bug when aborting calls (incoming call window stayed open)

- cs transation updated.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 3f6dc0c8-ddfe-455d-9043-3cd528dc4637
parent 9855ea2a
master 3.10.x 3.11.1-fixes 3.11.x 3.3.x 3.6.x 3.8.x 3.9.x android-3.1.1 android-3.2.3 android_3.3.x compat/ios_app_5_3 deleteme desktop_cmake_rework dev/parallel_tests dev_android dev_async_im_encryption_engine dev_lime_v2 dev_new_sha256 dev_proxy_auth dev_refactor_cpp dev_refactor_cpp_3.99.x dev_refactor_cpp_clonable_refactor dev_refactor_cpp_friend dev_refactor_cpp_signals dev_screensharing feature/18-flexiapiclient-auth-token feature/4.1_linphone feature/5.0 feature/51-vcard-provisioning-fix feature/AEC3 feature/account_creator_domain feature/account_manager_services_devices_list feature/add_display_name_to_address feature/add_displayname_identity_address feature/add_external_regevent_tests feature/add_server_groupchat_tester feature/add_test_for_create_only_one_chatroom feature/added_event_log_deleted_callback feature/address-refactoring feature/allow-raw-mwi-notification feature/allow_ipv6_dns_servers_to_be_disabled feature/android_camera2 feature/android_service_and_push_in_library feature/android_vibrate_incoming_call_4.5 feature/audio-conference-package feature/authenticated-remote-provisioning feature/auto_download_incoming_messages_files feature/backward_compatibility_with_limev2_early_access feature/basic_auth feature/bctbx-vfs feature/cherry_pick_fixes feature/client_audio_mixer feature/client_video_mixer feature/conference-info-db feature/conference_media_description feature/cpp_threadsafe feature/csharp_doc feature/dependent_proxy feature/devices_reload feature/encrypted_conference feature/ephemeral_message feature/ephemeral_message_based_4.3 feature/ephemeral_participant feature/exhume_one_to_one_chat_rooms_squashed feature/external_domain_tests feature/fec feature/fec_adaptation feature/file_transfer_size_asserts feature/get-devices-name-from-conference-notify feature/h265 feature/h265_merge feature/hotfix_3.99.3 feature/ics_update_improved feature/keep-configuration-tester-51 feature/key_exchange_protocol_identification feature/ldap_failover feature/lime_status_by_uri feature/linphone-account-integration feature/load-static-ms2-plugins feature/local-recorder feature/media-streams-improvements-backport feature/media_encryption_settings_on_account feature/medialess feature/modify_tls_testers feature/moving_rootca_update_script_from_jenkins_to_gitlab_ci feature/new_cherry_pick_fixes feature/new_ephemeral_message feature/nix-flake feature/on_demand_full_state_conf_event_pkg feature/provisioning_header_for_fam1.4 feature/python-wrapper-tests feature/python_wrapper feature/python_wrapper_5.1 feature/python_wrapper_5.3 feature/remote_provisioning_headers feature/reply feature/resolver-api feature/rework_ephemeral feature/rfc_9078 feature/screensharing_clean feature/screensharing_packet_router feature/screensharing_signalling feature/sdk_android_audio_focus feature/sdk_push_notif feature/support_sfu feature/swap_db_version_prior_to_master_merge feature/swift_push_tests_5_1 feature/swift_push_unit_tests feature/test-new-ccmp-deployment feature/test_improvement feature/test_make_framewor_on_macos feature/timeline feature/to-delete-compile-last-wrapper feature/to_string feature/unify_audio_video_chat_conf_api feature/unitTestInCpp feature/validation_account_sent_through_push feature/vcard-contacts-list feature/video_codec_call_params feature/videoconf feature/wrap-account-creator-core-functions fix/4.4_LIME_restart_on_core_restart_provisioning fix/ECC-for-desktop fix/TLS_set_by_default fix/addEvent_error fix/add_debug_logs fix/address_call_logs fix/android_embedded_openh264 fix/android_metered_active_network_check fix/android_window fix/audio_codec_debug fix/audio_lost fix/audio_routes fix/audio_toggle_conf fix/auth_info_finding fix/avconf-crashes fix/avoid_download_file_crash fix/backport_50 fix/bad_stream_handling_backup fix/bad_stream_handling_rebased_backup fix/before-holidays fix/bodyless-testers fix/broadcast_flexisip fix/bugfixes-from-5.1 fix/bundle_mode_fix fix/cal_recovery_in_paused_state_with_ice fix/call_and_bluetooth fix/call_history_after_core_stop fix/call_recovery_in_multi_account_case fix/call_repair fix/call_resumed_with_video_4_5 fix/callback_on_core_restart fix/cancel_via_header fix/chat fix/chat_lesage_local_address_no_contact fix/chat_room_deleted_then_re_created fix/chat_room_state_created_message_sending fix/chat_test fix/chatroom_const_params fix/check-tests fix/cmake-builder-restore fix/conf_addr_to_addr fix/conf_memory_leaks fix/conf_unschedule_video fix/conference_called_after_joining_5_3 fix/conference_crash fix/conference_leak fix/conference_method_status fix/conference_with_all_listeners fix/conference_without_advanced_im fix/conference_without_bundle_mode fix/copy_message_id_content_operator fix/crash fix/crash_calllog fix/crash_csrc_changed fix/crash_decline_call fix/crash_multipart_with_empty_plain_text_content fix/crash_terminate fix/crash_test_ios_of_dns fix/crash_tests fix/database fix/db_friend_list_fix fix/debug_test_to_remove fix/default_options fix/delete_sensitive_logs fix/deprecated_methods fix/desktop-4.1-call-callbacks fix/device_position_53 fix/didUpdatePushCredentials_debug_investigation fix/doc_upload fix/double_invite fix/dtls_default_path fix/empty_authinfo fix/encode_filename_transfert fix/encrypted_chat_subscription_failed fix/enum_swift_wrapper fix/error_feedback_flexiapi fix/extra_audio_route_logs_master fix/factory_c++_regressions fix/fec-find-payload-type-number fix/fix_call_transfert_final_notify fix/fixes-from-5.0.10 fix/flexi_api fix/flexiapi_enabling_core_init fix/flexisip-tester-2.3 fix/flexisip_build fix/flow-control-bad-effect-within-tones fix/fold-and-trim-ics fix/force_shared_lib_python_wrapper fix/force_terminate_duplicated_call fix/friend_lists fix/fs_test_crash fix/gcc_14 fix/group_chat fix/group_chat_unit_test fix/h265-glitches fix/ice-test-not-reliable fix/identity-address-performance fix/identity_address_without_gruu fix/imdn_no_proxy fix/import-from-legacy-db fix/improved_chat_room_removal fix/improved_custom_header_test fix/int_to_size_t fix/ios_foreground_push_incoming_received fix/ios_reactions_notif fix/ios_registerforpush_on_core_start_5_4 fix/ios_shared_core_reactions fix/itc-misuse fix/java_jni_wrapper fix/jni_weak_global_ref_crash fix/json_static fix/jvm_cpp_wrapper_on_android fix/lime_chat_room_left_notify fix/lime_struct_brackets fix/limev2_windows_build fix/local-permission-detection fix/log_file_updates fix/longer-random-username-tests fix/mac_freeze_camera fix/made_conference_get_state_public fix/magic_search_clone_crash fix/mandatory_encryption fix/master_push fix/media_local_ip_refresh fix/media_server_ip fix/message_not_sent_rework fix/message_tester_crashes fix/mid-warnings fix/missing_assingment_operator fix/no-longer-use-deprecated-findpythoninterp-cmake-module fix/no_ldap_tester fix/no_pulseaudio_for_tests fix/no_sound_because_the_sound_card_has_not_reset fix/no_unregister_if_remote_push_allowed fix/no_unregister_if_remote_push_allowed_5_0 fix/non_last_call_active fix/notify-stats fix/only_use_dns_from_active_network fix/participant_removed fix/participant_video_no_conf_event_pkg fix/pause-player fix/paused_by_remote_no_rtp_timeout_master fix/pdb_5_3 fix/performance_improvements fix/plugin_timeout fix/prack_auth fix/prack_retransmision_2 fix/prevent_notifying_same_presence_notify fix/proxy_cfg_contact fix/pulseaudio_crash fix/push_and_accounts_integration fix/push_config_changes_detection fix/push_notif_background_task fix/python_build_macos fix/python_const_build_warning fix/qt_crash fix/quickfix_52 fix/recorder_desktop fix/relay_ice_candidates_conference_tests fix/remote_address_without_admin_param fix/remote_conference_handler_crash fix/remote_media_changed_notify fix/remove-support-migration-calls-friends-rc fix/rename_linphone_for_wrapper_cs fix/retry_action_update_master fix/rewrite-tone-manager fix/ring-category fix/rtt_message fix/screen_jul fix/sdp_direction fix/select-ip fix/set_ptr_to_null_after_unref fix/setlocale_utf8 fix/sip_address_table_creation_refused_utf8mb6_mariadb5.5 fix/slow-tests fix/small_bug_fixes fix/sound_lost_when_resuming_call_after_entering_background fix/specfile fix/split_call_suite fix/squash_commits fix/srtp_key_length fix/startup_restart fix/stream-deletion fix/stream_allocation_no_label_master fix/stream_append fix/subject_not_changed fix/switch_data_sync_to_short_service fix/terminate_file_upload_background_task_with_core fix/test fix/test_flexiapi_backport fix/test_video_file_stream fix/tests_and_basic_chatrooms fix/timestamp_windows fix/toggle_video fix/tone-indications fix/tone-manager-crash fix/tone_manager_leak fix/transcient-video-stretching fix/transfer_state fix/tunnel-crash-rtp-transport fix/tunnel_deadlock fix/tunnel_tester fix/unsubscribe_chatroom_on_account_unregister fix/unsubscribe_upon_core_stop fix/unwanted_ring_on_stop fix/update-check fix/update_calllog_remote_address fix/utf8_conf fix/utf8_uwp_path fix/utf8_windows_paths fix/uuid4-generation fix/video_conf_fixes fix/video_refused fix/video_windows_store fix/videoconf_double fix/vp8-threads fix/webrtc-ice fix/win_crash_search fix/window_build_dec24 fix/window_id_creation fix/windows_cast fix/workaround_for_sip_simple_messages_with_bad_to_header fix/wrong_timestamp fix/zrtp_call hotfix/gh_issues_templates_syntax_error hotfix/lime-db-path hotfix/use-negotiated-extension-ids hotfix/wrong_selection_of_sender_crypto_key improve/encrypted_chat_multipart_selection maint_3_10_2 release/3.12 release/4.0.1-android release/4.0.1-ios release/4.2 release/4.3 release/4.3-ephemeral release/4.4 release/4.5 release/5.0 release/5.1 release/5.2 release/5.3 release/5.4 release/linphone-desktop/4.2 smartwireless_sip_client test/android_connectivity_issue test/ansible test/b2bua test/call_no_routes test/flexisip-release-candidate-2-4 test/flexisip_b2bua_h264 test/lime_double_digest_auth_challenge tmp/android tmp/pq tmp/workaround_missing_tester_log_message_bug tmp/zrtp_stats_make_visible tmp_tunnel_http_proxy update/test_certificates update_documentation windows10 windows10_release 2010-03-04 5.5.0-alpha 5.4.5 5.4.4 5.4.3 5.4.2 5.4.1 5.4.0 5.4.0-beta 5.4.0-alpha 5.3.107 5.3.106 5.3.105 5.3.104 5.3.103 5.3.102 5.3.101 5.3.100 5.3.99 5.3.97 5.3.96 5.3.95 5.3.94 5.3.93 5.3.92 5.3.91 5.3.90 5.3.89 5.3.88 5.3.87 5.3.86 5.3.85 5.3.84 5.3.83 5.3.81 5.3.79 5.3.78 5.3.77 5.3.76 5.3.75 5.3.74 5.3.73 5.3.72 5.3.71 5.3.70 5.3.69 5.3.68 5.3.67 5.3.66 5.3.65 5.3.64 5.3.63 5.3.62 5.3.61 5.3.60 5.3.59 5.3.58 5.3.57 5.3.56 5.3.55 5.3.54 5.3.53 5.3.52 5.3.51 5.3.50 5.3.49 5.3.48 5.3.46 5.3.45 5.3.44 5.3.43 5.3.42 5.3.41 5.3.40 5.3.39 5.3.38 5.3.37 5.3.36 5.3.35 5.3.34 5.3.33 5.3.32 5.3.30 5.3.29 5.3.28 5.3.27 5.3.26 5.3.25 5.3.24 5.3.23 5.3.22 5.3.21 5.3.19 5.3.18 5.3.17 5.3.16 5.3.15 5.3.14 5.3.13 5.3.12 5.3.11 5.3.10 5.3.9 5.3.8 5.3.7 5.3.6 5.3.5 5.3.4 5.3.3 5.3.2 5.3.1 5.3.0 5.3.0-beta 5.3.0-alpha 5.2.114 5.2.113 5.2.112 5.2.111 5.2.110 5.2.109 5.2.108 5.2.107 5.2.106 5.2.105 5.2.104 5.2.103 5.2.102 5.2.101 5.2.100 5.2.99 5.2.98 5.2.97 5.2.96 5.2.95 5.2.94 5.2.93 5.2.92 5.2.91 5.2.90 5.2.89 5.2.88 5.2.87 5.2.86 5.2.85 5.2.84 5.2.83 5.2.82 5.2.81 5.2.80 5.2.79 5.2.78 5.2.77 5.2.75 5.2.73 5.2.72 5.2.71 5.2.70 5.2.69 5.2.68 5.2.67 5.2.66 5.2.65 5.2.64 5.2.63 5.2.62 5.2.61 5.2.59 5.2.58 5.2.57 5.2.56 5.2.54 5.2.53 5.2.52 5.2.51 5.2.50 5.2.49 5.2.47 5.2.46 5.2.45 5.2.44 5.2.42 5.2.41 5.2.40 5.2.39 5.2.37 5.2.33 5.2.32 5.2.30 5.2.29 5.2.28 5.2.27 5.2.26 5.2.25 5.2.23 5.2.22 5.2.21 5.2.20 5.2.19 5.2.18 5.2.17 5.2.16 5.2.15 5.2.14 5.2.13 5.2.12 5.2.11 5.2.10 5.2.9 5.2.7 5.2.6 5.2.5 5.2.4 5.2.3 5.2.2 5.2.1 5.2.0 5.2.0-beta 5.2.0-alpha 5.1.73 5.1.72 5.1.71 5.1.70 5.1.68 5.1.67 5.1.66 5.1.65 5.1.64 5.1.63 5.1.62 5.1.61 5.1.59 5.1.58 5.1.57 5.1.56 5.1.55 5.1.54 5.1.53 5.1.52 5.1.51 5.1.50 5.1.49 5.1.48 5.1.46 5.1.45 5.1.44 5.1.43 5.1.42 5.1.41 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No related merge requests found
Showing with 89 additions and 102 deletions
......@@ -517,14 +517,18 @@ static void completion_add_text(GtkEntry *entry, const char *text){
void linphone_gtk_call_terminated(const char *error){
GtkWidget *mw=linphone_gtk_get_main_window();
GtkWidget *icw;
if (linphone_gtk_use_in_call_view())
if (icw!=NULL){
static gboolean in_call_timer(){
......@@ -668,10 +672,7 @@ static void linphone_gtk_inv_recv(LinphoneCore *lc, const char *from){
static void linphone_gtk_bye_recv(LinphoneCore *lc, const char *from){
GtkWidget *icw=GTK_WIDGET(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(linphone_gtk_get_main_window()),"incoming_call"));
if (icw!=NULL){
static void linphone_gtk_notify_recv(LinphoneCore *lc, LinphoneFriend * fid, const char *url, const char *status, const char *img){
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ static int version_compare(const char *v1, const char *v2){
if (*v1=='\0' && *v2=='\0') return 0;
printf("Comparing %s <> %s",n1,n2);
ms_message("Comparing %s <> %s",n1,n2);
if (ret==0) return version_compare(v1,v2);
......@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
# catalogue.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: linphone-3.1.0-r348\n"
"Project-Id-Version: linphone-3.2.0-r659\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-09-11 14:50+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-03-17 10:22+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-21 21:44+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Petr Pisar <>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
......@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ msgstr "Diskuze s %s"
#: ../gtk-glade/main.c:85
msgid "log to stdout some debug information while running."
msgstr ""
msgstr "za běhu vypisovat některé ladicí informace na standardní výstup."
#: ../gtk-glade/main.c:92
msgid "address to call right now"
msgstr ""
msgstr "zavolat právě teď na tuto adresu"
#: ../gtk-glade/main.c:99
msgid "if set automatically answer incoming calls"
msgstr ""
msgstr "je-li nastaveno, automaticky zvedne příchozí hovor"
#: ../gtk-glade/main.c:619
#, c-format
......@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ msgid "Presence status"
msgstr "Stav"
#: ../gtk-glade/friendlist.c:243
#, fuzzy, c-format
#, c-format
msgid "Search in %s directory"
msgstr "Hledat kontakty v adresáři"
msgstr "Hledat v adresáři %s"
#: ../gtk-glade/friendlist.c:432
msgid "Invalid sip contact !"
......@@ -151,60 +151,60 @@ msgstr "Účet"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:620
msgid "English"
msgstr ""
msgstr "angličtina"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:621
msgid "French"
msgstr ""
msgstr "francouzština"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:622
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr ""
msgstr "švédština"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:623
msgid "Italian"
msgstr ""
msgstr "italština"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:624
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr ""
msgstr "španělština"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:625
msgid "Bresilian"
msgstr ""
msgstr "brazilská portugalština"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:626
msgid "Polish"
msgstr ""
msgstr "polština"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:627
msgid "German"
msgstr ""
msgstr "němčina"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:628
msgid "Russian"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ruština"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:629
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr ""
msgstr "japonština"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:630
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr ""
msgstr "dánština"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:631
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr ""
msgstr "maďarština"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:632
msgid "Czech"
msgstr ""
msgstr "čeština"
#: ../gtk-glade/propertybox.c:689
msgid ""
"You need to restart linphone for the new language selection to take effect."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aby se projevil výběr nového jazyka, je nutné znovu spustit linphone."
#: ../gtk-glade/update.c:80
#, c-format
......@@ -252,18 +252,20 @@ msgid ""
"Welcome !\n"
"This assistant will help you to use a SIP account for your calls."
msgstr ""
"Tento průvodce vám pomůže používat sipový účet při vašich hovorech."
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:34
msgid "Create an account by choosing a username"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vytvořit účet vybráním uživatelského jména"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:35
msgid "I have already an account and just want to use it"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Účet již mám a chci jej použít"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:53
msgid "Please choose a username:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Prosím, vyberte si uživatelské jméno:"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:54 ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Username:"
......@@ -272,86 +274,81 @@ msgstr "Uživatelské jméno:"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Checking if '%s' is available..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Zjišťuji, zda-li je „%s“ přípustné…"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:97 ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:164
msgid "Please wait..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Prosím, čekejte…"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:101
msgid "Sorry this username already exists. Please try a new one."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Je nám líto, ale toto jméno již existuje. Prosím, zvolte jiné."
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:103 ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:168
msgid "Ok !"
msgstr ""
msgstr "V pořádku!"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:106 ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:171
msgid "Communication problem, please try again later."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Chyba při komunikaci. Prosím, zkuste to později."
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:134
msgid "Thank you. Your account is now configured and ready for use."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Děkujeme vám. Váš účet je nyní nastaven a připraven k použití."
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:228
msgid "Welcome to the account setup assistant"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vítejte v průvodci nastavení účtu"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:232
msgid "Account setup assistant"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Průvodce nastavením účtu"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "Choosing a username"
msgstr "Vaše uživatelské jméno:"
msgstr "Výběr uživatelského jména"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:240
msgid "Verifying"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ověřování"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:244
#, fuzzy
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Informace"
msgstr "Potvrzení"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:249
msgid "Creating your account"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vytváření účtu"
#: ../gtk-glade/setupwizard.c:253
msgid "Now ready !"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Připraveno!"
#: ../gtk-glade/incall_view.c:42
#, fuzzy
msgid "<b>Calling...</b>"
msgstr "<b>Použití IPv6</b>"
msgstr "<b>Volá se…</b>"
#: ../gtk-glade/incall_view.c:64
#, fuzzy
msgid "<b>In call with</b>"
msgstr "Ukončit hovor"
msgstr "<b>Hovor s</b>"
#: ../gtk-glade/incall_view.c:68
msgid "00::00::00"
msgstr ""
msgstr "00:00:00"
#: ../gtk-glade/incall_view.c:82
#, c-format
msgid "%02i::%02i::%02i"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%02i:%02i:%02i"
#: ../gtk-glade/incall_view.c:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "<b>Call ended.</b>"
msgstr "Hovor skončil."
msgstr "<b>Hovor skončil.</b>"
#: ../gtk-glade/loginframe.c:40
#, fuzzy, c-format
#, c-format
msgid "Please enter login information for %s"
msgstr "Prosím, zadejte svoje heslo pro doménu %s:"
msgstr "Prosím, zadejte své přihlašovací jméno pro %s:"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "#"
......@@ -406,14 +403,12 @@ msgid "<b>Contact list</b>"
msgstr "<b>Seznam kontaktů</b>"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "<b>Terminate call</b>"
msgstr "Ukončit hovor"
msgstr "<b>Ukončit hovor</b>"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "<b>Welcome !</b>"
msgstr "<b>Obraz</b>"
msgstr "<b>Vítejte!</b>"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "A"
......@@ -424,6 +419,8 @@ msgid ""
"Fiber Channel"
msgstr ""
"Fiber Channel"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid ""
......@@ -435,7 +432,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Assistant"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Průvodce"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Audio & Video"
......@@ -466,14 +463,12 @@ msgid "Digits"
msgstr "Číslice"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Informace"
msgstr "Délka"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Duration:"
msgstr "Informace"
msgstr "Délka:"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Enable self-view"
......@@ -481,21 +476,19 @@ msgstr "Zobrazovat sám sebe"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Enter username, phone number, or full sip address"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Zadejte uživatelské jméno, telefonní číslo nebo plnou sipovou adresu"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "In call"
msgstr "Příchozí hovor"
msgstr "Telefonuje se"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Internet connection:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Připojení k Internetu:"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Login information"
msgstr "Informace o kontaktu"
msgstr "Informace o přihlášení"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Lookup:"
......@@ -503,30 +496,27 @@ msgstr "Hledat:"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Main view"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hlavní zobrazení"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Mute"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ztlumit"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "My current identity:"
msgstr "Moje současná totožnost:"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo:"
msgstr "Heslo"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "SIP address or phone number:"
msgstr "Zde zadejte SIP adresu nebo telefonní číslo"
msgstr "SIP adresa nebo telefonní číslo:"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show current call"
msgstr "Současný hovor"
msgstr "Zobrazit současný hovor"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Start call"
......@@ -537,23 +527,20 @@ msgid "Terminate call"
msgstr "Ukončit hovor"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Uživatelské jméno:"
msgstr "Uživatelské jméno"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Linphone"
msgstr "Linphone"
msgstr "_Linphone"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "_Modes"
msgstr "Reži_my"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "gtk-connect"
msgstr "Připojeno"
msgstr ""
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "gtk-find"
......@@ -563,6 +550,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "in"
msgstr "ve"
# XXX: Dummy string. Make it not translatable or use real message
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "label"
msgstr ""
......@@ -738,9 +726,8 @@ msgid "<b>Default identity</b>"
msgstr "<b>Implicitní totožnost</b>"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "<b>Language</b>"
msgstr "<b>Použití IPv6</b>"
msgstr "<b>Jazyk</b>"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "<b>NAT and Firewall</b>"
......@@ -815,9 +802,8 @@ msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Zakázat"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Pryč"
msgstr "Hotovo"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Download speed limit in Kbit/sec:"
......@@ -897,7 +883,7 @@ msgstr "Nastavit MTU (největší přenositelná zpráva):"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nastavení"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Stun server:"
......@@ -916,9 +902,8 @@ msgid "Use IPv6 instead of IPv4"
msgstr "Používat IPv6 místo IPv4"
#: ../gtk-glade/
#, fuzzy
msgid "User interface"
msgstr "Uživatelské jméno:"
msgstr "Uživatelské rozhraní"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Video RTP/UDP:"
......@@ -986,7 +971,7 @@ msgstr "Linphone"
#: ../gtk-glade/
msgid "Please wait"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Prosím, čekejte"
#: ../coreapi/linphonecore.c:194
#, c-format
......@@ -1021,7 +1006,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Od: %s\n"
"Pro: %s\n"
"Stav: %s\n"
"Trvání: %i min %i s\n"
"Délka: %i min %i s\n"
#: ../coreapi/linphonecore.c:234
msgid "Outgoing call"
......@@ -1294,9 +1279,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Měla by mít tvar sip:uživatel@proxydoména, například"
#: ../coreapi/proxy.c:634
#, fuzzy, c-format
#, c-format
msgid "Could not login as %s"
msgstr "Nelze najít soubor s obrázkem: %s"
msgstr "Nelze se přihlásit jako %s"
#: ../mediastreamer2/src/alaw.c:144 ../mediastreamer2/src/alaw.c:162
msgid "ITU-G.711 alaw encoder"
......@@ -1381,7 +1366,7 @@ msgstr "Svobodný a úžasný kodek speex"
#: ../mediastreamer2/src/msvolume.c:355 ../mediastreamer2/src/msvolume.c:370
msgid "A filter that controls and measure sound volume"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Filtr, který měří a řídí hlasitost zvuku"
#: ../mediastreamer2/src/msv4l.c:1009
msgid "A video4linux compatible source filter to stream pictures."
......@@ -1490,7 +1475,6 @@ msgstr ""
"RFC 2190."
#: ../mediastreamer2/src/videoenc.c:718
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The snow codec is royalty-free and is open-source. \n"
"It uses innovative techniques that makes it one of most promising video "
......@@ -1499,9 +1483,10 @@ msgid ""
"versions cannot be guaranteed."
msgstr ""
"Kodek snow není zatížen poplatky a má otevřený zdrojový kód.\n"
"Využívá průkopnické techniky, které jej činí jedním z nejlepších video "
"Využívá průkopnické techniky, které jej činí jedním z nejslibnějších video "
"kodeků. Je implementován v projektu ffmpeg.\n"
"Avšak se stále vyvíjí a kompatibilita s ostatními verzemi není zaručena."
"Avšak stále se vyvíjí, je trochu nestabilní a kompatibilita s ostatními "
"verzemi není zaručena."
#: ../mediastreamer2/src/videoout.c:904 ../mediastreamer2/src/videoout.c:922
msgid "A generic video display"
......@@ -1527,14 +1512,15 @@ msgstr "Filtr ICE"
#: ../mediastreamer2/src/void.c:35 ../mediastreamer2/src/void.c:52
msgid "A filter that trashes its input (useful for terminating some graphs)."
msgstr ""
"Filtr, který zahazuje svůj vstup (užitečné na zakončení některých grafů)."
#: ../mediastreamer2/src/equalizer.c:337 ../mediastreamer2/src/equalizer.c:355
msgid "Parametric sound equalizer."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Parametrický ekvalizér zvuku."
#: ../mediastreamer2/src/
msgid "A webcam grabber based on directshow."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Snímač kamer postavený na directshow."
#~ msgid "Homepage"
#~ msgstr "Domovská stránka"
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