Commit 7bae1bd5 authored by Morten Johan Sørvig's avatar Morten Johan Sørvig
Browse files

wasm: hide canvas text caret

Another side effect of setting contenteditable on the
canvas. Seen on Firefox.

Change-Id: I789ba4d7e6fbbdbf14b66fe1ae57183ec04e04bb
Reviewed-by: default avatarLorn Potter <>
Showing with 2 additions and 1 deletion
......@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ function QtLoader(config)
// Set contentEditable in order to enable clipboard events; hide the resulting focus frame.
canvas.contentEditable = true; = "0px solid transparent"; = "transparent"; = "default";
return canvas;
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
/* The contenteditable property is set to true for the canvas in order to support
clipboard events. Hide the resulting focus frame and set the cursor back to
the default cursor. */
canvas { outline: 0px solid transparent; cursor:default }
canvas { outline: 0px solid transparent; caret-color: transparent; cursor:default }
<body onload="init()">
Supports Markdown
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