Commit 0e0f656f authored by Thiago Macieira's avatar Thiago Macieira Committed by Lars Knoll
Browse files

Mark the previously public qstringalgorithms.h functions private

Discussed during Qt Contributor Summit 2017. We concluded that we don't
want to make these functions public, as they do not follow Qt coding
style API. Specifically,

   qStartsWith(a, b)

is not easily understood which argument is the needle and which argument
is the haystack (same problem memcpy() has). Compare that to


which can clearly be read in English as a subject-verb-object sentence.

This commit removes the unit tests that called compare().


Change-Id: Icaa86fc7b54d4b368c0efffd14ee6205eb9043fb
Reviewed-by: default avatarFriedemann Kleint <>
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