Commit 6c75857c authored by Oswald Buddenhagen's avatar Oswald Buddenhagen
Browse files

configure: mention quoting requirements in the help text

Change-Id: Id79548b8458dfa25fef17cb25688738bb719e7c5
Reviewed-by: default avatarThiago Macieira <>
Showing with 6 additions and 0 deletions
......@@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ ICU_PREFIX=/opt/icu42 ICU_LIBS="-licui18n -licuuc -licudata".
It is also possible to manipulate any QMAKE_* variable, to amend the values
from the mkspec for the build of Qt itself, e.g., QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-g3.
Note that the *_LIBS* and QMAKE_* assignments manipulate lists, so items
containing meta characters (spaces in particular) need to be quoted according
to qmake rules. On top of that, the assignments as a whole need to be quoted
according to shell rules. It is recommended to use single quotes for the inner
quoting and double quotes for the outer quoting.
Top-level installation directories:
-prefix <dir> ...... The deployment directory, as seen on the target device.
[/usr/local/Qt-$QT_VERSION, $PWD if -developer-build]
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