Commit a5810375 authored by Andy Shaw's avatar Andy Shaw
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CoreText: Add Apple Symbols as a fallback to cover some symbols

Since braille characters are not included in Apple Unicode MS, we
extend the fallback to include Apple Symbols to cover those too.

Task-number: QTBUG-63510
Change-Id: I3977f1f9b7370a9fe9cfde643c86518e006c050a
Reviewed-by: default avatarKonstantin Ritt <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarEskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <>
Showing with 19 additions and 18 deletions
......@@ -507,6 +507,23 @@ static QString familyNameFromPostScriptName(NSString *psName)
static void addExtraFallbacks(QStringList *fallbackList)
#if defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
// Since we are only returning a list of default fonts for the current language, we do not
// cover all unicode completely. This was especially an issue for some of the common script
// symbols such as mathematical symbols, currency or geometric shapes. To minimize the risk
// of missing glyphs, we add Arial Unicode MS as a final fail safe, since this covers most
// of Unicode 2.1.
if (!fallbackList->contains(QStringLiteral("Arial Unicode MS")))
fallbackList->append(QStringLiteral("Arial Unicode MS"));
// Since some symbols (specifically Braille) are not in Arial Unicode MS, we
// add Apple Symbols to cover those too.
if (!fallbackList->contains(QStringLiteral("Apple Symbols")))
fallbackList->append(QStringLiteral("Apple Symbols"));
QStringList QCoreTextFontDatabase::fallbacksForFamily(const QString &family, QFont::Style style, QFont::StyleHint styleHint, QChar::Script script) const
......@@ -534,16 +551,7 @@ QStringList QCoreTextFontDatabase::fallbacksForFamily(const QString &family, QFo
#if defined(Q_OS_OSX)
// Since we are only returning a list of default fonts for the current language, we do not
// cover all unicode completely. This was especially an issue for some of the common script
// symbols such as mathematical symbols, currency or geometric shapes. To minimize the risk
// of missing glyphs, we add Arial Unicode MS as a final fail safe, since this covers most
// of Unicode 2.1.
if (!fallbackList.contains(QStringLiteral("Arial Unicode MS")))
fallbackList.append(QStringLiteral("Arial Unicode MS"));
extern QStringList qt_sort_families_by_writing_system(QChar::Script, const QStringList &);
fallbackList = qt_sort_families_by_writing_system(script, fallbackList);
......@@ -584,14 +592,7 @@ QStringList QCoreTextFontDatabase::fallbacksForFamily(const QString &family, QFo
fallbackList.append(QLatin1String("Apple Color Emoji"));
// Since we are only returning a list of default fonts for the current language, we do not
// cover all unicode completely. This was especially an issue for some of the common script
// symbols such as mathematical symbols, currency or geometric shapes. To minimize the risk
// of missing glyphs, we add Arial Unicode MS as a final fail safe, since this covers most
// of Unicode 2.1.
if (!fallbackList.contains(QStringLiteral("Arial Unicode MS")))
fallbackList.append(QStringLiteral("Arial Unicode MS"));
fallbackLists[styleLookupKey.arg(fallbackStyleHint)] = fallbackList;
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