Commit 8de2986a authored by Thiago Macieira's avatar Thiago Macieira
Browse files

tst_QDBusMarshall: make sure we compile on linked, old dbus

If we're linking to libdbus-1, qdbus_symbols_p.h #includes dbus/dbus.h,
which may be old and not #define the Unix FD macros. tst_QDBusMarshall
had the definition for one of the macros but not the other, so add the
missing second one.

Change-Id: Id69569111e7d4e619e22ffff144c35edcd6f348b
Reviewed-by: default avatarFrederik Gladhorn <>
Showing with 5 additions and 3 deletions
......@@ -41,6 +41,11 @@
#include <QtDBus/private/qdbusconnection_p.h>
#include <QtDBus/private/qdbus_symbols_p.h>
# define DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD int('h')
static const char serviceName[] = "org.qtproject.autotests.qpong";
static const char objectPath[] = "/org/qtproject/qpong";
static const char *interfaceName = serviceName;
......@@ -1088,9 +1093,6 @@ static bool canSendUnixFd(DBusConnection *connection)
can_send_type = (can_send_type_t)qdbus_resolve_conditionally("dbus_connection_can_send_type");
# define DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD int('h')
return can_send_type && can_send_type(connection, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD);
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