Commit eba979f6 authored by Oliver Wolff's avatar Oliver Wolff Committed by Jani Heikkinen
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WinRT: Do not try to cancel IO for udp sockets on socket close

As the functionality is not available for udp sockets trying to
call it will cause a crash on socket close.

Task-number: QTBUG-53424
Change-Id: Id80b36a248d12bf360135b2374c0a0efdab3a1f0
Reviewed-by: default avatarMaurice Kalinowski <>
Showing with 12 additions and 10 deletions
......@@ -458,17 +458,19 @@ void QNativeSocketEngine::close()
#if _MSC_VER >= 1900
// To close the connection properly (not with a hard reset) all pending read operation have to
// be finished or cancelled. The API isn't available on Windows 8.1 though.
ComPtr<IStreamSocket3> socket3;
hr = d->tcpSocket()->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&socket3));
if (d->socketType == QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket) {
// To close the connection properly (not with a hard reset) all pending read operation have to
// be finished or cancelled. The API isn't available on Windows 8.1 though.
ComPtr<IStreamSocket3> socket3;
hr = d->tcpSocket()->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&socket3));
ComPtr<IAsyncAction> action;
hr = socket3->CancelIOAsync(&action);
hr = QWinRTFunctions::await(action);
ComPtr<IAsyncAction> action;
hr = socket3->CancelIOAsync(&action);
hr = QWinRTFunctions::await(action);
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1900
if (d->readOp) {
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