Commit 3fe645ec authored by Allan Sandfeld Jensen's avatar Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Browse files

Optimize set color component in RGBA64

After the removal of direct access through type punning,
the direct color setters can be better optimized.

Change-Id: Icaa5b1f8c8fe90863dd42fa4dfb5a2998c273465
Reviewed-by: default avatarGunnar Sletta <>
Showing with 9 additions and 9 deletions
......@@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ public:
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR quint16 green() const { return rgba >> GreenShift; }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR quint16 blue() const { return rgba >> BlueShift; }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR quint16 alpha() const { return rgba >> AlphaShift; }
void setRed(quint16 _red) { *this = fromRgba64(_red, green(), blue(), alpha()); }
void setGreen(quint16 _green) { *this = fromRgba64(red(), _green, blue(), alpha()); }
void setBlue(quint16 _blue) { *this = fromRgba64(red(), green(), _blue, alpha()); }
void setAlpha(quint16 _alpha) { *this = fromRgba64(red(), green(), blue(), _alpha); }
void setRed(quint16 _red) { rgba = (rgba & ~(Q_UINT64_C(0xffff) << RedShift)) | (quint64(_red) << RedShift); }
void setGreen(quint16 _green) { rgba = (rgba & ~(Q_UINT64_C(0xffff) << GreenShift)) | (quint64(_green) << GreenShift); }
void setBlue(quint16 _blue) { rgba = (rgba & ~(Q_UINT64_C(0xffff) << BlueShift)) | (quint64(_blue) << BlueShift); }
void setAlpha(quint16 _alpha) { rgba = (rgba & ~(Q_UINT64_C(0xffff) << AlphaShift)) | (quint64(_alpha) << AlphaShift); }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR quint8 red8() const { return div_257(red()); }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR quint8 green8() const { return div_257(green()); }
......@@ -161,16 +161,16 @@ public:
static Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR quint64 alphaMask() { return quint64(0xffff) << AlphaShift; }
static Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR quint64 alphaMask() { return Q_UINT64_C(0xffff) << AlphaShift; }
static Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR uint div_257_floor(uint x) { return (x - (x >> 8)) >> 8; }
static Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR uint div_257(uint x) { return div_257_floor(x + 128); }
static Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR uint div_65535(uint x) { return (x + (x>>16) + 0x8000U) >> 16; }
Q_DECL_RELAXED_CONSTEXPR QRgba64 unpremultiplied_32bit() const
const quint16 a = alpha();
if (a == 0xffff || a == 0)
if (isOpaque() || isTransparent())
return *this;
const quint32 a = alpha();
const quint16 r = (quint32(red()) * 0xffff + a/2) / a;
const quint16 g = (quint32(green()) * 0xffff + a/2) / a;
const quint16 b = (quint32(blue()) * 0xffff + a/2) / a;
......@@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ private:
Q_DECL_RELAXED_CONSTEXPR QRgba64 unpremultiplied_64bit() const
const quint16 a = alpha();
if (a == 0xffff || a == 0)
if (isOpaque() || isTransparent())
return *this;
const quint64 a = alpha();
const quint64 fa = (Q_UINT64_C(0xffff00008000) + a/2) / a;
const quint16 r = (red() * fa + 0x80000000) >> 32;
const quint16 g = (green() * fa + 0x80000000) >> 32;
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