Commit 1fb3273c authored by Gabriel de Dietrich's avatar Gabriel de Dietrich Committed by Jani Heikkinen
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Detect and set Xcode 6.3 clang version

This becomes necessary to avoid compilation errors with
Xcode 7 and clang 7.0.0. (Note that its version information
doesn't state which LLVM version it's based on, though we
suspect it could be 3.7.0svn.)

Change-Id: I2bfc7f2b73ca7a61798b123cc2715037028f0e5f
Reviewed-by: default avatarThiago Macieira <>
Showing with 3 additions and 1 deletion
......@@ -155,7 +155,9 @@
/* Clang also masquerades as GCC */
# if defined(__apple_build_version__)
# /* */
# if __apple_build_version__ >= 6000051
# if __apple_build_version__ >= 6020049
# define Q_CC_CLANG 306
# elif __apple_build_version__ >= 6000051
# define Q_CC_CLANG 305
# elif __apple_build_version__ >= 5030038
# define Q_CC_CLANG 304
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