Commit 71ed74e7 authored by Paul Olav Tvete's avatar Paul Olav Tvete Committed by Giuseppe D'Angelo
Browse files

Allow empty string as intermediate match

QRegularExpressionValidator and QRegularExpression disagree on what a
partial match means.

[ChangeLog][QtGui][QRegularExpressionValidator] Allow empty string as
intermediate match

Change-Id: Ia6c55beb54870b1be5c88b6ef3eceebc8ca3f86b
Reviewed-by: default avatarGiuseppe D'Angelo <>
Showing with 4 additions and 1 deletion
......@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ QValidator::State QRegularExpressionValidator::validate(QString &input, int &pos
const QRegularExpressionMatch m = d->usedRe.match(input, 0, QRegularExpression::PartialPreferCompleteMatch);
if (m.hasMatch()) {
return Acceptable;
} else if (m.hasPartialMatch()) {
} else if (input.isEmpty() || m.hasPartialMatch()) {
return Intermediate;
} else {
pos = input.size();
......@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ void tst_QRegularExpressionValidator::validate_data()
QTest::newRow("data14") << QRegularExpression("\\w\\d\\d") << QString("E5") << QValidator::Intermediate;
QTest::newRow("data15") << QRegularExpression("\\w\\d\\d") << QString("+9") << QValidator::Invalid;
QTest::newRow("emptystr1") << QRegularExpression("[T][e][s][t]") << QString("") << QValidator::Intermediate;
QTest::newRow("emptystr2") << QRegularExpression("[T][e][s][t]") << QString() << QValidator::Intermediate;
QTest::newRow("empty01") << QRegularExpression() << QString() << QValidator::Acceptable;
QTest::newRow("empty02") << QRegularExpression() << QString("test") << QValidator::Acceptable;
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